Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1810: The Watcher in the Dark (26)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! "This restriction is just a small matter. If you want to end the battle quickly and reduce the risk of procrastination, your head is the best offensive point." Chilman didn't feel much worried about this. "We are also four stages. The surgeon is no longer specializing in combat. This time there are other extremely powerful members involved to help us complete the last link of the task..."

"How do I feel that something has changed when I say something. Let the unsuspecting people hear it, thinking that we are facing top geniuses at the same stage, it is all difficult and troublesome negative emotions." Speaking of the latter, Chilman couldn't help but laugh at himself. He felt that there was indeed a sense of misalignment between himself and Noroska and others.

The atmosphere in the tree house room was eased by these self-deprecating sentences, and Hilary Li and Nonoska both smiled. The task is approaching the last step, and it is the arrival of the critical moment, which really makes them nervous. Perhaps it was because I saw that the mission was about to end and I was able to get away from it. However, the three of them have different feelings deep in their hearts. Chilman is perhaps the one who feels the heaviest among them, while Noroska is in various contradictions. The remaining Hilary Li, with her female intuition, should have felt a bad omen, at this moment in doubt and endless speculation.

"I'm just afraid that something unexpected will happen to him when he meets Cassia." After smiling, there was a serious face, and Noroska drank wine. "At present, the dragon knights at the same stage are fully aware of it. There is no advantage. The zero number of the Saint Dorag Empire can only be said to barely maintain a balance with it. The Cassia he is facing definitely has reservations about him. After analyzing so much intelligence information, it is obvious that it is summarized. -Kassia is a person who is extremely good at hiding himself. His reasoning makes him know that in some unnecessary situations, as long as he doesn't touch the relationship of interests, he falls in the wind and suffers a loss, he can accept it indifferently."

"What I worry about is all based on this summary." Noroska looked at Chilman and reminded him, "Kassia would not know that in the process of rescuing Yejielin, he might encounter a four-stage operation. He must know it, and he is also fully prepared for it. The bio-inductive stress field is the biggest difference between the surgeon below the third stage and the advanced surgeon. As long as he has this kind of power, he can use it. It must have the possibility of harming us. It does need to be careful. We all know that Cassia is a monster. One of the nature and characteristics of monsters is that they are not understood and known by ordinary people."

The three of them fell into a silent silence. This kind of discussion topic has been held between them many, many times.

Hilary Lily spoke afterward, avoiding the topic that made people feel bad: "The group of students on the Venetian ocean-going ship has been screened and determined under the third stage. The number of students accounted for the total number of students. One-fourth of them are now arranged at base four."

"It's impossible to let them evacuate now. The airships in the Saint Royal Hall will not listen to our deployment, and use them to transport them to a small country or a place where the forest and the endless sea meet." Noroska said. "As far as possible, let them deal with logistical work, or strengthen the defense of the base. Physical work is still very friendly to them. As for the defense facilities of the base, even if we want to, the Holy Palace and the Flame Alliance people will not I am willing to entrust this kind of work to a group of second-stage surgeons."

"When recruiting members for the ocean-going ship Venetes, they had been to all schools in the country. These students themselves, or their families, all received the money and rewards they deserved. Although they The results will not be very good after that. The three-stage surgeons can't say that the region where they have survived stably, their lives are more fragile. But in the black market, they are all people who took the money, and the consequences must be their own Commitment. When the Venetus was recruited, these matters were clearly written in the explanation." Chilman said he was merciless. Among the three, he has the richest experience, and he has seen a lot of things in the dark world of the religious country.

"Hila Ruili just saw our own shadow in this group of students." Nonoska interjected. This is not the first time the two have had some differences of opinion because of this issue. "They are indeed still young. If they can, they can have a second choice. I think if they were closer to the mainland. If so, the members of the Ocean Exploration Team will also give us a chance to leave at that time."

"Hope, but this is something we only do when we have spare energy. Currently we don't have this energy." Chilman didn't want to discuss this issue too much. He said so in his mouth, but his own attitude was the same as that of Noroska. If he could, he could really spend some energy to let these young students live as much as possible. Just thinking of the scuffles that will occur in this area later, he didn't have much optimism.

Soon after, Lady Spider of the Flame Alliance and the black wolf came over. They need to discuss the general plan again after getting the latest information, as well as the details afterwards. Two captain-level figures from Yuanhai Common Country also rushed here one after another. In the end, an unexpected person also came here.

It was the serious man among the three captains led by the Flame League. Nonoska knew that his identity was not from the Flame Alliance, but from a member of the Nature Association, and his seriousness carried terrifying pressure. The serious man is the last guarantee of strength in the four stages.

During the discussion, the latest news came from the front, and the enemy airship fleet once again pressed forward for a certain distance and then stopped and stopped advancing. Those who stopped with one also included high-level surgeons on both sides. Only the battle lines of the ground teams are still spreading one after another, and the intensity is gradually increasing, and it has not been cooled by this heavy rain.

Regarding the female high-level surgeon wearing the alloy mask, that is, Li Suman, it was brought up by the people of the Flame Alliance during subsequent discussions. Only this time, led by the Nature Association, UU reading and the Moby Dick tribe of the Flame Alliance brought some necessary detailed information about the power of the giant whale through the deep blue realm. But for Nonoska and the others, the effect is no different than just a simple science explanation. Talking about how to deal with and solve it, it has to be the matter of the Holy Emperor Hall and the people from the country.

At the end of the discussion, when most of the people left, leaving only serious men, Nonoska asked about the Nature Association. The focus is on the support of the Nature Association in this incident. According to Nonoska's consideration, since the Holy See had sent a team including the Pope’s adjutant and the three knights of the three knights, the Nature Association should have the same configuration before it would appear normal.

"Maybe, maybe not." The serious man couldn't answer directly, or he didn't know it, "I only know a little information. The third generation of the Knights of the Saint-Dorrag Empire, Elena, was caught on the way back. Stop, and this matter is the sole responsibility of our Nature Association."

Nonoska immediately understood that the support of the Nature Society is a pope-level figure, and the pinnacle power beyond the five stages: "However, if the Nature Society has high-level surgeons to support, I hope you will be able to support you, sir. Time gives us this information. You know, many times, morale and the confidence that high-level surgeons bring to these people below can have unexpected effects."

"I will." The serious man nodded and agreed.

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