Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1895: Successive pass and all-out (middle)

After taking over the body again, after a short period of inadaptability, Sisiah's first feeling was the slight pain from the whole body. On the contrary, I didn't feel tired mentally. The tension in various parts of the body was slowly being relieved. When the symptoms subsided, she returned the pistol and crossbow and went straight back to the dormitory.

"Shooting requires the coordination of the whole body and the strength of each part?" On the way, Sisiah's right hand has been in a naturally drooping state. The forced liberation seems to have injured the muscle tissue and it takes time to recover. At this time, Sisia also used the physical state he actually felt to reversely push the second personality to control the body. Why could he achieve such results in the gun training ground.

If there is a battle, the second personality will directly take over the control of the body, but Sisia just thinks about it. It didn't take long for the second personality to wake up, but in the intermittent conversation, many of his words were recorded by Sisiah. It will not be changed immediately because of these words. Sisia also knows that it will take some time for her to fully accept these things by herself.

At least for now, Sisia knows her situation and knows how to do it.

After returning to the dormitory without rest immediately, Sisia did a lot of group exercises to relax the tight body and speed up the recovery speed. After spending half an hour in the semi-sleep state, she got up and went to the desk to read the materials that will be involved in the theory assessment tomorrow.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, on the way to the cafeteria, Sisia heard many people talking about the battle competition among senior students. Although less than a few hours passed, Sisia found that she had completely lost interest in it.

I think that when I was on the training ground before, I would go to watch the battle when I had time, hoping that I could learn something from it. And now, Sisiah remembered the analysis of the second personality at the time and the results it had achieved with firearms and crossbows after it took over the control of the body. She suddenly discovered that within a few hours, she had already acquiesced that the analysis of the second personality at the time was correct.

Sisia still doesn't know how the second personality will perform in martial arts after taking over the control of the body. But after seeing the results of firearms practice, she is not only at ease with the second personality, but also unclear trust. Comparing the special training of the second personality to oneself, and then reviewing the training of the training ground for oneself, Sisia can feel a lot of different things.

"The second personality was originally another me, probably. I believe in myself, it seems that there is nothing to doubt or feel wrong." From the cafeteria, on the way back to the dormitory, Sisia muttered to herself alone.

In the evening, follow the established schedule and procedures, review the knowledge of human body structure in the first half of the night, and read the theoretical assessment materials in the second half of the night. This day rested for one more hour. After 8 o'clock in the morning, when the sky was completely bright, Sisia took the paper and pen needed for the assessment and went to a spacious conference room in the training ground.

In the same batch, there were about 3,000 people who came here today for theoretical assessment, and they were divided among several different conference rooms.

It is not the first time to conduct an evaluation, and Sisia has long ceased to be nervous about theoretical evaluation. Just like the assembly line in a factory, you get the questions, answer them one by one, check them and hand in the papers. When I came out of the conference room, less than an hour and a half passed.

The results can be known in the afternoon. Sisia did not go back to the dormitory immediately, but went to the library in the training ground to borrow materials about firearms in accordance with the requirements of the second personality.

Perhaps it stems from my own sixth sense, or the strange intuition of women. Although I knew that there was something called the "Second Personality" in my body, it only took a few days. But at this moment Sisia has a feeling that the second personality may someday leave him, and this departure is not because of the side effects of the sacrificial ritual, it is simply leaving, being completely cut off from his body. The one that went out.

So Sisiah also felt nervous. After all, she is also a surgeon in the late stage of the second stage, and some things are clear and understandable. Many things cannot always rely on the second personality, but need to improve and become stronger as soon as possible under its guidance and help.

Carrying a lot of materials back to the dormitory, Sisia read the introduction of all the materials according to the habit, and quickly categorized them and placed them neatly. She has no way to start with these materials, and while waiting for the second personality to wake up and give suggestions, she will review the books on human structure again.

This time, he can accurately depict the structure of his body in his brain, such as organs, blood vessels, bones, and various tissue structures. Sisia knows where they are, and with sufficient time, she can pinpoint them.

The second personality woke up shortly after coming out of the cafeteria at noon, silently and without warning. In this regard, Sisia has always suspected that the second personality has actually woken up a long time ago, or that it has not fallen asleep since waking up for the first time. And why does it have a rest? Sisia thinks it may be that the second personality doesn't want to talk to herself.

"If the second personality is a living person, he probably won't be a woman like me, but a man." In occasional thinking gaps, Sisia has already concretized the second personality more than once, "it won't be The attractive looks in the eyes of women, because they are serious and hard to say, but they are certainly not warm or comforting. Everything starts from rationality. Although the words are difficult to accept for a time, they are also facts. Maybe they will. Unexpectedly, it gives people a strong sense of peace of mind."

"But the vision is very high, everything in the training ground feels below the level, ,, will there be a cold feeling, although I know that he is on the side, but in many cases there is no real feeling."

There are only these things that Sisia can draw at present. Many details of UU Reading require later contact and familiarity in order to be supplemented one by one.

Briefly explaining the situation during the theoretical examination, Sisia looked at the desk afterwards and said that she had borrowed the book on firearms.

"Theoretical assessment is only a signal given by the training ground to tell you that the evaluation has really started." The answer is the same as Sisiah imagined. The words of the second personality are often not emotional, but like a machine. Analyze the meaning of these things, or explain the principles.

“The firearms books are put aside first. During the rest time, I leave a small part of my consciousness to operate and continue to think about the follow-up plan.” The second personality went on to say, “From today’s calculations, the firearms assessment two days later is no longer worrying, but the combat assessment You need to be prepared. And, this is also the foundation for simulation warfare."

"So in the rest of the time, focus on physical exercise. Although only a few days are left, as long as the method is used properly, and the self-healing ability and digestive ability of the second-stage stranger can be improved. Among them, we need to talk about it. Talk about the simulation battle. The reason is that I have a more greedy plan, and there is a high probability that you will return to the highest level of training here."

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