Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1804: The Watcher in the Dark (20)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Cassia no longer moved forward, but circled over a huge area of ​​forest. From time to time, go to the high altitude with Cassie Black to help collect the frozen air and increase the total amount of storage.

The initial guess was correct. Cold air is indeed like breath, a form of energy that cannot be described. The body can indeed store them, and the way Cassia has more associations. The storage of frozen air can only rely on the self's spiritual body to restrain it at the beginning, so that they will not immediately collapse and return to free frozen air in the air. When the icy air around him gathers to a certain extent, Cassia calls it the upper limit of concentration. When the upper limit of concentration is exceeded, the freezing air begins to erode the body.

This process is what happened when Cassiehe went to high altitude, very close to the clouds. The process was abnormally rapid, and Cassia had a reaction. When I wanted to stop it, the frozen air that reached a certain concentration had penetrated the skin and directly entered the flesh and blood. Then it was the same as the energy and heat flow of solid red mercury. Entering another set of energy circulation network that will appear when using the bio-inductive stress field; and the last small part is sinking into the body not known to Cassia, neither escapes, but it is not caught by Cassia. Found.

The decrease in body temperature seems to be a side effect of the intrusion of cold air into the body. But the blood flow rate remained the same, and the heartbeat did not accelerate. Under the current circumstances, Cassia completely regarded it as good news. Large-scale offensives, the red-tube aircraft fleet that may be encountered again in the future, and Dragon Knights, etc., all require this type of large-scale offensive method that consumes more. And if you are dealing with high-level surgery, the total amount of energy in your body is particularly important. The biological inductive stress field and the explosion of solid red mercury can be resisted, and there is definitely no problem in defending against attacks such as dragon breath.

"At present, in the enemy's intelligence system, through collection, guessing, and analysis, one's own information is roughly ascertained to about 70 to 80%. Almost none of the remaining intelligence can be used casually. Timing, play an appropriate role. Being able to store more frozen air before the battle, and achieve another change, will surely become an unexpected capability in the enemy's intelligence system."

The amount of frozen air in the clouds is extremely large, and Cassia knows very well that if he can find a way to guide it, it will definitely become an ability to change the situation. But the main reason is that Cassia can directly leapfrog his threat level and danger level, and only the small piece of uranium in his body is left. Frozen gas and uranium gold are both uncontrollable things, and Cassia will not mind taking on a high-risk thing.

Cassiehe’s trips to and from high altitudes become more frequent. After the cold air invades his body, Cassia feels that he has made a breakthrough in the giant whale method. It only takes time and accumulation in this environment to reach new heights. on.

Lightning connects the clouds and the forest around him, thunder blasts, and the rain curtain and the air vibrate. The short dark afternoon passed quickly. Soon, when there is no light from the lightning and the rain curtain can no longer be seen clearly, night officially comes. You can't feel the change of the rain curtain, it is like a water column connecting the sky and the earth, even if you increase the intensity, there will be no greater breakthrough in the senses.

The heavy rain indeed became stronger again. When Kassihei landed inside the forest, puddles were visible everywhere under the dim light of lightning. The turbid rainwater converges into countless streams, which flow to lower-lying places, converge into a river, generally toward the endless sea, and then merge into the sea.

Ice formation on the body from time to time, and the body temperature is below zero, which is also a troublesome thing.

Not long after, Cassia felt a slight vibration from the ground. The danger signal was produced quickly at this moment, and the sound was covered by the sound of rain and thunder, but the sixth sense still told Cassia that he needed to leave here as soon as possible.

Immediately after taking off with Cassie Hei, Cassia quickly flew towards the distance. But within half a minute, several huge bright red fireballs suddenly rose up behind him. Among them, dark red light penetrated through the rain curtain, dyeing a black cloud above the sky the same dark red.

The rain curtain was isolated by the impact. In the white light of lightning, the impact created a vacuum-like area with several hemispheres overlapping irregularly. As for the dark red light, Cassia remembered that it was the characteristic of a solid red mercury bomb. Then a red mushroom cloud far higher than the others stood up in the rain, confirming Cassia's judgment.

The impact transmitted makes the rain curtain look like a curtain in the breeze, giving birth to wavy lines. Cassia was quite far away from the explosion, and he could no longer feel any impact from the explosion.

At this moment, let Cassie black speed up, because the danger signal has not disappeared. While thinking about how the enemy captured his approximate position, Cassia was vigilant about the surrounding movement. After the attack in the afternoon, the enemy immediately improved various ammunition. At least the several air-to-air missiles that exploded just now, when Cassia lifted off, there was no obvious red light of Huitail.

The thunder bursts, the torrential rain is like a column, and the lightning keeps tearing apart the surrounding darkness, providing a brief light. With full access to Cassie's body control, Cassia mobilized his perception to the maximum range.

There was a deep sea of ​​cold and darkness all around, and there was nothing superfluous at all. The cold air spread silently on Kaxihei's body, forcibly lowering her body temperature. When a thick lightning twisted and fell in the distance, Cassia woke up suddenly, and Cassiehei's head suddenly lifted and looked at the gray clouds in the sky.

The wings instinctively speed up and fan, and the huge body that is about to go to 50 meters shows super high mobility. The surrounding raindrops were thrown into water mist by the high-pressure airflow generated by the double wings. Cassia controlled his body to circulate and moved nearly a hundred meters away. Then, it suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the high altitude. At the same time, a shining electric current with a diameter of nearly one meter took the clouds as its source out of thin air, piercing the location where Cassia was just now, and instantly blasting holes in the forest.

The current spread through the rain curtain, and even if Cassia and Cassie had gone hundreds of meters away, she could still feel a short tingling sensation in her body.

At the next moment, Cassia, who was close to two kilometers away in a breath, turned directly and dived towards the forest below. At the same time, in this world where there was only shining white light, the pitch-black clouds above the head are surging violently, like lava from a volcanic crater about to erupt.

There was a little bit of dark red in the black clouds. The dark red brightened rapidly, until a few seconds later, the clouds in this area were all dyed dark red. As the sound of "chichi" gradually overwhelmed the sound of wind, rain and thunder, burning aerial bombs impacted from the clouds, an unromantic meteor shower, squeezing the space of the rain screen to get closer. The number of 10,000, chased towards Cassia together.

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