Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1983: The first prerequisite (medium)

On the second day, Cassia began to instruct Sisia on how to discover the dark world or the shadow of the strange world in the ordinary world. Need to judge from what details, to analyze, and finally get a definite answer, and make safe contact afterwards.

The world of darkness and the world of surgeons are like the other side of the mirror, hidden in the shadow of the ordinary world. Many necessities and needed materials are difficult to buy in the ordinary world. Sisia needs to have this ability.

In addition, when encountering problems and dangers, how to collect corresponding information and analyze the results that are close to the right is what Cassia will continue to teach during this time. With many theories validated by the Imperial Military School, he is very satisfied with the progress of his studies in accordance with his own experience.

But it is limited to the basics, and the remaining content, even if the theory is clear, will not play a big role. In many cases, theories will influence and complicate simple things. Cassia chose a suitable dividing line, while continuing to teach and training Sisia, while using this time to wait for the past, continue to think about the mental body, and improve and refine various surgical items.

At present, there are not many surgical capabilities left to be improved, except for the final scaly surgery capabilities, which are no longer difficult. Cassia will not let her mind go idle. In the military school, he wrote down a huge number of various surgical project materials. He believes that if there is time to study these materials, or these abilities, mentally and physically, they can be studied and improved, and a more stable version will be obtained. Entering the four stages yourself, and determining the direction of evolution in the higher stages will help.

At the same time, he is also continuing to study the energy conversion structure. The various abilities and characteristics currently appearing in the mental body are almost only related to dragons. He remembered that he still took into account the method of the giant whale group, the ghost of the giant whale that appeared in the second dream, and the white freezing air, should be the embodiment of the spirit.

Whether the giant whale left anything at that time, this matter is no longer important. He now wants to dig deep into the characteristics of the giant whale group, make use of them, or combine them with some special dragons.

Just like the breath of a dragon and the freezing air of a giant whale, Cassia wanted to analyze a complete conversion method so that he could use this kind of power proficiently in the future.

Finally, Cassia set up an ultimate goal for himself-mastering the energy of uranium.

Pekinz clearly stated that advanced surgeons can absorb uranium and convert it into used energy, but it is full of danger, and even surgeons in the late stage of the five stages will not try it easily. Cassia regarded it as an incomplete experience, and for him, who had fully utilized the energy of uranium and had survived, his short memory in the southern forest had become the most important reference material now.

Cassia currently has several conceivable directions.

The first direction is that the energy of uranium gold is too huge, which can directly affect the spiritual world. So make the spiritual world stronger enough to resist erosion, or slow the occurrence of erosion, making it a process that will only happen slowly later, similar to side effects. In other words, as in the past when he entered the scaly state, he could not continue to scaly, and there would be a period of weakness afterwards.

The second direction is to cut off the connection between the spiritual world and the body directly in a certain way at the right time. He has not yet thought of a good way, and roughly guessed that the academic name for "cutting off the connection between the spiritual world and the body" is "death."

The third direction is to find a way to make the body's energy storage huge. Similar to becoming a dry sponge, in the very short time when uranium and gold are converted into energy, it can be completely absorbed and maintained for a period of time for use and release. But it stretched out many problems-Cassia's memory when recalling the southern forest, found that whether it was used or released, it was also very difficult.

Because such a huge amount of energy has never been stored, there is also no information to help how to release it in a short period of time. It's like if you haven't seen something, even if the description is very delicate, there will always be a difference between the drawing in the brain and the real thing.

In addition, it is the body that stores this huge energy. Although its carrying capacity will be stronger than that of the spiritual world, how to obtain or become that kind of body is also a later problem.

The last and fourth direction is to re-develop and build a new energy conversion structure. This direction is like conceiving a surgical development project from scratch, instead of using the structure formed by the body in the southern forest.

In this direction, Cassia’s initial idea is that the new energy conversion structure is like a machine in the steam industry, with powerful functions—using and transforming uranium and gold energy—and can be controlled by the program, that is, the will of the self. , The degree and size of conversion efficiency can be adjusted in real time within a range.

To put it another way, it is to use a certain biological structure to achieve controllable uranium-gold energy, and to convert uranium-gold at will, as well as use and release it as you think. In this way, there will not be a momentary release of huge energy, causing an impact on the physical and spiritual world, and there will be no problem of how to release and use it in a short time afterwards.

A simpler description is to make the uranium gold rod implanted in the body, like solid red mercury, become a long-term use item.

Cassia thinks about the four directions, and the result of the current judgment is that the fourth direction has the most value to implement. But the other three directions will also help.

They are like four experiments with different directions. Although only one will succeed in the end, the other three can also obtain other results and experiences during the experiment.

For the ultimate goal, Cassia doesn't know whether it can be achieved, he wants to try. After all, the memories and feelings of using uranium gold in the southern forests, UU reading www. may only be owned by him. For this purpose, a large amount of theoretical knowledge about uranium and gold required can also be obtained from the light organization in the future. Since he has the foundation and resources, he thinks that if he doesn't try, he may leave some regrets in the future.

In addition, after talking with Pekins, he knew if he cooperated with him, the third general and the alliance of the Church State and Nature Association behind him would become enemies. This is already an established fact, only waiting for the time node to come.

"My own growth rate is still too slow for this era."

On the third day, Cassia asked Sisia to buy communication machines in the black market. The waiting these few days is not only the buffer he needs, but also the preparation time for Corqueva and Pekinz. During this period, they will be familiar with the different environments of small countries and large countries, and collect corresponding intelligence.

Originally, Cassia wanted to wait a few more days, but Sisia's surgical project development, without the support of resource medicine, there are indeed many obstacles. He hoped that the solid red mercury in Linna's hand would enable Sisia to overcome these obstacles, accelerate his own growth, and help him get a new body as soon as possible.


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