Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1870: Rift Valley, Friction and Disaster Mystery (Part 1)

The temperature is colder than these days in the past ten years. The cold wind blew for a long time, and there was no sign of stopping, only the momentum continued to increase.

Nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, the darkness exists everywhere in the air, and various lamps have already changed the automatic lighting time, so that the ground shrouded in this dimness shows bright light.

"Our newly promoted ombudsman, is there still Xianxin here in a daze?" The female voice was more ridiculous and teasing.

There has always been a faint whistling sound in the air. It is the friction sound produced by the cold wind through the huge canyon or gully. After the continuous reverberation of the terrain, it spreads to the ground and becomes a miserable cry.

On the steel floor, the sound of "cang clang" footsteps from far to near quickly disappeared and was replaced by the whistling of the wind.

"Dear Inspector General Joshua, what are the latest instructions recently?" The female voice just now became serious, as if reporting to the direct officer in the tone of work, "Is it necessary to accompany the president to appreciate this weeping rift valley together? ?"

Joshua laughed: "Don't make fun of me with these things. The position of inspector general does not fit me very well. The family taste is very important, and my ability does not even occupy the one-tenth standard of judgment."

"Family background is also part of our strength. If the mission last month wasn't because the chief of the guard army of that city looked at your family power and was willing to help us once, we might still be worried about how to complete the mission at this moment. However, As long as you do your job well, you don’t have to care about other people’s opinions.” The woman said nonchalantly, “Are all the other inspectors selected like this? Those who really rely on their ability to get to this point are one Can you count your hands?"

"Although this is the case, my original intention was to go to the Knights of the Round Table after returning, or to manage the family property in a certain area, rather than the team of inspectors in the Holy Palace. The family's choice is in line with the actual form. ,but,,,"

"Woo..." a crying wind suddenly rose, cutting off Joshua's words. When the wind became low again, he had lost the desire to answer the conversation.

Joshua walked forward, somewhat silent. The woman followed him all the way to a wide steel bridge next to it. Stopped at a place illuminated by the street lamp, Joshua approached the railing, and his hands with black leather gloves laid on the railing naturally, his upper body leaned forward slightly, looking towards the huge rift under the bridge that swallowed all the darkness. . The width of the rift valley is close to one thousand and a hundred meters. There are also large underground structures on the two walls, as well as various pipe joints that have been cut to be flush with the two walls of the rift valley.

Many pipes have rusted, and the Blanco Mountains make Manoma’s climate less dry and humid.

The wind passed through this rift valley and let out a miserable cry. Along the rift valley, two or three kilometers away, there is a shimmering light. There, Joshua and the woman have been there. There are more than a dozen engineering teams with a large number of people, who set out to fill in this big rift valley and make corresponding transformations accordingly.

"It's been two years, it's the last catastrophe." Joshua sighed, "After the next two years, this rift will be completely filled, right?"

The woman said "um" and acquiesced to Joshua's statement: "If it weren't for the Holy Royal Hall to move the headquarters to another part of the Manoma region, I would like to completely fill and transform this rift, I think it will take three months. You can’t use it. The new headquarters is less than four or five months old. With the physical endurance of the surgeon, you can stay without rest for a week or two. The efficiency is amazing."

"It seems to be the same as what you said." Joshua also knows the reason. "The old headquarters site is already a place that has been abandoned. The speed of construction and renovation will definitely not be cared about. But because of this, it is impossible in normal times. Only when we come to Manoma to work can we have the opportunity to live together with the church envoys from all over the world, receive training and live here."

"In this way, the disaster two years ago seems to be a good thing?" With a smile, the lady was about to say something, and she noticed that she had her eyes on her. Suddenly, she reacted, and the woman hurriedly pursed her mouth.

"There is no one else around." In the cold frozen silence, the woman said softly afterwards, defending herself.

Joshua sighed and lowered his head slightly, letting the movement of his mouth be hidden in the shadows: "I know there is no one else, but this is a problem of consciousness. Someone in the monitor team is already in trouble because of these things. Be vigilant. Many people know that the Rift Valley is not caused by the so-called earthquake that caused the chain explosion of certain devices, but because of the sword light that even the sun can cover..."

"It seems that the holy fathers of the Holy Emperor Hall have died because of this. For the Holy Emperor Hall itself, it is a disaster that has not been glamorous from the beginning." The voice was suppressed even lower, about Shuya also has great curiosity about the "disaster" two years ago. But from a certain day, not only the empire, but also the intelligence dealers in the dark world have discussed and blocked all news as if.

No more information was collected. People who wanted to know afterwards were either found to be investigated or directly warned. Joshua believes that in addition to these two situations, more of them must have been cleaned up directly and have achieved a deterrent effect. That was an event involving the families of the four forces. What Joshua knew was only a little bit beyond this line, and more information was still hidden in the mist.

"Go back." Joshua lost the mood to stay here, turned and walked towards the dormitory rebuilt from the former headquarters site.

All the things on the old site have been removed, except for a large number of buildings, which have also been preserved. They are used as monitors for latecomers and church envoys selected from various regions. Essentially it became a camp and a warehouse for storage. The well-developed transportation system around allows members here to move to various regions at a very fast speed to carry out tasks or support operations.

Several dormitory buildings have long been surrounded by lights. Joshua and the woman had not yet separated at the intersection ahead, and their communicators all sounded. Seeing the smell of something happening in the eyes of the other party, the two of them got in touch after a little distance, and both received instructions to the chamber.

Slightly speeding up and moving through the forests of buildings, the two soon encountered other people in the monitor team. UU reading

"Joshua, did you hear that?" A man leaned over, with a gloomy expression on his face, "Two small countries near the border area, more than a hundred strongholds were pulled out in half within a week. The church in the border area. , And several members on duty were assassinated."

"It's been a week or so. If there is a problem, it is impossible to call us until now." Joshua said after thinking about it, "It should be that something more serious has happened. In addition, where did this information come from? Coming? Nades."

"The family stronghold was implicated, and the information obtained after the investigation." Nades spoke directly. This information will be published in a few minutes, so there is no need to hide anything. At this time, his communicator heard a "didi" sound.

"New information is here." Nades's expression became even more ugly, and he got in touch. This time Nades didn't need to tell him that Joshua and the woman's hearing was enough for them to catch the sound from the communicator.

"Find a way to prevent myself from participating in all the next tasks and actions, Nades!" It was a warning voice, "The stronghold of the family has been removed, and there is definite news. It's almost completely wiped out, it seems that only two of them have escaped!"

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