Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1867: The ending, trendy and turbulent world (9)

Deep down, Delya is still praying for Cassia. Although she never trusted the gods and did not have a clear belief, but at this moment, she still told her request to something nihilistic. This is the only thing she can do right now.

The train drove to the prosperous area along the coast of the empire, and the scenery passing by the window gradually lost its sense of reality in Delya's eyes. She had a hunch that when she went to the terminal, there would be news that she didn't want to receive waiting for her. But the trust in her head did not affect her much because of this bad premonition.

"Time will prove many things and results." Delya muttered to herself, then leaned on her seat and closed her eyes.

At the same time, Waters, Hesley and others were thinking about the same thing again. But in addition to this, Waters is also concerned about the maintenance and establishment of the business network-which ones need to be completely abandoned, as to cut off their long tails, and which ones need to be temporarily hidden, waiting for the situation to change before reappearing. As for Hesley, what he worries about is how this plan should be launched and how to establish the deterrence it deserves. The strength level will become a hidden danger for the maintenance of various networks before the head of the group Cassia does not converge.

While Nighthawk, Owl, and Isha have a hack as the intermediate coordination and protection. The three are also on the retreating airship, waiting to land before starting their own return journey.


Ye Jielin wakes up from the effects of a powerful tranquilizer.

The cool light comes from the lamps on the ceiling side, which is not in the center, close to the door side of the entrance. There is still pain in the head, and the side effects of powerful tranquilizers can be regarded as the effect of deep sleep on the body and thoughts.

After quietly looking at the ceiling for ten seconds, the body's perception was completely returned. There is still no feeling in the left arm and left leg, but this is not in Ye Jielin's own thinking. There are too many feasible options, even if it is to re-cultivation of limbs for surgical transplantation, it will take no more than one year at most. The machine body will be faster, from finalizing the material to determining the required functionality, then to manufacturing, and finally the combination of biological and mechanical transplantation and installation, and all the processes can be completed in half a month.

Ye Jielin could feel a slight shaking, and with her excellent sense of direction and observation of the surroundings, she first confirmed that she was on an airship.

Sitting up on this hospital bed, Ye Jielin began to observe herself after observing her surroundings. The amputated wound on the left arm and left leg has been treated, and the wound is stitched perfectly and beautifully, and it feels like a sewing machine is passing by. There are many sensing devices for monitoring machines attached to the body, and a thin tube is inserted into each of the right arm and neck, and the corresponding reagents are pressed in regularly by the machine.

Ye Jielin has been trying to remember the time from the powerful tranquilizer to deep sleep, but she only remembers the scene where Cassia injected a tranquilizer from her neck.

At this moment, he looked to the side. A few meters away from the hospital bed, there was a desk-like cabinet with a revolver, bullets and tactical knives. Ye Jielin knew that their owner was Cassia, and this must be something he left for himself after he entered a deep sleep. Accompanied by the sound of airtight, the door of this room was opened.

The light outside the house is much dim, and you can see a corner of the corridor that is not very particular about it, and many places are traces of rust after being polished and sprayed with paint.

"Wake up?" The person at the door was a woman. Although she was holding a pile of documents and short hair, she was clearly a combatant wearing a leather combat suit. Her eyes were very cold, Ye Jielin felt the other party's unabashed gaze watching herself the moment the words were spoken.

The woman walked in and picked up the airship's internal communicator by the door, explaining the situation here.

"Weber's robotic arm has a mid-level specification. It is suitable for slender blades and a few high-explosive bullets. It can punch armored vehicle steel plates out of large pits." Notice the movement of the woman's left arm, although the factory number has been changed. Worn off, but from the simple movements and the mechanical structure details that are not exposed under the bionic skin, Ye Jielin can easily figure out which product of the family this is, "but you are not a member of the Webley family."

"It's worthy of being the heir of the Webley family, eldest lady." The woman's words were much appreciated, and more taken for granted. She put down the materials, leaned on the cabinet where she kept things, and moved the robotic arm up and down in front of Ye Jielin. "It took a lot of money to get it from the black market. I originally wanted to train new limbs, but it was not only expensive, but also not available. Any way you can go."

"By the way, this arm was cut off by Cassia. It has been a few years." The woman sighed, "Think about the current situation, there is really no way to predict the future."

"Wait a minute, someone will explain the specific situation to you. They still have their own things that need to be busy. After all, the process of bringing you into this airship was not very smooth. They encountered the retreating enemy ground team. No. The giant dragon guarding your side will cause big problems. But the enemy is almost wiped out by the giant dragon. When we caught the signal and rushed past, we only solved the last group of stubborn resisters. "The woman took a long sigh at this time, indicating that Ye Jielin shouldn't worry, she is not a person who is good at explaining the situation.

"However, the dragon flew away by itself afterwards. As for where it went, we don't know the specific location. In addition, the Southern Forest matter has ended. As for the final result, there is no specific information yet. So don't ask, because We don’t know either."

There were multiple footsteps coming through the corridor. The woman picked up the information, looked at Ye Jielin and turned around: "The person who explained the situation is here, it should be your acquaintance, probably. By the way, you can call me Shaner Na."

"There is a chance in the future, Weber can provide you with the best robotic arm. If you want to cultivate a new arm for transplantation, there is no problem." Ye Jielin said.

"Then, thank you in advance here." Shanna nodded, and only a few seconds after she walked out of the room, three people entered the room. Ye Jielin saw that only one person knew him, but she was not an acquaintance as Shanna said. It was more appropriate to be regarded as a classmate of the military school. UU reading www. As an acquaintance of, it should be Cassia alone.

"Carla Meredith."

"I don't know if your memory about me was incidental to Cassia, or because it was collected as a competitor in the early days of the military school? I think there are not many people who can remember me except Cassia." See Ye Jielin had returned to her normal face, and Kara among the three smiled and asked, "This is probably the only thing I can help Cassia do at the moment, Ye Jielin."

Ye Jielin finally took a sigh of relief at this moment: "How could I not remember that when he ran out of the Victory Building from the party, I also gave him a cover. But in the end he returned to the military school a little late and was directly detained. Entered the school’s prison. So I was very impressed, so I remembered you. If time goes on, maybe there will be no unexpected things happening that night."

Ye Jielin touched the back of her head with her right hand: "I know that the time of electrical regulation is also very recent. At that time, I couldn't help with information at all. Therefore, Cassia who goes to you is very likely to encounter Meredi. The "managers" of the Si family probably proceeded like this in fact, although the information about that period of time was erased artificially and completely. I did not investigate more."

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