Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1904: The humanoid machine under the liberation of the body (Part 1)

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While thinking, Cassia concealed all of her spirit and retracted her scattered perception. Dragons, as the second type of creatures, are naturally strong in perception, making them extremely keen, especially when they are sensitive to the same kind of creatures, they are operating as if they were following another kind of rule.

With the help of Sisia's eyes, she glanced at the tired young dragon, and Kassia, who thought of the multiple possibilities of mental power, was also not interested in it. Unless he can really help Sisia's assessment of affinity, even if he is not directly a candidate for the Dragon Knight, but allows the upper class to bypass Sisia's previous record and regain her potential, Cassia will have enthusiasm.

In theory, the possibility has been lost, and Cassia will not pay attention to the path that is not possible.

Half an hour later, Cassia woke up from Sisia's spirit.

"The good news is that the evaluation result is the same as it was more than a year ago. The bad news is that the affinity has not changed, and no increase has occurred." Seeing the second personality wake up, Sisia sighed, "An instructor asked me about my situation. , I answered as you requested. They said that they will report to the group of participants in the management ceremony. As for whether there will be a result, I think there is a high probability that there will not be."

"The results of other people are the same, only a decline but no growth." Sisiah continued, "The instructors keep saying that time is running out. Judging from their expressions, they should have lost their expectations for the Dragon Knight candidate. But it was originally. One thing that has been monopolized by large tribes for a long time, the instructors say that many tribes will spend a huge price to search for people who can become dragon knights throughout the alliance and even in small countries, so there is almost no omission."

"Affinity evaluation of the training ground is also part of the search. The reason why there will be changes is only because of the sacrificial ritual." Cassia said, as a kind of rational comfort, "In fact, many top members are better than The dragon knight. Those'monsters' you heard from the instructors should be above the dragon knight."

"Furthermore, from a rational analysis, the dragon knights in the alliance, especially the flame tribe, are powerful. This idea is not correct. Only the flame tribe respects the dragon knight. Among other big tribes, there have always been There is a similar choice. Find a way, the dragon knight is just another kind of beast cavalry, not as difficult to deal with as imagined."

Sisia used a smile instead of the feeling in her heart that she didn’t know how to describe: "I think this is the second personality you comfort me, instead of saying things exaggeratedly. I have read the information about the dragon knight, and those are all real. The fact that in any tribe, the dragon knights are a team in a strategic sense. As long as they are dispatched, there is no problem that cannot be solved. At least as far as I understand it, it seems that this is the case."

"In the second personality, you will definitely say that they will not record the failures, but even if there are, it is very, very rare. Just a young dragon can bring a huge sense of oppression. You can expect to wait until the young dragon's body grows. , How terrifying aura and power it will have."

This time it was Cassia's turn to sigh. He believes that this is Sisia's instinctive resistance to accepting new things and new information. In more than ten days, many things were indeed broken by myself. Maybe it was because I couldn't accept the fragmentation of the world in my eyes for a while. Sisia is just a very pure stranger, and the unknown of the stranger's world only unfolds little by little at this time. It is a natural reaction to be confused and fearful of it.

Probably in Sisia's understanding, the dragon knight is a long-standing tool to measure the end point.

When I left this virgin forest, the surroundings looked very quiet, and there was no one. Most of the students who participated in the assessment just regarded affinity as a process that must be done, and they were not interested in it from the beginning.

Back in the dormitory, Sisia lay directly on the bed, only then took a long breath of relief. There is no fatigue, nor is it because of the young dragon's hideous face. I only experienced the shock of the horrible atmosphere of that unknown woman not long ago, but the horror of the young dragon dropped a level in Sisia's heart.

It is because the affinity has indeed returned. Narcolepsy has been a huge pressure on Sisia's whole person more than a year ago. Too many things happened in the middle, making her mentally nervous and high-pressure all the time. Until it was determined after the evaluation that it had disappeared, Sisia was somewhat unable to adapt.

Although it is not much different from usual, the strength will not be strengthened, and the body will not change drastically. But the sense of relaxation from the depths of the spirit was something that Sisiah hadn't felt for a long time.

After a few breaths of relief, Sisiah laughed out loud after all, full of joy.

Watching Cassia shook his head alone, why did Sisia suffer from narcolepsy? He knew that the main reason must lie in him. And not only the spirit, but also the perfect evolutionary substance that is scarce in Sisia's body, it was probably passively absorbed by him as a necessary supplement during the two years of sleep.

It's just that the Southern Forest Incident ended and what happened during the period when the spirit body fell into the darkness, Cassia still needed the necessary information to make an analysis. He knew that he could survive as a spiritual body, except that the main reason was the red crystalline body, the body of the southern forest, the newborn world tree must have been involved in some things.

Six red stars are about to come, whether Cassia knows things or the unknowns that have not yet been contacted, UU reading has started to act. Perhaps everything is in confusion. This time the historical process has been covered by fog. No one knows whether the end or the new life will be ushered in.

In addition, it was because he chose Sisia voluntarily, or Sisia chose himself, which is also something that Cassia failed to think clearly.

But this is not important to the current Cassia. Everything will change, whether it is himself or Sisia himself. More and more things are being found by Cassia and connected in a line, thinking clearly one by one. Now he needs only a start-up time, like a steam furnace, once it is ignited, it can provide sufficient power for a long time.

"Three days later is a battle assessment. During this period, we will continue to exercise strength and improve endurance. If we practice several times of handover of body control, there will be no major problems. After more than a week, it will be a simulation battle. We need to get familiar with the original forest in advance. I will explain to you how to use the environment and how to fight in the forest terrain."

"In addition, rationally speaking, there is not much time left for you. After the simulation battle, perhaps the world of the Strange will unfold before your eyes. Of course, you don't have to expect it in return."

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