Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1793: The Watcher in the Dark (9)

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The three of them opened the distance, and the two dragon knights had no idea of ​​fleeing. Because the opportunity has been lost, the time is earlier, the other dragon rider has not died, or there is still a giant dragon alive, which can create a chance for them to escape. When gray-black clouds appeared, and the sky suddenly began to glow with aurora-like silvery white light, the situation took a turn for the worse. Perhaps at that time, if you discover the surrounding changes earlier, you can still change the final result. But now, the two can't think of a way to survive.

"Although it is not interesting, you at least did not make me feel bored. As a thank you for staying with me these days, Palitzer, as the top dragon knight, is probably considered to be your hard work and want to become You must not reach his height at the time, but here, I can let you feel the situation and treatment he faced when fighting with him." The voice became more serious, as a kind reminder to the enemy, Li Su Man also had the purpose of using the two as experimenters to test whether his use in the field of giant whale power could increase after a long time.

Li Suman raised his right hand. In the sight of the bio-inductive stress field, his raised right hand seemed to have completely turned into substantial light. A silver-white beam of light burst out from there, and it was connected to the clouds in an instant. Li Suman became a strong source of light in this area in the next moment, and countless silver-white rays with the thickness of his thumb shot towards the surroundings. On the ground, a layer of hoarfrost appeared out of thin air, directly covering this area.

At this moment, the other two rushed from a distance. But the closer to Li Suman, whether it is the ground or the space within a small area, it seems that the essence has changed. They can easily break through the speed of sound as if they are entering some kind of extremely dense buffer. At the same time as the speed drops sharply, the bio-inductive stress field used by the body protection cannot defend the low-temperature force field around Li Suman. Seeing that a layer of hoarfrost began to appear on their body, the skin felt cold, and the two had to retreat.

And it was this short time, when the two stood in the distance, the silver-white glow of the aurora in the sky had completely disappeared. Lost at the same time, there are also the howling gusts of wind, and the snow fluttering all over the sky. When the light began to brighten, the gray-black clouds seemed to be visually thinner.

The air suddenly became static, and the transmission of sound seemed to be affected, and it began to blur.

The two dragon riders stood together at this moment, just simply looking around, only to find that nearly ten kilometers away, a silver-white, as if a high wall made of clouds had connected the ground with the gray-black clouds, and rolled into a radius of ten thousand. The round shape of meters completely seals off this area.

It was as if a huge eye of the storm had landed here. As Li Suman slid down his right hand, the ring-shaped silver-white high wall of the eye of the storm began to rotate and quickly gathered. Just blinking an eye, the entire huge rotating storm eye shrank to the size of a few hundred meters in diameter, turning into a real hurricane, enclosing the two dragon riders. In the next moment, as the silver-white hurricane connecting the sky and the ground continued to shrink, the body began to twist like a steel cable.

There was a roar from the hurricane. When a light blue light penetrated the hurricane and emitted a weak point, the entire hurricane had shrunk and twisted to several meters in size. After a breath, the entire hurricane condensed into a curved light path, like a glare of lightning shot down from a high altitude, and the "bang" suddenly dissipated invisible.

"If you don't continue to complete the final assimilation and fusion, you will never be able to achieve the desired intensity. It's just that the last step is the gap between yourself and the crazy girl, so you don't have to think about it." Li Suman said. There is a pity in the self-talk. The violent wind filled the entire space again with cold and sharp snowflakes at this time. Li Suman looked around, and there was no longer anything on the ground. The roots of ancient trees also turned into ashes, or debris.

The corpses of the three dragon knights and the three dragons could not resist the low temperature close to absolute zero created by this blow. Flesh and armor, etc., have all become fragments. The only thing left is three weapons made of ultra-extreme alloys with different styles, and the three-headed dragon is incompletely broken, like bone fragments filled with holes after refining. The fact that they have not completely turned into tiny pieces indicates that the extremely metal components contained in them are relatively rich.

Li Suman just took three alloy weapons as trophies. After all, it is also the ultimate alloy, not a metal that can be refined and manufactured in any factory. As for the remaining keel fragments, Li Suman had no idea. It's just that the ultimate alloy contains more ingredients. In fact, after extracting it, the ultimate metal that can be obtained will not exceed one percent of the tip of the little finger, or even less.

Some resources, like extreme metals, can only rely on a large number of huge factories and continuous breeding of dragons, slowly accumulating numbers over time, and finally reaching a considerable stock. Because the refining of the ultimate metal, the consumption of raw materials, equipment, processes, and energy, it is not simply a matter of putting resources down, you can immediately set up a factory, and a few months later you can get the desired finished products and quantities.

"The giant whale sent the frozen gas here..." Li Suman walked, turning her head to look towards the endless sea, "is the crazy girl knowing that she can't rush over, let the giant whale help?"

"However, neither Macquarie nor Hilda can use the power of the giant whale. Besides Macquarie, there are only two or three people who know that I can use it. And even if they know it, Recently. At that time, the mad girl had already gone into the endless sea. So it was definitely not for me."

"Kasia?" The last words were full of doubts, but also curious and full of interest.


"In addition to Cassia, there is another person. Do you have an impression?" In the depths of the endless sea, two giant whales emerged from the water, shaped like moving islands, and the dark color can swallow the light.

"It has appeared in the endless sea and the tundra. It should have been in contact with other races in that area. Are the surrogate humans who signed the agreement? You can ask for details later."

"But just now, Cassia almost connected our spirits, and the world tree root system did respond. UU Reading is the same as the previous few times, and it is not much different from those in history. It is already certain that it has already started to act. Although it has been in imprisonment for a long time, it has already been integrated with the imprisonment, but instead allows it to use the effects of the world tree itself."

"Perhaps it is precisely because of this, and it also understands that even if the imprisonment is lost because of the disappearance of the world's restrictions. That body will be liberated soon, but it does not have the power of the mythical period. The huge size comes to it. Saying that it would be a restriction, just like us, things on the land cannot be interfered at all. Therefore, it is so urgent that it needs a suitable human body to be used as a second carrier."

"The extreme sea vortex is already on the verge of losing control. The group also issued a gathering order not long ago, and we will have to rush over soon. At that time, we will know more information. But now, we can only do These. Although there are other people of the same kind from Eleanor who took her back, you also sensed that someone was waiting there on the way. And the World Tree root network is active several times, which is also its ability. As its second. Carrier, it will not tolerate failure."

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