Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1812: The Watcher in the Dark (28)

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Entering the southern forest not long ago, those faint sights gave Cassia something. After contacting the fragments of the world tree in ancient history, and seeing those illusions, he believed that the new world tree absolutely possessed autonomous consciousness, knew his identity, and wanted to contact and communicate with himself.

And the illusion seen after touching the fragments of the World Tree, Cassia also roughly thinks that that time is different from the previous two. The first two times can be regarded as passive triggers. The illusion is like something that naturally exists there. No matter who touches it, you can see the same scene. But this time with the fragment of the world tree, Cassia is willing to believe that the new world tree is something specially prepared for him. It is meant to imply or use this illusion to give himself some important information.

The inner layer of the environment in the extreme area is different from the normal area. Cassia believes that the reaction of uranium and gold in the body can be regarded as normal. If the center of the southern forest is the starting point, this huge forest can be divided into several areas in the form of a circle. Cassia thought that he just walked through the transition zone between different regions, and the body adjusted itself and reacted normally.

However, Cassia was still vigilant, this small piece of uranium gold carried too many things on his body, and there should be no problems.

The southern forest under the torrential rain is just a black background board with invisible colors. You can't see or feel anything. Cassia hopes that the will of the new world tree can take the initiative to find himself, so that he can get the opportunity to communicate and trade with each other. When touching the fragments of the World Tree, those words kept Cacia's attention. I don't quite understand what his value is, but Cassia knows that for the new world tree, he has the value to trade.

"If the new world tree is willing to help myself..." Cassia couldn't help falling into a burst of unrealistic fantasy. He didn't know what form he would take as a plant life. From the limited information, Cassia felt that if Sekaiju was willing, there would definitely be many ways to achieve satisfactory results.

In the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, the plants that were eroded by radiation germs had some good ways of attacking.

Coming out of his thoughts, the blackness in front of him and the coldness of wind and rain made Cassia sigh a few times. Some adjustments have been made to the flight path, and the arc of the bypass is greater and more winding. It was learned from Ato Ring that the enemy could know his approximate location, and what he used was the investigation agency on the flagship of the airship fleet. But this kind of organization needs to know an approximate area in advance to make more detailed detection. Later, Cassia could only attribute it to the enemy's ability to analyze intelligence information.

I didn't see myself in the frontal battle, so on the route, there must be only two wings to choose. The distance between the straight lines is only eight or nine hundred kilometers. Thinking on this premise, this does not seem to be an impossible thing.

The marching process was the same as before. From time to time, Cassia let Cassiehe go up to the sky, close to the rain clouds, so that the body can store more cold air for later use.

The next few hours seemed quiet, with only one person and one dragon flying at a good speed over the forest. After the temptation during the night, the enemy seemed to give up the interception. On the way, Cassia was not disturbed, and thunder often exploded around, causing the air to vibrate.

When it stopped, the time went to 7 o'clock in the morning. There was a little bit of light, so it wasn't all black at first glance. Mobilizing the map in his head, and the resting area was only two hundred kilometers away from the enemy's joint base, Cassie Hei flew at full speed and could walk through it in ten minutes.

Cassia looked for a higher location, went to the ancient tree, and detected the surrounding movement. The defensive area will not extend to this point, but if you move forward tens of kilometers, you should be able to encounter the enemy's secret whistle.

A piece of ice solidified on top of his head, blocking the scouring water flowing down the canopy. Cassia sat on a branch of the ancient tree, staring at the location of the joint base, and had not moved away for a long time. He remembered that the last time he acted like this with Cassie, it was still close to the knight attendant assessment two years ago. Thinking of the leisure at that time and the complicated mood at this time, Cassia couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Cassie was lying next to the old tree, letting the rain wash its body. Not because of fatigue, it also felt the pressure and danger dissipated in the air under the heavy rain environment. It became very quiet. With the light of lightning from time to time, it can be seen that Cassiehei placed his entire huge head on the ground at this moment, and opened his mouth from time to time, taking a big sip of cold rain. Cassia looked at the giant sword fastened to his back. When he was away, in addition to digging holes in the ground, Cassie used his sharp claws to draw all kinds of wonderful symbols on the sword. That is not a kind of strange writing. It took Cassia for a while to realize that he had seen similar symbols in the cemetery of dragon skeleton fossils in the volcanic no man's land.

That is what constitutes a six-pointed star-like image, all over the cemetery of dragon skeleton fossils. Cassia did not write down these patterns in detail. At the moment, seeing the symbols on the great sword that Cassiehe relied on instinct, he suddenly realized that these symbols may be ancient history, or a kind that can be traced back to the mythical age. Application class tag. To put it simply, these symbolic patterns can act as pipelines in a specific environment, and play a role in the transmission of certain substances.

Cassia remembered that he had taken the second generation holy sword. After a few flashes of lightning, he did not find anything similar on the sword. There are indeed fine lines on the sword, but there are not many. Most of them are concentrated on the hilt, not spreading far apart.

This world has not yet fully unfolded to myself, UU reads, but there are only a few things that I don't know. Cassia lay down on the branch, exhaling several hot breaths, and then closed his eyes, and most of his energy was used to gather the cold air.

It wasn't until about ten o'clock in the morning that there was vibration from the communicator. But it was not the information Cassia wanted.

Continue to wait—the message that came is very simple, Cassia's body did not move, just opened his eyes, and incidentally reinforced the ice cap on his body.

Cassia knew this was waiting for all the teams to be in place. The five-stage surgeons on Macquarie's side, the four-stage surgeons all over the surrounding area, a large number of ground teams, logistic supplies that can support a long period of combat, the location of the airship fleet, and the need to be in the imperial black market Publish this information so that people from other forces can pay attention, remind them to prepare for themselves, and so on.

Cassia didn't know whether this was the last melee, but he knew that once it started, it could not end in a short time. After that, what he had to do was not only act as a bait to attract attention and firepower, but also needed to reduce the number of the enemy's three-stage surgeons.

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