Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1919: The basis of return (part 1)

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The moment Cassia stretched out his right arm, the green fluorescence emanating from the torn skin was immediately restrained, and no trace of it was spilled. At the same time, the skin that looked intact in other parts of his body began to tear, as if a frozen lake surface was attacked with dense cracks.

In the blink of an eye, his right arm went to the air distorted by the green fluorescence in front of him, as if the substantive green fluorescence skyrocketed and became brighter. They are like physicalized light spots, converging towards here with the degree of distortion of the air. Soon, when Cassia's entire right arm was wrapped in fluorescence, the cracks in his whole body began to slowly expand, and the remaining skin also disappeared little by little at the same time.

Until the introverted fluorescence radiated from the cracks of his whole body again, Cassia pulled out his right arm from the fluorescence gathered in the twisted air in a difficult posture.

The skin on his arm disappeared completely, but what was left was not fresh flesh and blood, but a complex light path. These lines are intertwined with each other to form an arm with visible blood vessels, muscles and bones in the form of a three-dimensional sketch. The original color of the lines should be bright white with a slight yellowish tint like sunlight. At this moment, the dense green fluorescence becomes a firefly-like light dot entering it, circulating at a very fast speed in the network of lines that make up the whole body. opened.

Cassia exhaled at this moment, seeming to feel tired. He blinked fiercely. At the current time, the only place that was not corroded by the green fluorescence was the blood-red cross pupils covered with black rings.

Cassia walked very slowly, each step was consuming a lot of his own mental power. He really felt a sense of heaviness. Although this is his spiritual world, the scorched earth under his feet has a great suction power for him at this moment.

The skin everywhere has been slowly decomposing into ashes, peeling off his body little by little. Until I stood in front of the broken part of the analyzer, I could directly see a brain made up of lines that looked like a small sun through the face that had fallen off most of the skin. Almost endless light paths converge here, but even if it is like a small sun, there is not much light shining out.

Sitting down beside the analysis machine, Cassia took a long breath again. I can't say how it feels now, good or bad, and Cassia can't tell the difference.

After the simulation battle ended, Cassia assisted Sisia's training while thinking about all kinds of questions about herself. He believes that there are two things that are the most important at present. The first point is about the upgrading of Sisia surgery and the development of corresponding surgical capabilities. The liberation of the body can only be regarded as forcing the body to exert 100% or 200% of its strength after he accepts the control right. But after every increase of a percentage, the side effects he faced were not what he wanted to see. So some corresponding abilities have become the focus.

The second point is not only for myself, but also for the reason to help Sisia. Regardless of the level of surgery, or the ability of surgery, it requires the intervention of one's own will and a lot of energy to provide the possibility of body change.

Cassia has thought of replacing Sisia's spiritual will with herself, and influencing Sisia's body from the perspective of a bystander. There is a precedent for this idea, because Cassia knew that a few years ago he was helped by Sucarius, so he changed something at the beginning.

The rest is a lot of energy.

I have been thinking about this for a long time. It is precisely because of the use of uranium gold that the current state of the spiritual world is caused, so Cassia naturally knows that the green fluorescents currently remaining in this world are all potential energy sources, and they are huge.

In addition, Cassia knew that his own spiritual body left in the spiritual world also needed material supplements. Looking at it now, what can provide a supplement to the spiritual world, in addition to the spirit of Sisia itself, is the perfect evolutionary substance. But for the current Sisia, Cassia naturally knew that he could not regard it as his previous self. Both of these substances are too scarce. In order to prevent Sisia from falling into the cycle of narcolepsy again, he can only find another way.

Finally, I put my thoughts on green fluorescence, which represents radiation. They are products of uranium and gold, and Cassia's idea is also very simple. Since in the southern forest, the energy of uranium can enter the spiritual world, there is definitely an unknown path between the physical body and the spiritual world, so that the uranium energy can be transmitted and used.

In addition, uranium gold energy can cause damage to the spiritual world, which means that it can be used. In the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, Cassia remembers that he can absorb the radiation "germs" that are free.

"The key point is to switch organs." Cassia said to herself. He closed his eyes and began to recall the scene in the southern forest, especially the physical changes during that time when his muscles squeezed the small glass bottle containing uranium gold.

Cassia had already understood that the spirit might be the essential thing, and when he knew that the performance of the spirit body was these lines of light, he was even more convinced of this.

But the memory is relatively vague, because the center of gravity at the time was not on the changes in the body. After a short period of time passed, Cassia got up without getting the result. After walking a few steps beside the analysis machine, he walked out of the shadow cast by the wreckage of the battleship and faced a vast scorched earth full of ravines and ravines.

"Huh,,," Cassia took a deep breath, thinking of happy things, and suddenly smiled on her face. The smile disappeared immediately, and his whole person was in a stagnant state for a few seconds. In the next moment, the light path visible throughout his body regained life like the roots of towering ancient trees, and in an instant it crazily differentiated and grew throughout his body.

At the same time, these light yellowish bright white light paths grow on one side, and a large number of bright red light spots appear on the same side. Only a negligible time slower, the entire optical network becomes several times more complicated. The green fluorescent spot and the red spot also coexist in the light path.

At the next moment, Cassia already felt the light paths of differentiation and growth converge in her chest. They were intertwined and entangled with each other, forming a certain structure like a formula.

The red light spots began to converge towards the chest, and the bright red gathered there quickly heated up and instantly turned to blazing white. While the red light spots converge, a small part of the green fluorescent light spots are also brought to the chest—just like the high-energy fuel thrown into the furnace. Although it is only a small part, it is extremely fierce!

There was no sound, the chest was stained with some green glowing white light, and it went to Cassia's throat like flowing water. There, the green was diluted, converted and absorbed again, completely turning into light blue. As Cassia opened her mouth and released the swelling energy from her chest and throat, a breath that turned into a dazzling light blue instantly went ten kilometers away.

The air exploded directly, and there was a fan-shaped image gradually spreading above the scorched earth. The place closer to Cassia was ablated into glass-like material, and in the distance, there was lava emitting red light!

"It seems to have succeeded." After taking a deep breath, Cassia sat down on the spot and said to herself, "Fortunately, the third stage of promotion surgery was obtained by analyzing the changes of the whole body little by little. Breath is engraved in her spiritual body. Among them, although its energy conversion structure is not as direct and specific as the conversion of uranium-gold, it can indeed use the energy of uranium-gold."

Seeing the traces of the breath that emits scorched smoke ahead, Cassia was able to feel a little relaxed: "Just a few more experiments, you can analyze the transformation mechanism of the breath by yourself, by then..."

"The remaining thing, in addition to verifying whether the transformed energy can be used by the spiritual world, is to conduct corresponding experiments with Sisia to find the connection path between the spiritual world and the body." When talking to herself, Cassia Looking at the wreckage of the battleship behind him, he finally fixed his gaze on the analysis machine.

For the path, he already had some clues, otherwise he would not tell Sisia to experiment in the adaptation period given by the Thornybird training ground.

"It seems that in the past two years I have fallen asleep, I haven't fallen too much. Everything seems to be the side effect of using uranium gold."

Cassia lay down and looked at the torn sky: "Take advantage of this time and carefully study everything about the spiritual body, and maybe you can analyze some paths to the fourth stage. But during the period, there are still many things at the same time. Waiting for me to do..."

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