Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1851: Non-human form, uranium and resonance (5)

The light comes from an almost pure white pillar of fire, which has attracted the attention of everyone within the scorched earth in an instant. There was a very short pause in action, but they were all connected smoothly. Their respective battles continued, only the resulting movement and aftermath of the battle became even greater.

At this time, not only Noroska and Hilaryly, but the members of the enemy side were evacuating toward the huge tornado storm in an orderly manner during the battle, shortening the distance between themselves and the blazing fire column as much as possible.

The two rushed forward in coordination with each other, and Chilman blocked the two enemy members alone, gaining a chance for them to break through the scorched earth. At this moment, the enemy's side also began to communicate in cryptography. It was only a breath of time, and the situation on the field had changed. They were a little under-represented and forced out the two abruptly and were separated from the other side of the scorched earth. The situation was roughly the same as that of Hillary Li and others, under the protection of almost everyone, a little late, and headed towards the forest.

When the two of them were about to be invisible by the forest, a figure suddenly appeared, and rushed directly with a visible air current. One person was forced to stay to respond, giving the other a chance to leave.

"Is there no protection member around Cassia?" Seeing an enemy in the Perception Net who was only a little slower than her, Hilary couldn't help but ask, "There is at least one hundred kilometers away from the huge tornado storm. With the speed of West Asia, as long as one person is released from the scorched earth, they can catch up with Kassia within this distance."

"It's really suspicious." Nonoska responded immediately, "So we should hurry over. It's very likely that Cassia has a vague perception of Cross, and she has to use herself as a bait to make a thought. A trap that can be understood by thinking. I feel the threat and want to draw out Cross who is hiding on the side."

"If Cross appears, the plan is successful. If it doesn't appear, let Cassia run to Tornado alone. In short, both results are extremely beneficial to Cassia."

When the two talked, another blazing column of fire rushed high into the sky, and the light passed through the canopy, burning a sparse spot of light on the ground. Hilary Li exhaled: "It seems that the plan is a success, but I don't know what is going on. Cross is very strong, but we don't know at what level. If we think about it this way, the enemy must be It is the arrangement of members who are also hidden by Cassia, which causes their number in the scorched earth to be somewhat lacking."

The light of the third white pillar of fire was captured by the two, and the expanding air carried heat, hitting the induction force field of the two people layer by layer.

"Don't worry, with Cross's strength, it will not be killed in such a short time." Seeing the thing on Hilaryli's face, Noroska said, "It's less than half a minute. It won’t be too late. I am more concerned about the things entangled in the pillar of fire than I am worried about Cross’s situation. I have to care about things.”

Hilaryrie didn't know how to respond at this moment, and she was also concerned, but she knew that she could only be wary of it now, and could not think too deeply.

The atmosphere whizzed in the ears of both, and the enemy behind him had no idea of ​​attacking at all. The purpose of the three of them at this moment is exactly the same, rushing to the front at the fastest speed, depending on the specific situation to formulate the next action plan.

Between one or two breaths, the three of them ran over a distance of six to seven kilometers in front of one another. After the blazing pillar of fire no longer appeared, Hira Ruili began to perceive, and the doubt and solemn expression climbed onto her face again. When the distance was shortened by nearly two kilometers, the same expression appeared on Noroska's face.

The two have been calculating the distance, the current position, the perception should be able to cover the front, and smoothly observe Cross and the enemy. I can perceive it as a blank space, only myself and the enemy behind him, except for the quiet old trees around.

The discussion seemed to be silent, and the two of them did not speak, and kept running forward. The damage caused by the tunnel was in the sight of the two of them. As the distance narrowed steadily, there was finally a little movement in the perception, a vibration from the ground.

The light ahead became bright, and the unextinguished flame flickered, although it was still dim. As the two of them progressed, an irregularly shaped open space suddenly opened up and appeared in front of them. Counted as a circle, the diameter of the open space is no more than two kilometers.

It's just that the open space is completely man-made swamp, the ground is being eroded by a substance, turning into muddy mud, sinking down two or three meters, becoming a low-lying area. The mud was off-white, stirring up air bubbles the size of the heads of countless adults. Whenever the bubble bursts, a piece of fine powdery substance can be seen scattered from it, gradually dissipating into the air.

More than a dozen ancient trees collapsed inside, and some still carry fresh coke traces, but most of them have been eroded and decayed, becoming the nourishment of this low-lying swamp. The rain is pouring into it, and it will take some time to fill it up.

On the opposite side of the low-lying open space, there are unusually obvious traces of being burned by high temperature until it is covered by ancient trees. Hilary Li and Nonoska immediately followed the edge of the low-lying land, but did not forget to observe this artificial swamp, which was constantly bubbling with huge bubbles.

"It was Cross who won." Nonoska started, and he pointed to a location in the low-lying land where an ancient tree nearby was set ablaze by him.

Under the fire, there was a thick dark red mud, and two gray skeletons were half exposed there. There was still a little bit of flesh and blood on the bones, but in the blink of an eye, it was corroded into a sticky mud, and it was no longer visible. Clear corrosion marks can also be seen on the two frames. Several thumb-sized holes have been eroded in the skull, and only the corner of the weapon that is not submerged by mud on the side of the skeleton still retains a little visible luster. It's just that there are still dense small pits on it, which are completely eroded away, and it is only a matter of time.

"This is the strength of Cross?" Hilary Li sighed, as if to herself again.

Nonoska shook his head: "Perhaps, but not all. This is more like a manifestation of Mr. Cross's ability, like dealing with bacteria commonly used in corpses, and even advanced surgeons can't defend it. UU Read It is extremely corrosive."

The two of them bypassed this low-lying open space and followed the traces of being burned by the high-temperature flame.

"The guess is correct. Cassia can feel the hidden Cross. I wanted to lead it out, but I didn't expect that in the end he became a prey." There were not only clear footprints on the ground that were not washed away by the rain, but also There are corrosion marks the size of palms, which also sink into the ground and become pits. Some of the pits that were not washed by the rainwater were all bubbling with bubbles. "It seems that three people were arranged. Seeing the situation and expecting too much deviation, the last one took Cassia and escaped..."

"It's just that the last person's body has been infected with bacteria, and it is being eroded all the time. The flesh and blood is decayed, and it is cut off from the body a little bit, and it will erode the ground when it falls. It must not last long." Then, I looked forward and asked, "Is Cross able to control the eroded target, or is Cassia itself not eroded?"

"It should be both. Cross knows what the target needs to do to meet the requirements. He can't do anything to damage Cassia's body. Think of Cross can control the huge number of second-class creatures. Then he has a way to finely manipulate this patch of bacteria, it seems it is not impossible."

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