Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1993: Premonition of Pleasure (Part 2)

69 net 69, the fastest update of steel steam and flame! After finishing dinner, everyone did not return to the hotel immediately, they separated and chose to go around the city.

The weather made the streets not crowded, but the street lights and evergreen landscape trees were sticking to them. Occasionally, a pedestrian also wraps himself up tightly, showing only a pair of unmotivated eyes, walking silently.

Sicily had something on her mind, she thought for herself, but didn't say anything. The observed Cassia does not ask, nor comfort. Now, in addition to using the mental body to analyze the development of various abilities, he has another problem of how to show his identity to Sicily.

He thinks as much as he can, and finds it more difficult than the ability to dissect. If you want to be a good person, you need to pay a price.

On the other side, Perkins went around a few streets to find Hillary Riley.

"He will come up with such a plan. From the very beginning, it can be seen that he understands the small countries. Before the Southern Forest incident, it developed in a large area of ​​small countries. There has been no movement in the past two years. Route. The country and the city we are staying in now may have his subordinate somewhere, and it may not be possible to wait for the order quietly."

Hilary Lili carried the newly bought clothes and answered after listening to what Pekinz relayed.

"It has been described in detail several times about his performance in the Southern Forest. It is precisely because he holds Ye Jielin's bargaining chip that the Church and Nature Association can seize the only society and lead it to the established trap."

"If you still don't understand, then I can tell you this." Hilary Reilly paused at this moment, and gave Pekinz a serious look, "Now and for a long time in the future, as long as Ye Jielin does not Dangerous, there is no way against Cassia."

"In the past, only the king of knights of the empire was the only one who resisted the pressure of the two super countries, but now you have appeared. It can be seen from various sources that the winner of the southern forest incident is not only the first general of your mouth. Hall of the Holy Emperor The death of several holy fathers, this deterrent force has made the forces of the four sides of the empire much quieter."

Here, Perkins takes a deep breath, supplying enough oxygen to his surging brain. After a brief thought, he nodded in agreement with Hillary Riley's point of view: "In the teaching country, only the first general will benefit. It will get a body and get out of the polar sea vortex ahead of schedule."

"But the Holy Emperor's Hall, the Ecclesiastical Nation, and the Nature Association, etc., have severely disrupted the erosion of the Later Phase Continent, and there is also a vague tendency to promote the union of giant nations in the Later Phase Continent to fight against them together."

"Why don't you say that some forces have secretly contacted and formed an alliance?" Hilary Reilly asked, "The Empire, the Commonwealth of the High Seas, and the Flame Alliance, the rights of many of their families are concentrated in a group of people who want to obtain 'eternal life' or 'long lifespan'. 'The old men. To achieve their purpose, these old men will later perform no worse than the Holy Fathers in the Holy King's Hall."

"But after all, these family forces have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years. Their own education system has indeed cultivated generations of heirs, making the barriers strong and allowing the family to survive to this day,,,"

Perkins interrupted Hilary Riley here: "The purpose of cultivating people is to continue the family. When someone wants to destroy it, even if it is his own family,,, this is true,,,"

With an inexplicable radiance on his face, he sighed and said, "Why does it feel the same as what I did back then?"

"It's not the same as you, but there are people like this in every era. You are just one of them, and you live longer." Hillary Riley didn't follow Pekinz's assumption and said compliments later.

She then continued the topic just now: "As long as Ye Jielin is not involved, if Cassia is not sure, she will not take risks. We are all under his calculations. But I am very surprised that Lisuman is also his acquaintance. Behind this information, I wonder if you see a faintly implicated net?"

"This is the fatal flaw of a large country on the Later Phase Continent." Perkins continued following her words, "Without top-level power, ordinary people can rule for a long time. The practitioners are not included. The reason why China and the Nature Association found the first general to cooperate is to use the simple and direct role of power, and to fully concentrate power for a long time is also one of them."

This got Perkins thinking about something. He knew that Hilary Riley wanted to say that there were actually problems everywhere in the Post-Phase Continent. Under the seemingly stable rule, the foundation was still intact without a single crack. But the gorgeous building built on the foundation is full of holes and crumbling.

The strong wind brought by the arrival of the red star this time can blow it down.

The two walked side by side, the hotel was on the corner of the street, and the brightly colored sign could be seen.

"Don't forget the influence on Sisia. Linasilla and her are the same age, and they are also friends of Cassia. Their words can make a difference. I will come to Corqueva."

"I want to know quickly what Cassia will be like and what kind of story it will bring."


General Pullman, carrying a bag full of fashion magazines, stood across the street from the hotel, his eyes glazed. Adolf was next to him, with exactly the same expression, the difference was that he was carrying pieces of clothes.

At this moment, the two are like half-brothers, entering the darkest period of life together and experiencing helplessness. There are a lot of words in my heart, and no one dares to really say it, at least now.

"Stand a little longer." General Pullman stared at the hotel, and the waiter with a professional smile behind the internal counter was welcoming the guests warmly. In his eyes, and in Adolf's eyes, that smile seemed to be the biggest mockery of them.

"Stand for a while." Adolf agreed very much, "It's good outside, there's no sunlight, only

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ The cold wind and dry air are not like hotels, which are also warm light and heating that make people want to sleep. It doesn't make any sense. "

"Yes,,," General Pullman nodded again and again, agreeing very much.

After a few minutes, the two of them felt their eyes fall on them, but neither looked up. They struggled in their hearts, but they took a hard step towards the hotel.

"Are you,,, lost?" In a luxurious suite on the top floor of the hotel, Li Suman was surprised, and at the same time took out the magazines and clothes they brought back one by one and placed them on the table and sofa. , "I've been back for half an hour."

General Pullman and Adolf showed absolute tacit understanding at this time, and said almost at the same time: "For various reasons, because,,,"

"Well,,," Li Suman's thoughts were all on magazines and clothes, and she didn't think much about it. Seeing this, the two immediately stepped back and left, and went to the edge of the living room of the suite to enjoy the heating and lighting that made the body comfortable but not the mood.

For a while, more than half an hour to be exact. In the senses of General Pullman and Adolf, it was only for a moment.

Lisuman's voice entered the heads of the two with a "dong dong", and the immersed mood was broken into pieces like glass: "Those who are observing us are still there? How many days?"

The dull eyes of the two recovered a little, and UU reading replied weakly: "It's been ten days. Haven't we gone to the frontier of the empire? All traces have been caught, and soon someone will look for it directly. Come up."

Lisuman looked over, puzzled and surprised: "In the beginning, didn't you all want to go to the frontier of the empire?"

"For various reasons, I want to go again now. It is possible to leave this afternoon, and I can buy airship tickets at any time."

"I, too, agree with Mr. Terry Weikang's proposal."

Lisuman flipped through the magazine and shook his head slowly: "Wait a minute, I don't want to go. I'm very pleased with these people who are observing us. It's not better if the enemy finds them on their own, and running around will be very tiring. Don't forget yourselves. original intention.”

"I wonder who will come here in person?" Li Suman smiled, "I'm really looking forward to it, just like the next issue of the magazine."

General Pullman and Adolf sighed in their hearts at the same time, closed their eyes again, and seemed to have stopped breathing at this moment. Although the people in the house can't breathe anymore.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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