Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1890: Cannon fodder focus and constant upward adjustment (bottom)

Had lunch in the cafeteria at noon. The second personality urge urges Sisiah to eat more. Her digestive system is at the normal level of Strange Phase II. In addition, her body weight can be controlled by her own will, without worrying about obesity and weight.

Sisia replied that she was not in the mood to eat. She spent the entire morning on firearms training, filling out the bullet request form several times. With the support of the data of two thousand bullets, she can also clearly know the strength of her gun shooting ability without the need for a second personality description.

"Leaving the eighty-meter fixed target, I won't be able to use a pistol." The battle of the senior students started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Sisia didn't want to go back to the dormitory after eating, so she chose a quieter place. , Sit there alone.

"After that, there will be blasting crossbow arrows and moving targets. The distances are much longer than during normal training." Sisia continued his own words in his head, "Obviously it's only 40 or 50 meters away, and it's only a little bit longer. I can see the target clearly, I concentrate my attention when aiming, and amend every shot consciously. But the result is..."

Sisia sighed and looked up at the cloudy winter sky.

"From a rational point of view, the following words will hit you, but I think that knowing some situations as soon as possible, and having a general impression of some things, will help you better in the long-term perspective." The second personality said at this time. Sisiah nodded. After contacting and verifying certain things herself, she knew that the rational analysis and suggestions of the second personality were correct. It just needs a process of acceptance.

Sisia felt that the second personality was in a different world from herself more than once. The births of the two seem to be different. For their views on many things and their surroundings, Sisia clearly feels that the second personality is standing in a high position and looking down at herself. Many standards are normal for the second personality, but using herself, Sisia feels that they are extremely high standards.

These standards, Sisia has searched from memory, only when her identity is at the highest level after the ceremony, can you slightly see the tail of this standard.

"In the actual battle between the strangers, no matter the gender of the user, the pistol you use when you practice, in terms of caliber and power, almost no one will choose it as their personal weapon. Of course, no firearms are used during the battle. A handful is found on the corpse, and I will still reluctantly bring it. This is one of them."

"Second, I have observed the bullet used in training. It is also the type that will not be selected first in actual combat. Its position among bullets should be the type that will be selected when nothing is available. In actual combat , The more general type has a larger caliber and more powerful gunpowder."

"Extending from this, changes in caliber and gunpowder types will trigger changes in recoil. The control of firearms will also be more difficult. In other words, in real combat, you will not get results with the 80-meter fixed target. In addition, as enemies, their moving speed is definitely ten times that of moving targets. With excellent dynamic vision, judging the position of the muzzle to avoid bullets will be the basic ability of strangers above a certain level. Bullet thinks To hit this kind of person, I haven’t found a suitable description for the difficulty of... Need to go."

Sisiah listened carefully, and sighed a few times during the period: "This kind of enemy must engage in close combat, right? I remember the instructor said something similar to us. Some strangers seem to have been protected by the gods, bullets and other things. They can't touch their clothes at all. They can dodge a range of attacks like shells and artillery."

"The instructors in your mouth will say similar things. One of the reasons is that there are such people. The other is that the instructors have experienced battles within a certain level. In other words, their level It really limits their understanding."

"I think that the instructors should be extremely powerful strangers, with extremely rich experience, and know how to pass on these experiences to the students, even if they can only absorb a little, it is a very big help. But training here. The situation, the situation and the result of my rational thinking are somewhat different."

"You have to jump out of this training ground as soon as possible and go to a higher level. I think training here is a waste of your time."

"It's just that the evaluation is blocking there..." Sisiah replied helplessly afterwards.

"Don't worry, I will be able to give you a response plan after the afternoon observation is over."

So far, as Cassia’s second personality behind the scenes, there was a short pause for thinking. Sisia has a different path from him, and the starting point is completely different. An ordinary person starts from an ordinary barren town. But the other is a second-stage surgeon. I thought about applying my own course, but soon gave up this option.

Cassia has carefully thought about how to make Sisia become stronger in a short period of time, into the horizontal range that he can see. A lot of thoughts came to no avail afterwards, and Cassia clearly realized that he could not be copied. And what he can do now is to help Sisia go to the third stage as quickly as possible, and see if he, who is only the spiritual body, can change the situation at that time.

But this task is really difficult for Cassia. In other words, the difficulty lies not in him, but in Sisia.

The basics are too low, and I didn't learn anything useful at the beginning. For Cassia, this training ground is a place for training cannon fodder. And only the so-called advanced students in the training ground have the basic qualifications to become cannon fodder. For the rest of the people, Cassia did think about where they would go, but because Cassia really didn't know which positions in which institutions could be available for them.

In Cassia's understanding, perhaps only the institutions with large forces rooted in small countries may have their posts.

Of course, Cassia understands that some things take time for Sisia to accept. The change in thinking also requires a process, otherwise the excessive pressure will make Sisiah unable to approve it for a while.

Still did not say anything comforting. Cassia lay next to the analysis machine and looked at the microphone for a long time. Then he got up, he looked at the cracks that were still falling like dusty green fluorescence, the huge ditches on the ground, and their collapse continued.

"Time is not much. UU reading This situation must be prevented. If it continues to deteriorate, I will probably fall into a deep sleep for a while. But whether I can wake up next time is not reasonable and certain. The answer. I am more inclined to have this chance to wake up only once."

"This state..." Cassia made a choice in his heart. He does have a way to actually help Sisia, but there is a big risk. Because I have thought about why my spiritual body can survive, after thinking about this process, Cassia can easily think of the first generation of knight king Grot, who is in roughly the same situation, and swallowing in the volcanic no man’s land. The red crystal below. And Cassia knew that his mental body could interfere with Sisia. Many things have not disappeared, they are deeply imprinted in the spiritual body.

Cassia looked at the wreckage of the warship that was constantly peeling off the rust on the side, sighed after thinking for a long time, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"The vortex hasn't disappeared. I just moved from one vortex to another. If you encounter a danger later, Sisia will not be able to solve it at all. In the end, you still need to come out by yourself. It is only a matter of time for yourself. Sooner or later. Although it will cause the destruction of this world to worsen, the rewards will be very impressive. This will deepen the connection with this body and it will also help some future plans..."

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