Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1888: Cannon fodder focus and constant upward adjustment (Part 1)

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Four days later, Sisia dragged his suitcase, like a tourist following a guide, and shuttled on the road around the airport with a huge daily throughput.

The time has been calculated when the training ground issued the notice, and it is not only Sisia who gather here today. There are thirty-seven people in all. Some seem to be obviously just adults, and some are already strangers, but the stage may not be high.

Sisia is very quiet in it. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the personnel arrived at Qi, they all got on a vehicle with vacant seats and went to a protected virgin forest near Techers. There is a suburban area, and it can be said that there are no personnel activities in the bustling Techers.

As the vehicle steadily faces the direction of the training field, the buildings that are getting shorter outside the windows, and the increasing number of woods and wasteland can accurately predict the remaining distance to the training field to Sisia and others.

Almost no one spoke in the car, but from time to time someone turned their head and looked at Sisia who was sitting in the corner. As for why he chose this position, it was Sisia who remembered the second personality when he got on the car. One is to practice the degree of control of the human body structure knowledge, and the second is the rear corner position, where everyone in the car can be observed. ,safer.

Sisia could feel the gaze falling on her face and body from time to time and didn't care. In the past, it was more and more intense. After becoming a stranger, the improvement and correction of the body's skin is indeed what many women in the ordinary world desire. Sisiah has a clear understanding of her figure and appearance, and after listening to the words of the second personality, she is also actively changing this kind of thing that is currently not a favorable factor.

It was 8:30 in the evening when they arrived at the training ground. Thirty-seven people were divided into several batches in the underground parking lot due to their identities. Only two men were with Sisiah. They are already familiar with the training ground. The three of them took out their own ID cards, took the elevator on the side to the ground, and completed the registration in a building that was only three stories high. This is the official return to the life of the training ground. .

When leaving the building, Sisia had a stack of finger-thick documents in his hand. This is information that personnel returning to the training ground after a certain period of time need to know. Regarding the first assessment after the return, you need to wait until tomorrow to go to the management department responsible for training to get it by yourself.

Shuttle more skillfully in the corridors of the building, his appearance and dragging suitcases really made many people look at Sisiah. Somehow it made Sisia feel uncomfortable, but it made her believe that the second personality was based on rational judgments.

Because it is surrounded by wasteland and is next to a virgin forest, the training ground occupies a very large area, and a virgin forest is also enclosed as a natural venue for training. From the registered building to his dormitory, Sisia has already walked quickly, but it took several minutes and a distance of about several kilometers to see the five-story building of the dormitory under the lights.

The dormitory is a single room with no windows, only a cold steel alloy door. Looking at the "12321" dormitory number directly engraved on the wall, Sisia looked left and right at the dormitory building that was overlapped and spread like leaves, and couldn't help but recall the words of the second personality.

"Perhaps, it is the level of your training ground that limits your knowledge, and that is not necessarily true."

Sisia remembered that after the sacrificial ceremony was over, she went through various evaluations and finally raised her status with a strong affinity. At that time, the dormitory I lived in was not a room in this dormitory, but the training ground next to the forest edge. The rooms there are still single rooms, but the space is several times larger, with more supporting facilities, and more importantly, windows.

Put the passcode card into the slot, and the lock inside the alloy door opened with a "bang". The air circulation system is working, and the air in the house does not appear dull. The cold light is a bit dark, but it is enough for the vision of the stranger.

A single bed, a steel desk, a steel chair, and a wardrobe, the bathroom attached to the side is all. Sisia felt a natural sense of familiarity with this environment, and it was nostalgic.

Without thinking much about these feelings, after taking out the luggage and putting on the clothes in the training ground, Sisia took out the books she brought and put them on the desk, and began to read the information that the returning personnel need to know.

The information is more like a manual for newcomers on the training ground. The more than a year of leaving here is very short for it, the training ground has hardly changed, and the various systems are the same as when Sisia came here.

At night, continuing to review the books that he had read, Sisia also pressed his fingers around the body, relying on the keen sense of the stranger to actually feel the blood flow in the blood vessels, their positions, and so on. It’s just that this kind of review is somewhat boring. Sisia has been able to draw a very good picture of his body’s structure in his head, where are the bones, where are the blood vessels, and so on. But if you think about how to destroy them simply and powerfully, your thoughts will pause.

Later, Sisia would spend some time lying on the bed, looking at the white ceiling, thinking about the words of the second personality and the things that need training later.

There are too many things to add. According to the example cited by the second personality, Sisia can realize that he may be just a pure stranger, in the late stage of the second stage. As for the Strange World, which was largely separated from the ordinary world, she had thought about it carefully and admitted that she did not understand it at all.

"I am like a mushroom randomly planted by the Flame Tribe. If it grows smoothly, I will put it up and focus on observation. If it is the same as most, then it will be packaged and sold in batches with the others." Thoughts do have the influence of the second personality. The words of transformation, or second personality, are exaggerated.

Sisia remembered it saying that if she couldn't evaluate it, she shouldn't dream of being able to take up a position in a certain organization of the Flame Tribe. She can still be relatively safe now, entirely because of the momentary potential after the sacrificial ceremony. The upper limit of this potential is optimistic, so it becomes a protection for a period of time.

But if the protection of the potential disappears, that is, the identity is downgraded again, UU reading, and being abandoned by the upper class. Then waiting for her...

The second personality did not say the latter, but Sisia could guess what it was.

Early the next morning, Sisia went to the management office to retrieve the documents of the evaluation process. I have done the same thing many times, so it went smoothly.

"There is one more simulation battle in the training ground, so that it disappears at the end. Starting from this moment, there is still half a month to prepare, which is enough. In addition, you have one more job to collect relevant information about the simulation battle. Especially to determine the weapons and ammunition used in the simulated battle. If the memory is correct, the rubber bullet plus the anesthetic needle bullet that is sure to'kill' the enemy." After reading the information, it can be regarded as the second personality to wake up on time. Sisia suspected that it had awakened a long time ago, but it had never spoken.

"After understanding the information, then, put on training clothes, let me see the training ground you are in, and the'terrorist atmosphere' in your mouth. In this way, I can give an evaluation of this training ground and help you Make plans for the future. Remember, instructors are also within the scope of observation and are the focus. Their level often determines what you can learn."

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