Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1898: Counteraction and path of deterrence (middle)

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"The information collection can be arranged immediately, but it takes a certain amount of time to achieve results. The information needs to be deeply digged before it can surface. This does not help the current situation." Monica agreed and said to Ke Alkva reminded.

He got up and went to the cupboard to pick up the unfinished wine. Corqueva just made a drink, but no drop of wine entered his mouth. The clues are intermittent, and the thoughts diverge too far and can't be connected together. From the very beginning, Kolkova still did not get any results.

"Sure enough, I still tend to be that the news is blocked, or there is a problem in a certain link of the transmission path, which causes the result of the analysis to be too far from the actual situation." Putting the wine glass down, Corkva's face stretched. Seriously, "With this energy, apart from the alliance itself, I can't think of anything else."

"If this is the assumption, did the alliance discover something from the beginning, or did it later? The past support of irrelevant personnel will increase the risk of blocked information leakage?"

Corqueva fell into a self-question and answer. After the faint clues appeared, his thoughts revolved around the unclear thing, searching for information from all aspects in order to find a clue that opened the gap.

"Or analyze from the simplest situation. The group of members who will be rushed over in the next month or soon will be cover? Including the initial message that there is an unknown team to clean up the Holy Emperor's Hall. It's just appearance. In that area, the power of the Holy Emperor's Hall was indeed cleared by some unknown teams, but for the reason, many actions can be done in it."

Monica listened to Kolkova's words, and after thinking about it, she said her guess: "There are still three years before the advent of the red star. According to historical experience, the relationship between the alliance and the Santorage Empire at this moment will indeed increase. The more nervous. According to the information, there has been some friction in advance, and there is a high probability that it will not be suspected. Now that there are a lot of reinforcements in the past, it will make many people believe those reasons-that is, the friction that suddenly arises, and it is not even necessary. What's the reason? Because the climate begins to change a year later, the two would have replayed history again, this time it is only one year away."

"I also hope that this is the simple reason from the beginning to the end." Corqueva sighed suddenly, "I am now very afraid of falling, and once some things have not caught up, I didn't throw my name in, right. The subsequent impact will be extremely huge. This situation did not happen in the past, but not necessarily in the future."

"And speaking of the cause of the incident, it is all due to the cooperative relationship between the Nature Association and the Saint Royal Hall. Some things that the Saint Royal Hall is not easy to show up are done with the help of the advance team of the Nature Association. It is just that they were caught. The tail has been annihilated by many people. Perhaps the Saint Royal Hall was only implicated, or it was not implicated, but what was planned by the Nature Association and the Saint Royal Hall in that area, which violated the interests and interests of some people. The bottom line?"

"From that time on, the Nature Association died many of the advance team members, so the Alliance was asked to support some teams in the past. However, when the Alliance team passed, some information about the plans of the Nature Association and the Holy Royal Hall there was unexpectedly discovered. ?"

"My lord, if you really care about this matter, I think you can..." Monica looked at Corkova and didn't finish her words.

"Ask Mr. Cassia?" Corqueva responded, "Before the sacrificial ceremony, he was indeed active in a group of small countries. But after the events in the dark forest ended, all information about him was either completely blocked. , Or just don’t know. We don’t know what state he is doing now."

"And, you also know that compared to Mr. Cassia, there may be clues to the cause of the small country incident. And Mr. Cassia himself..." Corqueva smiled bitterly, "Why did you suddenly appear in contact after two years of silence? Me? And there was no news before? I saw fear in it, so it's better not to contact."

"You have also read that letter. Although it is mostly greeting words throughout, it also directly explained to us not to contact him actively and not to disturb the woman named Sisia Mandeville. I was right about that. The woman was also curious, but when the letter came back, all investigations about her were immediately stopped."

"I know this is the protection of the adults. Think about the journey Mr. Cassia has gone through. It is related to it. While he can reap benefits and many unexpected benefits, he will suddenly be involved in a huge vortex. , Can't jump out."

Corqueva picked up the glass at this time, and finally drank the remaining half of the glass in one breath: "However, after hearing your guess, I hope that Mr. Cassia can contact him again later. Some things are not very good. However, if he participates in some things and cooperates with them, the probability of getting close to the truth is indeed higher."

"In addition, I am also very scared. The small country is not only involved in the Nature Association, the Holy Royal Hall and the Common Country of the Far Seas, but also the Holy Ten Luo Empire. Besides these, the identity of the team that cleans up the stronghold of the Holy Royal Hall is not yet It's clear. If Mr. Cassia is also involved, I think it's best not to care."


"Miss, that's it. Flame Tribe No. 23 training ground." Under winter, the sky began to darken at five o'clock. A pure black car was parked under a street lamp that was already lit, and the milky white steam of the canopy settled on the ground.

The rear window of the ceremonial car fell at this time, allowing the light of the street lamp to fall in a little, but it also deepened the darkness inside the ceremonial car.

"What about the information?" the female voice said at this moment, and another adjutant sitting in the passenger seat immediately handed it over. Looking through the voice, the female voice reappeared, "Are you a participant in the sacrificial ceremony? I have also been to the Nature Association, so it is exactly the same as my brother's situation. It seems that they are from the same group."

"Miss, it is indeed the same batch of people. It was with the young master and returned to the inside of the alliance in the same airship." The adjutant added information.

"The same batch,,, originally said to go to the Nature Association to receive more formal studies, my brother asked me to help him get a place, right? Yes, and receive treatment. But that batch of people is also an alliance. The test items sent here are all small mice. UU Reading at said it was a side effect of receiving learning and healing rituals. In fact, in addition to the Alliance side who wants to paralyze the Nature Association, there are also Nature Associations who want to take the initiative. The intention of investigating the sacrificial ceremony is here."

"What fun will the little mouse have?" The woman wondered, "Are there any changes to my brother's return?"

"Miss, according to the monitoring report that will be sent back every month, it can be said that there is no. It is a little improvement, but it is completely on the normal level."

"In that case... But since Holder came here after the meeting, whether intentionally or unintentionally, how do you feel that he deliberately conveyed this message to me?"

"Do you want me to be involved in the human trafficking network behind her? Or is there any other purpose for Holder?" The woman thought, and the limousine stopped under the street light for a few minutes before a voice continued to speak. "But since it's here, I don't want to go in and see if I'm sorry to come over to such a place." With a cheerful voice, the limousine moved forward and entered the training ground.

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