Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1802: The Watcher in the Dark (18)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The Iron and Steel Steam and Flame Text Volume Chapter 1802, the Watcher in the Dark, Cassia did not give any reminder, directly relying on the swallowing method to forcibly invade and take over all control of Cassie Hei's body. The sense of familiarity has not changed, but it makes Cassia think that he is a dragon. After that, quickly flap the wings and change direction at the same time.

Black scales appeared on his body, and red lines had gathered on Cassia's chest. Controlling Cassie Hei’s rotation in mid-air, Cassia found a gap and opportunity. A thousand-meter-long blazing white breath could compete with lightning for light, like a ray-like solid beam of light, pulled apart in the forest below. .

The steam that evaporates from the rain is like a giant snake floating above the forest. It has the meaning of struggling. It is shattered into fragments by the rain curtain immediately above and disappears invisible.

The next moment, Cassiehei's huge body directly broke through the rain and air, and when he rushed forward, he had already made his body close to the surging tree canopy, and then the whole body sank into the forest. At the same time, the red lines on the black scales were quickly swallowed up by the white fine lines. Countless white cold air originated from Cassia on his spine. When the layers of frost, a large amount of freezing gas also spread out suddenly. As Kassihei progressed, a broad ice belt spread out inside the forest, almost parallel to the unextinguished line of fire caused by the breath just now, and quickly expanded to one or two kilometers away.

The time and trajectory are still being calculated quickly in his head. Cassia, who has taken over Cassie's body, has landed inside the forest and is running on all fours. The freezing air continued to expand, causing a burst of white mist composed of frost and powder to rise in this area, and a large amount of rain fell from the canopy. After touching the invisible freezing air, it immediately condensed into ice and fell.

Returning control of Cassiehei's body, Cassia wanted to step up time to dig a hole behind an ancient tree, but he keenly sensed the sudden change in the direction of the violent wind. The next moment, before he could move, the explosion had already caused the ground to shake, and the dark red light erupting from the side ignored the distance, as if the space itself was of this color, flooding the surroundings with overflow.

In the long and low-frequency sound of "hum,,,,", the dense rain curtain and the squally wind were in disorder at the same time, forming a powerful turbulence and frantic surging. A shock wave dyed dark red began to spread, forming a wall made up of high-temperature superheated steam and rainwater. In the blink of an eye, it crossed the location of Cassia and continued to spread out in a hemispherical shape for a radius of several kilometers. , Emptied all the rainwater and rain curtain in it, and then gradually disappeared as the dark red light dissipated.

The air became dry and quiet, and the rushing Cassia and Cassiehe still had the high temperature brought by the shock wave, but for both of them covered the scales, a layer of frost was made in advance for protection. It's not hurt.

Ten seconds later, the disappearing gust of wind appeared and continued to whistle. It was nearly half a minute before the rain curtain on the high altitude once again filled the quiet space created by the explosion, causing the multiple tapping sounds of "Da Da" to reappear on the canopy.

Just the next moment, a cylindrical object with a diameter of up to two meters swings its tail, dragging a bright red tail, and falling from the sky like a meteorite, directly blasting off the ground, burrowing into the ground, and planting a dazzling white light to dark. A large red mushroom cloud comes.

Almost at the same time, Cassia and Cassie, who had gone thousands of meters in advance, broke through the canopy and lifted off again. In the rain curtain, the two mushroom clouds are still in the ascending stage. Although the dark red light is scattered, the disturbance of the surrounding atmosphere and the wave-like and distorted vibrations transmitted to the air by the rain curtain indicate that the destructive power of the explosion has not disappeared.

Back in the air, Cassia took advantage of Cassie's vision and perception, and could only catch the faint red light under the white light of lightning, twenty or thirty kilometers away. In the blink of an eye, the red dot has completely disappeared. Even if its characteristics are extremely distinctive, it can eventually be perfectly hidden in this heavy rain.

Cassia had no idea of ​​pursuing it, although he determined that after the explosion of the two giant anti-aircraft bombs, the threat of the red tube plane to Cassiehe had been minimized. At most, there will be less than four combat aerial bombs on its body and a 30-mm cannon. However, such a distance, coupled with the supersonic cruising speed of the red tube aircraft, does not exceed a see-saw distance of more than 100 kilometers, and there is no chance to see its general shape.

The red tube aircraft is another form of technological crystallization, and its status is much higher than that of battle armor in ground combat. It is a collection of top-notch technologies in steam power, materials science and biology. It is a kind of war machine used to deal with military airships in a single plane or in a team. It can break through the airship's air defense and tear its armor with firepower. If you want to destroy it, you can only compete for speed and endurance in a short period of time without a corresponding anti-aircraft bomb.

Moreover, the red tube plane can change its shape in a short time, the wings are folded into a complete shuttle shape, and the speed far exceeds the speed of sound under acceleration. At this moment, Cassie has no ability to catch up with it, let alone fight after catching up. Even in the air domain, dragons can be described as dominance, possessing speed and flexibility. But for the red tube aircraft, it also has a good value in terms of both capabilities.

A few minutes later, the mushroom cloud dissipated invisible in the heavy rain. Two craters with a diameter of more than one hundred meters have accumulated most of the muddy rainwater and become a pool of water. Hovering in the sky, smelling the little scent remaining in the air, Cassia smelled the red mercury in it.

The aerial bombs of the air-to-air giant ship are certainly not all solid red mercury components, and the main charge is still Regon. However, it has been mentioned in the courses of the military school that such powerful aerial bombs and explosives are all mixtures with many ingredients. It is an aerial bomb developed for airships, and its power must not be small. Although not comparable to the destructive power of solid red mercury explosions, UU Reading www., but Cassia calculated it, only resisted in a scaly state, even if it was not fatal, it could also lose the ability to move.

This is for himself, with the same situation as himself, currently Cassia only knows that number zero is feasible. Other surgeons were almost fatal within the scope of the explosion. For most surgeons, that shock wave of high temperature and high energy can cause them trouble.

However, anti-aircraft bombs mainly rely on thermal response to pursue targets. Because it is impossible for the airship to cool down the whole body. According to this feature, for dragons whose body temperature is proportional to age, this type of aerial bomb can be used without much modification. Not long ago, he would plow a line of fire in the forest with his breath, just to interfere with the judgment of the aerial bomb.

"Fortunately, I haven't gotten too deep." Cassia left the crater after circling a few times. Unless it is an ace pilot in the military, it is unlikely that the red tube aircraft will operate on its own. The enemy fleet did not appear, nor did they pursue themselves, and they were also afraid of the airship fleet behind them.

Although Cassia also has a way to deal with the red tube aircraft, it has not yet been implemented, and the intermediate process is also full of difficulties.

"The two giant dragons should be used in conjunction with the red tube plane to temporarily hinder me." Cassia knew that this short distance of several hundred kilometers would not go smoothly.

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