Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1949: Sub-experimental body and mental shock (part 2)

The limo immediately stopped by the side of the road, the door opened, and two people rushed out to the front passenger seat and the back seat of the car, all wearing masks. It was separated from the left and the right, chasing an enemy separately, much faster than the other members who suddenly appeared on the street, and all the way was full of afterimages.

"Notify Anomi and Knowlton, tell them the location, and ask them to gather here as soon as possible. In addition, the information is synchronized to Aiqi, his head should be filled with all kinds of information, the current news can make him happy again. Of course, don’t forget to ask Edggar to send some support. He contacted famous mercenaries and bounty hunters. Those people only listened to his employer."

After speaking, the man left in the car pressed the communicator in his hand, the electronic noise disappeared, and an awe-inspiring voice came: "Master Solakal, the distance between us and you is only more than a thousand meters, two minutes. Arrived later. "Hounds" are all normal and can wake up at any time."

"Okay." The man Solakar replied, cutting off the connection. Unfolding the folded map in his hand, he thought for a moment, then picked up the pile of thick photos next to the seat and flipped through it quickly. It was a picture of a pile of corpses. It was taken when the follow-up support went to the small town to clean up the scene last night. Apart from some common buildings, the background was a large vineyard.

Almost every corpse was shot in the head. The standard fifteen-millimeter revolver bullet is so powerful that the bulletproof board can make pits, almost piercing through. The density and strength of the skull is no different from bricks in front of it, and it will become fragments.

"Take this as the center point, away from the city, spread out a fan-shaped range of 180 degrees, radiating a distance of three kilometers." Solakal roughly drew an area with a pen, "You can figure out the specific location by yourself, and notify as soon as possible. In the hands of other people, let them move closer to the nearest place to form an encirclement. Our position is said to be the center point, which is the state of carrying the "hound" to the edge."

There was the cracking sound of various things in front, and there were few "banging" gunshots, like a single sound. More of it is the distorted "Da Da" sound of the installation of a silencer, which is neither strong, but can not be ignored by the ears.

Solakal was leaning on the back seat, watching the short street through the front window. The sound on the side of the street disappeared, and soon one person was lifted out, one hand was obviously broken, and he was hanging vertically, dripping with blood, not much. Several anesthesia needles can also be seen on his clothes. Less than ten seconds later, the noise on the other side of the street stopped abruptly. The painting was symmetrical, and the other person was also carried out of the building.

"My lord, according to the portrait, they are indeed two of them." An adjutant reported, "Three members were lost and two others were shot, but they were not fatal."

"Do you need to wake them up immediately?" Someone took out a steel cable to tie the two together, and several longer and taller limousines gathered here from various streets, and lined up behind this limousine. One column, neat and tidy.

"Pay attention to the impact, and don't cause unnecessary burdens to the families here." After Solakal's words were finished, the people at the side of the car immediately understood and carried people into the extended car behind. With the start of the first car, within half a minute, there are only a few masked members who deal with follow-up questions and traces.

In the car, No. 4 and No. 5 were injected with medicine, and opened their eyes a few seconds later. At first, he struggled, but he felt the alloy steel cable tied tightly all over his body, and he immediately saved his energy. Communication was connected when the two woke up.

"Hello, two gentlemen. I am one of the targets of your mission. Two choices. I don't know which one you choose."

"The results of the two choices are the same, right? I'm not a newcomer." Number four spoke first, and took a deep breath after speaking.

"Where is the other gentleman? Is the same thing you want to say?" I didn't care, the voice in the microphone continued, and the limo drove along with it, and the surrounding buildings continued to change.

"That silence means acquiescence."

After one or two breaths, Solakar heard the distorted gunfire in the communication and cut off the contact: "How about the search? The other party received the communication before the action, and immediately made a physical response. That is definitely noticing. A manifestation of being surrounded. The snipers are separated by two hundreds of meters, but they are all professionals who are good at concealment and sniping. Only the moment when they shoot can they notice some abnormalities. But their action time is completely there.' In an instant, a lot before."

"Combined with the results of the investigation in the town, whether Aiqi or Anomei, Sisia Mandeville in their mouths is not a weak person who can become a cargo. Could it be that he has been to the Nature Association for treatment and study? After the change?"

Solakal, who was talking to himself, looked through the pile of photos again. During the period, he received the information that Anomi and Knowlton were approaching here, and issued an order: "Once you find them, everyone only needs to drive them away. Go to a place with fewer people, that is, the area under construction in the search area. All frontal battles are given to personnel armed with composite ceramic bullet-proof panels. With the enemy’s firearms proficiency, there is no full-body protection, as long as the opponent has enough ammunition, How much you go there is just to increase the difficulty of handling the corpse."

At the same time, he pressed the communicator in his hand again: "Get ready, first release only two'hounds'. The release of the remaining five can only be approved after I get a follow-up order!" The words on the other side have not been transmitted, and the communication is only Was cut off. The correspondent on the side also connected the contact simultaneously.

"My lord, the search team found two other enemies. In a brief battle, one died and the other escaped, but was followed steadily."

"The location and the direction of escape!" Solakar spread out the map, and he immediately reflected the name and direction of the place on the map. He tapped the map with his hand and quickly said the name of a shop on the map. But when the throat of the correspondent on the side moved, he immediately stopped, "Go back! There are people with abnormal sensing range among the enemies, and the movements we surround are in their grasp."

"How long does the mutant hound and the temperature-sensing member arrive? I need a specific time!"

"Synchronously notify Anomie and Knowlton, let them speed up! Follow the mirrored area of ​​the current encirclement to enclose." The li car turned synchronously, and the li car behind him looked like a long snake, and immediately dispersed at the intersection ahead after receiving the order.

Sorakal looked in the rearview mirror as he spoke, thinking about something. He wanted to speak, but his head twisted without warning, breaking half a head away from the original position. The glass of the front window of the vehicle shattered simultaneously, and splashes hit his face.

Only a "bang" was heard, and a bullet pierced through the car, punching a pit in the street floor. And the sharp air it drove scraped off half of Solakar's ears. The advancing limousine immediately lost its power, and there was an extra piece of vehicle parts on the road.

Sorakal slammed the door directly into the air, pulling out a snake-shaped afterimage. The next moment, a distorted gunshot sounded, and the top of a six-story building on the other side of the road was baptized, and in the blink of an eye there were large penetrating bullet holes.

"No need to chase!"

"Aiqi! The black dragon training ground or the force you want to investigate appeared and broke my ear! Let those mercenaries and bounty hunters come here! Tell them that this bounty is not so profitable!" Solakar expanded his perception and immediately got into an extended car and yelled at the communicator. Several surrounding members covered with composite ceramic bulletproof boards came to surround him.

"Anomie and Knowlton will be here soon. These people will not pose a threat to you in a short time." Aiqi's voice did not have any mood swings. "Pay attention to the influence of the action. It has been announced that they have been dispatched, and the upper level has also given them an order to attack indiscriminately afterwards. I hope you and your people are best equipped with defense army clothes!"

At this time, the limo returned to the street where the shops observed on No. 4 and No. 5 were located. Pedestrians had been evacuated, and a group of members wearing defense forces or the clothes of the security department had set up roadblocks.

The correspondent who was transferred to another limousine ran over at this moment: "My lord, Mr. Anomi wants you to pay attention to the underground waterway and the nearby underground parking lot! There are two mutant wolves in there.

"Release a'hound!' to the underground waterway!" The correspondent's voice fell, and Solakar had already notified. Immediately a hundred meters away, there was an inexplicable breath awakening. Sorakal took a look and took a deep breath, "Let others go and surround the nearby underground parking lots. Some of the enemies can feel this kind of thing."


"The second group, No. 2 and No. 6, lead the team. The direction you choose is toward the center of the city. Good luck!" The captain said to the person in front of him. , But all fell back. At the same time, they came out together with several members of the first group.

"I have been found." The number three and number seven of the first group that came out at the end said, "It seems that there are some..."

The words were interrupted by the captain, and his face became extremely ugly. Only subconsciously, the captain took a look at No. 10, only to find that she had already looked in the direction he wanted to look ahead, even though it was surrounded by walls and ceilings that were heavily obstructed.

"Captain?" Seeing the sudden change of the captain's face, No.7 asked after taking a deep breath.

"It seems,..., has the breath of a'hound'." The captain thought for a while, then exhaled to release the pressure. But the air was frozen, and no one answered his words.

"Hound, what is it? Is it called a mutant wolf?" After a short period of silence, some newcomers could not bear this suffocating atmosphere.

"A precious commodity from the Empire of St. Dorag, people there call it an experimental subject. But the'hound' is just the name of the secondary experimental subject."

"I don't know the hounds, you should have heard of the title of the Santorage Empire'Zero', right? The people who completely suppressed the'monsters' in the alliance. He is an experimental subject, code-named'Zero'. The first-level experimental body is its control object, that is, the defective products manufactured according to it. Moreover, I heard that these defective products have also been improved before they can be regarded as'hounds'."

"As for how to improve, I think you who will be in contact with the dark world more or less will probably not forget that nearly two years ago, the price of the'green blood' in the black market was close to several billion vials of'green blood'. It is relying on this kind of thing as an accelerator. I heard it was diluted many, many times."

"Is that thing in the dark forest?" A newcomer knew something, "I heard that it is an extinct item, very few."

The captain nodded: "Of course it will be extinct. It was originally a person's blood. It would have flowed out..." the captain sighed, "Although the news is blocked, there are still many traces to follow. I don't know how many of you know about it. More than two years ago, UU read there was a man named'Kasia Chiraandi' in the Saint Dorag Empire, and his blood came from him."

"Cassia Chiraandi?"

"I don't know, it's meaningless to discuss these." The captain squeezed out a smile, "Just use the nearby vehicle to set up a defensive circle. Although it has been sentenced to death, we can also see the strength of the'hound'. How horrible it is, before death."

At the same time, Cassia, who was sitting next to the analysis machine, also felt trouble, but after listening to the captain's words, another thought appeared.

"Blood? The proportion of dragons in the blood of the test subjects seems to be very high.... Judging from perception, only one has been released... Can it be used as a substitute for dragon blood?"


"Mr. Milius." Hilary Riley said, adjusting the steam control valve to the maximum in synchronization.

"I feel that there is a large number of strangers gathered in that place. Their target is in an underground parking lot. But who will it be? Among the large number of people gathered around, or the dozens of people in the parking lot?"

"I think it is the right choice to disable the activated experimental body first. It seems that in the alliance and the empire, some family tribes have closer ties and transactions than we thought. I think this kind of thing will only be limited in the empire. Among the several families in the country."

"This is the tenacious resilience under the pressure of changing times. Everything can be distorted, Miss Hilarylee. In the face of interests, nothing can't be broken."

"Same as your decision, Mr. Milius?"

"Me?" Milius thought for a while, "I was forced. If possible, the position of the Pope of the Holy See also has a huge attraction to me. That is the ultimate combination of power and power. It's just... "

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