Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1800: The Watcher in the Dark (16)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The sky is like an old-fashioned camera, flashing white light irregularly under the action of lightning. In the heavy rainstorm, the dense raindrops almost wanted to pull the line, and finally found a little gap by the strong wind, squeezed in it, making the raindrops have more powerful force, falling on the tree canopy and hitting a piece of "da da" sound.

The snow melts at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the snow and the already cold rain mixed together. At first, it had frozen into a layer of ice on part of the ground. In just a few minutes, all the snow and thin ice layer melted and dripped on the dark ground inside the forest.

A group of people wearing wild automatic mimicry costumes shuttled among the ancient trees. The formation of the team is not dense, and the standard number of members is fifty, and it looks sparse at the moment. The speed of advance is very fast, and the coming of the heavy rain has made them no longer cover up their footsteps, nor pay attention to the traces left behind. The rain will wash away all traces in a short time. The sound of a "da da" on the top of his head, like a small forging hammer, had already covered up the sound of footsteps, and couldn't tell the slightest. There was also the whistling wind passing by from time to time. The virgin forest environment under the heavy rain has already set up a curtain of mutual concealment by the force of nature.

All members of the team wear an alloy steel helmet that is different from the ordinary form. There are various slots and small screw holes on the helmet for convenient installation of various module components. At this moment, on all the helmets, according to their division of labor, various auxiliary combat modules have been fixed.

"Om,,," a short strange voice with good penetrating power, overwhelming the sound of rain and wind, reached the ears of all members of the team. Following the gestures of the captains of the teams, all fifty people were hidden behind the nearby ancient trees without taking half a breath. When the voice of "Om,,,," sounded again, fifty people quickly began to divide their work. A team of ten quickly rushed out from behind the old tree, taking out special tools, putting high-explosive mines in it, and then observing the surrounding terrain. With the distribution of the ancient trees, one of the mines has already been placed when the special tools are rotated and pulled out in a specific way by pushing downwards against several nodes.

Another squad took off the individual combat artillery that was wrapped in a rain-proof cloth behind it, and while retreating, it was loaded and calibrated at the same time. The rest of the members, those with heavy machine guns, found a place with a wide view. When they got down, they twisted their bodies like a catfish, causing the soil under them to separate like soft silt, and a few breaths took him whole." "Flooded" into the ground, leaving only one barrel of the gun, placed on top of the cross-current rainwater.

More people follow the training results that have already become instincts, some spread out, and some climb up the ancient trees like apes. Most of the members of the entire team took out a tinfoil-like thing at this moment, but it was thicker, like a thinned blanket, with a mimicry function on the same side. They either wrap themselves or cover them with weapons. Afterwards, while they set up their guns, they took out flash bombs or reinforced steel bombs and held them in their hands.

With the third "hum" sound, everyone has already selected the auxiliary module on the helmet. After that, all the movement disappeared with the sound of "hum", and it was all mixed into the rain.

In less than a minute, another team came from the front. The several nodes of planting landmines must not be afraid of the essence and have a wealth of practical experience. Along with the triggering of the mine, a large burst of light burst out in this small dark space. The explosion sounded one after another, followed by the sound of gunfire slightly overwhelming the sound of the raindrops. It just took less than a minute before and after, many mutilated corpses stained the ground red.

Accompanied by the gunshots of replenishing guns later, the cross-flowing rain quickly washed away the blood from the ground, leaving only a corpse that was quickly frozen to whiteness in place. In this environment, the effect of corrosive bacteria is very small. According to established practice, when the battle is over, whether it is one's own or an enemy, if possible, they will gather the corpses together, and use the small glass bottle of corrosive bacteria that everyone will have, so that the body becomes the nutrient of the forest, rather than change. The food in the mouth of the second category of post-formation organisms.

This team didn't stay longer, but spent a minute or two to replenish the consumption of ammunition from the enemy's corpse. Soon after, they disappeared completely and continued to move fast in the dim forest.

"A dozen more teams of this strength and quality, it's not impossible to change the situation a little bit." After that team left, two people rushed over from the back and stopped here for a while. The rain fell down from the canopy, but it could not touch the bodies of the two of them at all. When the distance was only ten centimeters, the rain was swallowed out of thin air.

"These are all elites selected from the army, and they all have actual combat experience, or are three-stage surgeons. How could there be a big picture here? I want to bring them together, there is no person with great power on it. It is impossible to secretly change the dispatching process with all kinds of information." General Pullman sighed, which reminded him of his past memories. And General Pullman was also surprised that the organization could allow big figures in the empire and military to help.

But when his thoughts turned, General Pullman got a headache when he thought that he was involved in the big event in which these characters were playing with each other because of the current holy emperor and Li Suman. If I was still in the empire, military department, or a star general, I would naturally not be afraid of this kind of thing, but would be willing to be involved in it, so that they would have a reason to know that the fists are big and hard, the caliber is thick, and the ammunition is large. And strong, it means to speak with a free voice.

But now, General Pullman no longer recalls. After leaving the military, it took him a long time before he forgot the thinking mode he had cultivated there and made himself ordinary.

"Why do you call us back again?" Adolf confided bitterness on the side. Fortunately, General Pullman was in exactly the same mood at the moment, and the two were considered to be on the same road.

"Why..." General Pullman said with a long tail. "It must be someone who has discovered something, or the latest information makes them feel that there may be a possibility of bad results in the future, so they must do their best to change. So as not to wait until someone comes back later and find yourself."

Adolf was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted: "We don't know anything. Lord Hongmang also said that he is Soriatu. Miss Tavier on your side, don't you say that he is just a stand-in, neither is there. Any relationship, it just looks alike."

General Pullman shook his head helplessly. He knew that Li Suman was also scared, and as Li Suman, if someone really got into trouble, other people would be fine, she would solve it by herself, and then show off to herself and let herself owe her a favor. But if the other party is a crazy girl, Li Suman promises to tell her name to the crazy girl.

"Don't think about too many useless things. Make sure that the teams around you move forward smoothly, and then drag the opposing high-level surgeons, even if they are the best we can do. As for how to completely win this event, UU Reading the book is naturally something Macquarie should consider and worry about. The priest Otto of the Far Frontier of the Holy Royal Hall can encircle them to death. Although I don’t know the specific details, since Otto is really dead, It means that our strength is not in an absolute disadvantaged position."

"Let's go..." General Pullman exclaimed. Of course, he still hadn't said any information, and that was Li Suman who had solved the three dragon knights alone. Including the three-headed dragon, that is a real six high-level combat power.

I can't express my feelings at the time with a big shock. General Pullman is just fortunate that after hiding in a small country to cultivate one's morality, whether it is his verbal attitude or the strength of his work, he will not be annoying.

After the two continued to follow the surrounding teams, they waited for the high-level battle to start. Not long before they moved forward, among the irregular white light of lightning, the two suddenly caught a faint red light.

Adolf is still thinking about what kind of thing this is, or what caused the explosion. General Pullman has already identified the direction and is ready to speed up.

"Keep up, it's about to start." General Pullman took a deep breath. Adolf may not be familiar with this kind of light. As Pullman who used to control the army, he can instantly reflect this light. It is owned by the red tube plane that will only be passively used during the war. "The determination of the Holy Royal Hall is really like this. So determined?"

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