Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1797: The Watcher in the Dark (13)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! It fell on the ground behind the team, and when the surrounding frost and powder caused by the landing had subsided almost, the lights of a few lamps deliberately made not so bright illuminate the faces of more than 30 people. Cassia had already untied the fixed rope, letting Cassiehe lie on the ground very quietly, waiting for these people to carry away the materials they brought.

After three rounds, when the last box containing bullets was carried and left, a member came over and told Cassia that he was in a fortification on the line of defense. For more than half an hour, the discussion meeting there ended. .

Cassia thanks for this information. He moved aside for several kilometers with Cassiehei, until there was no breath of human operators around, and then stopped. Simply said something to Cassiehei, and Cassia circled it a few times. There are many inappropriate places in the armor that was stripped off from the body, but it didn't affect much. The weapon modules are all in a damaged state, and there is no idea to restore them, so all the excess parts are cut off to reduce the load. After checking the current state of Cassiehei, Cassia thought about it when she left, or took a solid red mercury slice from her body and threw it into Cassiehei's huge mouth.

Cassie Black doesn’t understand the danger in the future, and Cassia can’t find a good way to make it understand. He can only feed a few more solid red mercury slices, hoping to keep Cassie Black in a more feasible mental state. .

Back to the fortifications, there were still more than ten minutes, so Cassia circled around.

The snow was cleared, and the exposed ground was dark and hard. In order to carry heavy equipment and weapons, the "roads" stepped on temporarily have been sparsely hung with dim light fixtures, winding among the ancient trees, until they reach under the two airships. Almost half of the members walked back and forth on these simple trails, speeding up the transportation of various materials, so that the airship could rise to high altitude and leave as soon as possible.

Cassia saw a heavy machine gun with a cooling system, a fixed artillery launcher, and some unassembled spiral barrels for launching small-caliber shells. Because this is the target end of most ground teams, except for individual teams that will continue to deepen, they will only defend here, or retreat, and no longer advance. Therefore, we will try our best to build a fortress that is not easy to break in a short time within a limited time. The dozen or so seat-mounted cannons that require three-stage surgeons to carry together may be the most powerful weapon prepared for defense. Thirty millimeters of caliber, triple gun barrels, and equipped with cooling devices, matching ammunition boxes piled in small piles on the side. The fortifications are also specially built in accordance with the model of the war period, and will not cause a lot of water to accumulate due to heavy rain.

The defense of the fortifications is not only based on local materials, but also relying on a large amount of soil and ancient tree trunks. In some parts that will be attacked by fire, there will be alloy steel plates as interlayers, which are fixed in the compacted soil.

The two cruiser-class airships are completely two mobile warehouses with abundant reserves. And for this incident in the southern forest, the analysis agencies in the big family also expected most of what would happen. Therefore, some basic things are also prepared for the materials used for the construction of fortifications.

The entire defensive line that spreads horizontally is roughly in the shape of an arc, and it took more than half an hour for Cassia to walk around. There are busy figures everywhere, but fortunately there are no ordinary members here, and the huge workload is not too heavy for the whole team.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, the entire defensive line became quieter. During this period, a section of the defensive line had been hail for more than ten minutes. At that time, two fist-sized ice cubes approached an adult, smashing a large number of ancient branches and leaves.

"The wind has begun to rise." On the quieter corner of the defense line, Ji and Cassia stood under the dimly lit lamps. "According to the model calculations, there will be strong winds tomorrow morning. The heavy rain will suddenly come at some point in the afternoon. Continue, until it is close to two weeks, there will be a weakening trend."

"This time it may be different." Thinking of the denser freezing air in the gray and black clouds, Cassia said, "Precautions should be taken to prevent cold, especially weapons and equipment. The strength of the team members is very good, after all. Three-stage surgery. But it is not a bad thing to have an early warning of the cold weather that may come suddenly in the future."

He looked over and didn't ask more. He thought of the frozen pieces of old trees that he saw in the clearing last night, and said seriously that he would remind the team members later. Cassia always knows some extra information, which the hacker has become accustomed to.

"The end of most teams is here. There will not be many teams with the enemy's joint base as the end. The main force to attack there is still Mr. Cassia yourself." He took the words and said that the two will act afterwards. "The two teams that have already set off have already gone near the enemy joint base. There are so many secret sentries and guard points around, they can no longer move forward. The news that comes back is limited, because there may be high-level surgeons in the joint base. , They did not dare to act rashly. Now they are stepping back and watching from a distance."

"The enemy's team has regular army soldiers, so the design and construction of the joint base are based on the standard wartime defensive form of fortress. The time for the enemy to enter the southern forest is much earlier than us. UU Read www. is a very complete base. Without a wide range of attacks, it is difficult to destroy the surrounding fortifications."

He then explained the information observed by the two teams. They are all superficial, partly based on judgments given by their own experience. As the enemy's main base, the difficulty of penetration can be imagined. Obtaining this information is also the result of taking great risks.

"Is there any better news?" Cassia directly asked for favorable information.

"The Joint Base doesn't seem to pay as much attention to the defense behind him." He replied, "This is only relative."

"Where are Mr. McGerry and the Empire Manoma? Is there the latest news?" Taking the simple map handed by the hacker, Cassia wrote the general structure of the enemy joint base in his head. "Then I will try to go around and rely on the dragon. The speed of this kind, the extra distance can not be regarded as very long."

"Maybe it's a trap, or maybe the location behind him facing the southern forest center is guarded by a special member." He said his worry, "As long as there is no latest news about Miss Ye Jielin spreading out in Manoma, even if the heavy rain comes. , I think it’s the best choice to keep waiting."

"I know that what we are discussing now is when news has spread."

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