Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1971: On the eve of the undercurrent (middle)

Because of joy, Linna forgot to nod her head, and it took a few seconds for her thoughts to keep running before she basically processed the information brought by these two short questions.

She first made sure that Cassia was still alive and knew herself. It can not be said that she knew, but she really saw herself, otherwise she would not know how Cassia determined her trace and location. She can still be sure, and is also very concerned about—maybe without her own request and leadership, the trafficking network already has a relationship with Mr. Cassia she doesn't know, or a hostile relationship she wants to see.

For other information, the relationship between Sisia and Cassia, Milius and Hilary in the limousine, the relationship between these two terrifying men and Cassia, etc. Linna has no clue for the time being. However, she knew that the stronger the strength of Cassia's side, the more advantageous it would be. After all, the boss behind the sales network is one of the monsters recognized by the alliance. Identity, status, and rights are all difficult to deal with in the three stages.

Linna quickly calmed down her surprise, joy, and the excitement that quickly emerged afterward. She thought and sorted out her words: "Because of various relationships, most of it is in my hands. If the employer behind you, Mr. Milius, needs it, I am very willing to give it as a gift to the respected employer."

Seeing the light in Linna's eyes, Perkins smiled and nodded politely to thank you: "Thank you very much, Miss Linna, for your generosity. Here, please allow me to thank you on behalf of my employer."

"Then, Miss Hilary, it seems that the time to go to the airport needs to be delayed a little bit later." Perkins then looked at the driver's seat and said, then he looked at Linna and Sheila, "No I know if the two young ladies will have free time for a while? Well, maybe three to four months."

Linna heard the meaning of the invitation in the words, and understood that this should also be an invitation from Cassia. Following the words that Milius will go to the borders of the empire and small countries just now, she knew that "three to four months of free time" would be spent there.

After thinking for a short time, she remembered that the Strange Team formed by the Alliance not long ago was led by elites from various tribes. Among these elites, there are several monsters recognized by the alliance...

She glanced at Sheila, and seeing that there was no objection in her sister’s joyful eyes, she immediately looked at Milius, and replied very firmly and solemnly: "Has half a year of free time, and can go to the post-phase continent. Anywhere."

At this time, Pekins affirmed "um" and said: "This is the advancement of the times. Then, Miss Linna, please also specify the location and route, let us first take away the most of the solid red mercury."


In the three days after inquiring, censoring, inquiring, censoring, ,, returning to the Thornybird training ground, Sisia did not know that it went through several cycles, and it was not completely over until this afternoon. All files were stamped and all belonged to the archives room.

There was no resistance to this, she still saw other players not long ago in that floor. When they met in the corridor, they would greet her with a nod, like an act suggestion to make her feel relieved. On the airship, on the way back, under the organization of the captain, everyone rehearsed the interrogation and unified all the information.

In the end, the results of the inquiry and review did not bring any substantive troubles, and of course, they did not bring any substantive benefits.

"Is the interrogation process like this?" Before going back to the dormitory, Sisia went to the cafeteria and ate more than a dozen ordinary people's food. When he returned to the dormitory, he did not see the slightest bulge in his stomach and no sign of "fullness" in the stomach bag. .

"According to theory, this can only be regarded as a gentle inquiry. Although there are many hints and hypnotic words in the other party's words, there are hypnotic inversions in the actions." Cassia became a silent second personality again, in a few days In addition to answering Sisia's questions and helping her to get through the interrogation smoothly, more of them focused on digesting all kinds of information Pekinz gave.

In addition, occasionally comforting and helping to adjust Sisia's mood is also what he is doing.

The mission is over, and back to the first half of the Thorn Bird training ground, Sisia can suppress his mood by himself and keep his emotions within a relatively normal range. But this mission, which could almost be her first contact with the world of surgeons, made her make up for dozens of unconscious enemies, which really caused her psychological touch.

It was not in a real battle or a killing based on legitimate resistance, but in a manner similar to punishment, killing dozens of enemies who had no resistance. This leads to the sensory and emotional aspects that Sisia currently cannot fully accept.

Compared with the previous self, the Stranger stage of Sisia has not undergone any formal training, and is completely a victim of sacrificial rituals.

In the afternoon of the second day after the review, Cassia basically digested a lot of information, some questions were answered, and some information chains began to move towards a complete line, showing a head and tail appearance. Next, he will sort out this, and after sorting it out, he will lay out the plan afterwards in detail.

Now that he has cooperated with Pekins, a historical figure with the power of the knight king, the current Cassia will definitely not fail to use it. He knows that the ultimate goal of cooperation is to obtain what they need from each other. UU reading www. Pekins needs to obtain another hiding under the whirlpool from him and deal with the third general; and he needs the deterrence of the power of King Pekins to complete transactions that were almost impossible in the past.

"The'light organization' in the small country definitely has several five-stage surgeons and an unknown number of four-stage surgeons. There should also be a large number of trained and professional teams. It is supported by a population with a good population base and a good geographic area. A small country with more than a hundred years of accumulation will not disappoint."

"I don't know if Mr. Trevikang and Mr. Adolf are still in the small country. If they can be found, they will be able to successfully connect with the lighting organization."

"And,,," Cassia in the spiritual world was silent here, but afterwards, there was no need for facial expressions. Only from the elongated and upturned corners of the mouth, we can see that he is now wearing an exaggeration. Smile—Some interests seem to be invisibly contagious. Just thinking about it, Cassia feels expectation and the joy of making herself extremely satisfied.

"Miss Tavier, that is, Li Suman, if she is still in charge of the small country now. Just like the last time she met me who was still Soriatu, now I meet him as Sisia, then Standing behind him, Pekins, and then appropriately letting Pekins release a bit of spiritual aura belonging to the knight king class..."

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