Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1839: The Bloody Knight (10)

Cross's words are obviously more deterrent than Hilary's. As one of the few visitors from the Nature Association this time, Cross doesn't need to show too much. Just being the second-class creatures that gather in a large area is enough to show his strength.

In front of the Joint Base, the fire was blazing, and the shock caused by the explosion became greater and closer, and it was getting closer and closer. Hilary Lily, Chilman, Cross and a few others are in a stalemate. But only after one or two breaths, accompanied by Noroska's sigh, did the members directly under the Saint Royal Hall finally speak.

"When I needed you, I couldn’t see people, but now I’m much more active. Leave it by yourself, and leave now. No one will obstruct you. I don’t have much time for you. After a certain timeline, I will tell your family. Informed, you died gloriously for the purpose of planning, and did not shame the family." It is a man with a heavier nasal voice. There is a sense of impatientness in his words, and he seems unwilling to deal with such troublesome things.

However, the man's words are indeed much better than the deterrent warnings of Cross and Nonoska. I probably know that this man's rights and status, as well as his own information, are mostly controlled by men. If you are not obedient, it will be very simple for men to target them when they return to the empire.

The few people have not spoken, they just dispersed, and disappeared from here in the blink of an eye. Everyone's voice disappeared at this moment, and the man with a heavier nasal voice also left here and returned to guard his own area.

Chilman on the side snorted coldly. He was sure that several people had indeed left and there was no sign of coming back. He exhaled heavily. This is not caused by stress, but a manifestation of depression. Trivial matters are not found by themselves, but things that will come across for no reason, which is roughly what it means. It's not that Chilman is bad at handling these trivial matters, but it just feels troublesome, especially in this important time period.

Chilman finally looked in the direction of the man with the heavier nasal voice, his eyes thoughtful. He would not think that the reason these people would do this was because of the man's instigation. This man's status can almost be described as the first person in charge of the five-stage surgeon in the Holy Royal Hall, there is no need.

What Chilman was worried about was that the man didn't come out to stop the action until Nonoska expressed his opinion. According to Chilman, Hilary and herself did not have any binding force on them, but when Mr. Cross from the Nature Association spoke out, they should give in. As the highest person in charge of the mission, Noroska's voice is the bottom line. At that time, the start of war was only a momentary process.

"It seems that I have passed the anger and discussed with him in advance. As long as the bottom line of our side is not touched, the action will continue. Keep testing and want to try." To clarify the relationship, Chilman sees After Hilary Li, who was next to her, asked her to be careful, she returned to guard her area.

Hilarylee withdrew from the tension of the fighting state and exhaled.

"This is also part of your plan?" Behind Ye Jielin's words out of time, she didn't care about Hilary's feelings at all. Perhaps it was Ye Jielin's purpose to provoke him.

"Whether it's planning or planning, it's all up to your own judgment. I won't interfere too much. You just need to do a little during this period of time and stay where you are." The sky fell. Most of the snow flakes are broken, and there is no complete piece. The clouds in the sky faded to black, and now it was grayish white. The veins above are brighter, like the rhizome network of mature trees, and denser. "Now it seems that even if you leave here, the journey back later will be full of danger."

The Tornado Storm had a little embryonic form to be formed, and Hilary Li knew that Cassia had gathered the frozen energy energy, and only waited for the time in his own eyes. Most of the structure of the entire No. 6 base collapsed in the rear, just to block the raging wind. The remaining small piece is crumbling and will fall apart at any time.

Looking around, Hilary Li made sure that all the things made in advance around her were intact, she turned back to Ye Jielin and sat down on the spot. She lowered her head, and the attack she had just received made her think. The progress of the mission was met with too much resistance, not only from the enemy, but also from allies.

There are too many members of the forces in the forest, whether it is Cassia or Ye Jielin, Hilary Li can think that there are not many people who really care about whether they can survive. Even on the enemy's side, there are some people who want Yejielin to die, and even Cassia also die.

Because among the enemies, at this moment in time, perhaps no one knows what the ultimate goal of this incident is. Thinking of this, Hilary Rilly smiled unconsciously. This is definitely their victory, an absolute advantage in information. Because of ignorance, some people on the enemy's side have not so unified thoughts. They wanted to provoke the huge contradiction between the third generation of knight kings of the empire and the Holy Emperor Hall through the death of Cassia, so as to change the situation within the empire.

Although in Hilary's estimation, the result will definitely develop in this direction. But some people among the enemies have this idea, and do not have this idea, different thinking angles will bring different actions.

"The situation on both sides cannot be said to be good and the other is bad. If they are not handled well, they will hinder their own actions." Hilary Li is not worried about this. What she is worried about is the attitude of the man with a nasal voice. The few people just scattered and left, but this does not mean that no one else will do the same thing in the future. In the eyes of these people, Cassia and Yejielin had already assumed that they were corpses, and could not tolerate deviations in the results later.

Hilary Li looked up at Ye Jielin, did not speak any more, but in her heart she hoped Ye Jielin could walk out of this forest smoothly. More people like this are needed to make changes from the bottom. Whether it’s overthrown, change, or destruction, in short, don’t be what it is now, it is in line with Hilary’s hope that she can’t complete it.

"If you have enough time, you can still get in touch with the small country on the post-phase continent. Not only can you settle the Kiris family to a certain extent, but you can also get in touch with the'organization' there. UU reading" mouth Weiwei The action seemed to be muttering to herself, but Hilaryrie made no sound. Years of intelligence collection and analysis, coupled with the help of the Kiris family, Hilary Li knows many things.

It has been a long time since the Alliance of the Church State and the Nature Association has realized the unification of the entire continent. Until now, it is impossible to make waves on these two continents. Many similar incidents have been staged in history, which allowed the Holy See and the Association to find ways to prevent and cure them. And the rights are more unified, and there are top powers for deterrence and blessing. Only the superposition of the two cuts off the possibility of many things happening.

Destroying a sturdy and bloated behemoth will either disintegrate from the inside or knock it down entirely by external forces.

The temperature was still dropping, and a thin layer of ice climbed up on the ruins of the No.6 base on the side of the collapsed hill-like base on the wet wooden planks. Suddenly, ice particles the size of a thumb fell, hitting the wooden floor, making a "dongdong" sound. On the ground that has dispersed, the vibration has not stopped, just like explosions and fires, it will continue.

Hilary Li looked up at this moment, but saw that in the sky, a tornado storm had begun to take shape. A huge spiral with a diameter of nearly forty kilometers was formed, covered with bright veins, and it was rotating and descending with oppressive force.

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