Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1911: Easy things and death assessment (in)

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Taking the equipment mentioned by the second personality, Sisia went to the staff on the side to complete the registration, and then went to the temporary tent to change the field uniform.

"It's all standard quantities and configurations. Will it not be enough?" When changing clothes, Sisia asked, "This material, the clothes don't have bulletproof function, right? It's just more flexible than ordinary clothes."

"It has the lowest level of bulletproof function. If the workmanship quality is better, with the power of the anesthetic needle, it will most likely be blocked by the clothes. This is what the instructors don't want to see." Cassia who took a look at it replied, "Ammunition. The number is completely sufficient, and the target is the sign hanging on each neck later, which means that the anesthesia needle is only the safest method. As long as the sign can be obtained, any method is feasible."

"I also said just now. If you don't have it, you can take it from your teammates and enemies. When the instructor explained the rules, and in the detailed information of the simulation game that I read yesterday, did it clearly say that you can't'kill' teammates?"

"No, but it’s not good? There are 50 players on both sides of the match. The probability of winning a simulated battle with teammates will be much higher, I think." Sisiah said his thoughts, "Cooperate with each other, firepower Whether it’s suppressing or formulating various tactics, it will be relatively convenient, and it can also share part of the pressure without being dangerous. After all, there are two ways to win, one is to collect and trigger the signs on any six enemies, and the second is It's a party that "destroyed all" within a specified time."

Cassia didn’t want to talk too much about this kind of thing, so he ended the topic ahead of time: “In short, after the simulation battle begins, I will take over the control of the body and leave the rest to me. All you need to do is to write down The areas of doubt, and the explanations I explain to you from time to time."

Sisiah could only nod her head. She suddenly thought of one thing, and immediately followed up: "Second personality, have I forgotten an important thing? Your perception range seems to be hundreds of meters away, which is better than ours now. A lot?"

"If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be a big problem with teammates or alone."

This time it was Cassia’s turn to sigh: "Do you know what it means to know how much you know? The more you fight against top players, apart from the other party's various information, your own information is the most important. How much power does this punch have? , How long can you run in one second, what abilities or advantages you have, etc. The key to victory lies in it."

Afterwards, Cassia checked the equipment with Sisia's sight and explained some knowledge about these equipment.

"Two flare bombs are subtracted, and one flash flare is added." After some thinking, Cassia adjusted the amount of ammunition he carried.

In the previous period, through the information in the library, Cassia learned that the simulation warfare has a long history in the training ground named after the number, which can be called a tradition. Whether it is rubber bullets or field combat equipment, its weight is equal to that of real firearms.

It is not yet known what the recoil of rubber bullets is. But Cassia has seen bullets, which are slightly different from the appearance of platinum bullets. The weapons and equipment used in the simulation warfare mentioned in the combined materials are all specially designed. He believes that except for the hard rubber warhead, the difference between the other parts and the real firearms will not be very big.

When the registration was modified, a large group of students were still surrounded by the materials of each team. Many trainees have already put on weights and are running in a small area to calculate the tolerable range. Entering the primeval forest, perhaps the only thing that can give them peace of mind is the weapons in their hands and the amount of ammunition they carry. This can be regarded as a kind of psychological self-suggestion and comfort.

Seeing that Sisia came out, someone also came immediately to seek cooperation, but they were all rejected.

"This is the beginning. The preparation time is half an hour. The first is the selection of equipment and ammunition, and the second is the cold weapon. After that, you will find people around you start talking to each other, and more and more people are walking together. , Become a group. In the end, perhaps these groups will merge together and become a team. Or, it will be several teams of the same size standing side by side. At that time, they will discuss some simple tactics and explain themselves to each other. Circumstances, determine the position of each member in the team, etc. In short, these are normalized, whether it is a simulated battle or any other situation, it will happen."

"But the point I have always wanted to express is not to deny the formation of a team at the beginning. Rather, I hope you can stay sensible in any situation and clearly and correctly judge the situation under which you should seek the formation of a team. Under what circumstances, the priority of acting alone is above it. You need to have this knowledge and be able to make the right judgment at any time."

Sisiah digested the words of the second personality, and saw that there was still a lot of time left, so she could only find a clearing and stood still in a daze. She felt more and more that the second personality was not only a thing dominated by reason, but more often than not a teacher with a vague sense of anxiety, afraid that she, the only student, would go the wrong way.

Getting closer to the start of the simulation war, the situation on the concrete floor was exactly the same as what Cassia said. After everyone has selected the weapons and ammunition they need, individual individuals begin to gather together and form small groups. Small groups continue to merge and merge, and when the number of people exceeds a dozen, they can be called a team.

Because the teams competing against each other are facing each other, in the rest of the time, everyone is also observing each other's preparations.

And when the teams appeared, the assignment of work between them gradually became clear. More members go to the staff to change their configuration. Sisia found that she could see a lot of things from the simulation battle she participated in for the first time, and these things, a few days or more than ten days ago, the second personality had talked about the same or similar situations. .

She thought that second personality usually referred to these as theories and laws, and many related materials could be found in books. There is no need for the second personality to explain the current situation, she can also analyze some information at this time.

There are still five minutes before the simulation battle begins. Among the fifty people in Sisia, two teams with more than twenty people have finally formed. There are still small groups of two or three people, and this situation exists in all of the fifteen teams competing against each other.

In the end, perhaps it was the performance of the combat assessment that allowed Sisiah to accumulate a little fame among the students. The captains of both teams came to invite Sisia to join.

All were rejected, and the right to choose was not in the hands of Sisia.

After the preparation time is over, each confrontation team will be led by the instructor to the virgin forest area where the simulation battle is conducted. This link is introduced in the materials, and the specific scope is also explained. It is not a large area, less than ten square kilometers. However, in addition to the virgin forest environment, the ancient trees, which are generally above 100 meters in height, allow the space to be expanded in depth.

Trot all the way, and arrived in the area in about ten minutes. Two staff members were already waiting at the target location, and one of them was carrying a one-meter long alloy box in his hand. After waiting for two minutes on the spot, the instructor used the communicator to confirm that the confrontation team was also integrated and rested at the target location.

"Perhaps there are any students in the team who have participated in the simulation battle. Here again, when it exceeds the specified range of the simulation battle, it will make a sharp sound. At that time, you have five seconds to retreat. Otherwise, it will be judged. It’s you who take the initiative to'death'. As for how to use it, kill the'enemy', and then use this sharp point of your brand... Be sharp and pierce the enemy's brand here."

When the instructor demonstrated, the indicator light on the sign appeared in red for two seconds: "Just see the indicator light. Finally, the simulation battle ended three hours later, or all members of one side were judged to be dead. '. We will make a notice and pass this brand. It will continue to flash yellow at that time, please remember to pay attention from time to time."

"The last point, the effect of the anesthesia needle is about six hours. So students who got the anesthesia needle will have to work hard for you to walk in the forest for six hours. It's a good time to take a break."

It still needs to be bound with the identity card when issuing the card. After doing this, the time has reached 4:15 in the afternoon. Through the cracks in the canopy of the evergreen trees, the sky is already gray, and the interior of the forest is even more gloomy.

It was not until 4:20 in the afternoon that the news of the start of the simulation battle was officially transmitted to the instructor’s communicator. At the same time, several red flare bombs lifted into the air everywhere in the forest, and bright red light penetrated into the forest, quite creating a tense atmosphere.

"Good luck to you!" The instructor blessed him, and soon disappeared from the sight of many students with the staff.

The people scattered among the several ancient trees looked at each other, as if they wanted to look at each other more while there was still light around. I don’t know if it’s confused, or after forming a team, everyone’s team consciousness has become stronger, and then waiting for the command and order to highlight the sense of order from the beginning.

It wasn't until Sisiah walked more than a hundred meters away in one direction alone that the sound that should be heard came from behind her. Her departure did not cause any movement, but quietly, with only a faint sound. Maybe not in the attention of many members.

"Next handover control?" No one else could be seen from behind, and the silence of winter suddenly came from all around. The cold wind shook the leaves and made a "rustling" sound, with a sense of permeation.

Sisia got a negative answer, and could only trot slowly, traveling through the forest in the pattern of training in the previous few days. She would check the time from time to time, and when fifteen minutes passed, the visibility was less than ten meters away. The low-light vision is the ability that all strangers' eyes have, but in the current environment, if there is no follow-up enhancement, only a blurry piece can be seen farther away.

"Fighting alone, according to your understanding, what should you do at this time?" The time is almost the same, but Cassia is not in a hurry to transfer control. According to the data, the scope of the simulated battlefield is a roughly circular shape. With the help of spirit, his perception can spread to kilometers away, and he wants to be captured and detected. There is no such person in this training field.

This is a huge advantage. Cassia understands very well how to fight in the dark without relying on vision, and also understands that when the information is not equal, the enemy is either a mouse in the laboratory or a toy in the hands of a child. While not a bit threatening, it can also provide some fun.

Of course, he would not give up this excellent opportunity to teach Sisia something. While Cassia asked questions, he also began to observe the surrounding environment.

Sisia thought for a while, looked around for a few times, and then hesitated to give the answer: "Look for the enemy, and then kill them with an anesthetic needle?"

Immediately after speaking, he shook his head, and Sisiah smiled bitterly. All she had in her head was the theoretical knowledge that the second personality taught her, and the situation during the training a few days ago. But what should be done now, Sisia thought he knew a rough idea, but when he had to say it clearly, not only was his throat stuck, but his thinking was stuck at the initial point and motionless.

At this time, Cassia and Sissia finished handing over the control of the body, the actual signal of the surrounding light intensity suddenly entered Cassia's spirit, and the environmental information was instantly updated.

But Sisiah stopped talking. She wanted to answer the second personality question, but she didn't know the answer at present, and she didn't have any clues at all.

Taking a deep breath, Cassia felt the coldness of the air and pulled out the pistol that fired rubber bullets by the way.

"This is the way of fighting alone, fighting in groups, I will explain to you how to proceed later." Cassia said, and Sisia said "Um". That short time may make her realize a lot of things.

"Combined with the situation of simulated warfare, I will try my best to explain how you should proceed without me from your perspective." Cassia continued, and opened the pistol insurance. UU reading www.uukanshu. com pressed the muzzle to his waist. "The first step is to recall the theoretical knowledge of firearms you learned. Do you know the approximate speed and power of rubber bullets?"

"I don't know." Sisiah replied, and there were clues in his head. "First, you need to know its power? Although the information says it is one-third of the power of ordinary bullets, it is not detailed enough. If you don't understand, use it to attack. What effect can be achieved is indeed unknown."

Cassia nodded, with a slight compliment: "It seems that you are not executing reading and learning as a simple command." After speaking, he pressed the trigger, accompanied by a slightly dull sound of "Bang!", in pain. Sense came from the abdomen immediately. It was completely within the tolerable range, and Cassia observed the skin under the combat uniform, but it was only a piece of redness and swelling.

Immediately, Cassia fired at an ancient tree ten meters away. Under a short muzzle flame, the rubber bullet did not show any traces, but it made a "pop" sound when it hit the tree trunk.

"Proficiency is enough, these two shots can get all the information you want." Cassia went to the ancient tree and said. The rubber bullets were embedded in the bark and squeezed into a ball, like a fresh tree trunk.

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