Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1924: The prototype of the monster (part 2)

Latest website: Sisiah looked around in amazement. The darkness was like a curtain. With her as the center, a circular area was opened until the radius of the area reached hundreds of meters. The momentum of expansion gradually decreased, and the speed was also reduced. Becomes extremely slow, to the point where it is almost impossible to see that it is moving forward.

The mushrooms on the ground are very large, and the standard line is the size of an adult's head. Some are bright, not only the fragrance is dissipated, but also the dim light is produced. Some very common, standard appearance suitable for consumption.

The closer you get to the edge of this mushroom field, the more corpses of all kinds are, and the same situation with all kinds of weapons.

Sisia felt strange about this. Because she had a sense of familiarity that she hadn't seen for a long time. Although he didn't feel scared, he didn't have any resistance, but took it for granted.

After a brief observation, she immediately explained to the second personality everything she saw, along with the types and functions of mushrooms. As for broken weapons, Sisia at this moment can also recognize most of the types.

"Just remember this scene, there is no need to describe it in detail." Cassia replied. Most of his energy at the moment was placed on the optical flow network that appeared in Sisia's body. The moment he saw this piece of internet, his intertwined head burst into a dazzling light.

The flood of information has triggered this change, and the ultra-high-speed operation makes these lines look like electric currents.

The optical flow network in Sisia's body is not complicated, it is just a rudimentary body, similar to the main rhizome of a tree, or the main arteries and veins in the blood vessel network. At the same time, the tiny light flow nets, which are roots or capillaries, also grow at the same time, spreading all over the body little by little.

Cassia paid attention to these changes, and all the information was recorded in his mental body.

At the same time, he continued to control the separation of the green fluorescent light spot on his right arm, and did not forget to let Sisia observe the light green light cluster just now and report the situation at all times.

When the number of fluorescent light spots melted on the passcard reached seventeen, Sisiah's body sitting in the center of the rainproof cloth made a tearing sound. The skin suddenly cracked and opened a series of torn wounds. It can be seen that the conscious muscle tissue is squirming, like a balloon, slowly growing and expanding.

Cassia immediately opened his right arm, and when there was a certain distance from the analyzer, the fluorescent spot lost the target. Even if it was separated, it would either return to the right arm or disintegrate in the air.

"Those light **** are going to disappear, and no new light **** appear from the darkness." After a few breaths, Sisiah explained what he saw, "The expanded mushroom ground is also disappearing."

In just a few seconds, Sisiah answered again: "The mushroom field has disappeared, and I seem to be back in the black space during the ceremony. It should be said that there is no light around, so I can only see black. There are actually things around me..."

"It seems that something is pulling me back..."

"I came out of that black space, and now I am in the dormitory." After experiencing pure black, the cold light of the dormitory made Sisia feel unusually dazzling, as if looking directly at the noon sun. She opened her eyes slowly after closing her eyes for more than ten seconds, but she could still feel the tingling and dizziness caused by the light.

"Heartbeat is fast and breathing is very rapid. Now you need to control the body and calm the sense of danger that the body feels instinctively." Cassia has been paying attention to the appearance changes and reactions on Sisia's body and reminded him immediately.

"Remember, there must be no physical movements, everything needs to be done smoothly." The growing and expanding muscle tissue reminded Cassia of the "degraded" textbook introduction. The increase in volume but not the increase in quality is a major phenomenon, and it is the most serious manifestation of deterioration. Subsequently, the muscle tissue will soon become like a balloon, filled with a large amount of gas, and when it reaches its limit, it will explode and split into flesh and blood.

Because these organizations want to regain their previous appearance, but that appearance only exists on the body of the dragon, which is far beyond the hugeness of human beings!

Sisia obeyed the words of the second personality and began to slowly lower his heartbeat and calm his breathing. She could feel a huge resistance, as if this body was no longer her own, which made her feel strange. Seeing the swollen flesh and blood squeezing out the blood under the torn skin wound, Sisia felt a kind of fear instinctively.

Quickly tell the second personality of the current situation. But from the beginning to the end, what made Sisiah feel dangerous was not the pool of blood flowing down from the body and pooling on the rain cloth, but the more and more unfamiliar feeling. Something is driving her to leave herself, and she is very clear at this moment that leaving means real death.

"I know." Cassia responded immediately. "Degradation" theory is a compulsory theoretical course in military schools. The experience of the past few years has also taught Cassia what the nature of "degradation" is. Don't worry too much, "Take a few deep breaths, and I will give you a signal. After receiving it, just change the control of the body. You can’t handle the body tissues in an out-of-control state.”

The always calm and rational voice made Sisia feel at ease. When he heard the signal given by the second personality, Sisia followed the familiar process and handed over control with Cassia. The sense of strangeness disappeared immediately, and what was ushered in was the feeling of being pulled away after the transfer of control.

At the same time, Cassia stopped all the information in the mental body in a "frozen" form, and devoted all his attention to the current situation.

It is indeed the unique "withering" of the strangers of the Flame Alliance, which is the phenomenon that the unconscious dragon spirit remaining in the body tissues is activated and begins to act according to instinctive will. He is very familiar with it, because he used to rely on the giant whale method to stimulate the proliferation of dragon tissues, which is roughly the same. It's just that in his body, all the remaining dragon spirits have been "purified" again because of Sukarius.

This is actually an important piece of information for Cassia. He now understands that the operation of the military school is not without theoretical basis, and the method for the Flame Alliance to become a stranger is not 100% safe. The principles for the two countries to become surgeons and singularities go to the root, the same.

"In terms of this principle, is there any value for reference and use?" Cassia thought, and the spirit was fully dispersed in Sisia's body. Compared with the remaining spirit in the dragon organization implanted by the Empire's surgery, the remaining dragon spirit in the body of the strangers of the Flame Alliance is tantamount to too weak.

The treatment method is very simple, it is feasible to calm the restlessness of the remaining spirit, or directly crush it. It was only when Cassia did the actual operation that he realized that after his spirit spread, the remaining spirit immediately regarded him as a target.

Just like opening the channel actively, or the spiritual world of Cassia being destroyed by uranium and gold energy, there are already many gaps that can be used as channels. The remaining spirit directly followed Cassia's will, Qi Qi entered his spiritual world.

"Well, you first deal with the wounds on your body." At this time, Cassia left a word and handed over control. When his attention returned to the spiritual space, he did not forget to observe the dimmed optical flow network, and he felt relaxed for a while.

The experiment has been perfectly successful so far, and the result is more pleasing than expected. Because not only is the desired result obtained, the torrent of information frozen in the spiritual body can also answer many questions that have not been answered in the past-Sucarius influences the nature of himself, the energy circulation network corresponding to the bio-inductive stress field, and the spirit The analysis of the world, as well as things about the four stages, such as the storage method of huge energy that Cassia had thought about before, now have definite clues.

The only shortcoming is that Cassia believes that he is led by himself, and the results obtained may not be as strong as Sukarius's influence on him in the first place. But this kind of experiment is sustainable and repeatable, and Cassia has the right to repeatedly strengthen and modify it, so there is no need to worry too much.

At least in the eyes of Cassia, Sisia is already a so-called monster prototype at this moment, and the rest is just growth.

The next moment, Cassia returned to the spiritual world and immediately raised his head.

Among the huge cracks in the sky, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com, dark red fireballs fell, like falling meteorites. Hundreds of fireballs became brighter and brighter, and they rushed towards the wreckage of the battleship together. When there were still two kilometers away, all the fireballs gathered together, and then expanded and exploded.

Among the large pieces of flame scattered like dead leaves, a giant dragon with a body length of nearly 100 meters spread out its wings.

At the same time, Cassia's chest was filled with light green and white light, and opened his mouth. When the light flow had turned into dazzling blue light at his throat, he was "swallowed" forcibly.

"Can the remaining unconscious dragon will be regarded as the spiritual body of the dragon?" The giant dragon flapped its wings and slammed into it. Cassia squeezed her dry throat and continued to think.

He didn't worry about the dragon at all. This is his spiritual world. In addition, as a spiritual body, he did not feel any danger signals aroused from this body.

"Perhaps it has research value. Can it become the'food' in the spiritual world and supplement me? But Sisia, who has lost these residual spiritual consciousness, can assimilation and integration continue?" Cassia was immediately caught by the two The problem is fascinated.

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