Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2096: Temporary Quiet (Part 1)

"If everything goes well in the plan after the organization, the progress is extremely rapid, and in a few years, the uranium gold pop is really in the hands of a faction and can be used normally. But even if it enters the war, it will really appear to use it. Is it possible?" Hillary Lily asked, "It will indeed deter, but the direction I am thinking about is that in the alliance we are currently forming and gradually forming, it seems that there will be no use of it from the beginning. people?"


"The fundamental nature is determined, and secondly, they will join the alliance, which essentially distinguishes the members of the alliance who cannot have crazy 'theism' and 'need for immortality'. If you want to become a god, you hope to get immortality. , No matter how bad it is, it will become a second-class creature, and gain the life length of a dragon or a giant whale. Those who have this idea, cooperate with the forces represented by the Imperial Holy Emperor Hall, or contact the Church and Nature Association themselves, It must be the best choice to join directly, right?"


"On the basis of theory, who will join our alliance, will be close to Cassia, or will resist the third general, there is no real possibility of using uranium-gold bombs. Of course, there is a chance to isolate the enemy from others. If it is opened, it will only cause radiation pollution in large areas, and it is not unacceptable that new extreme areas will appear. But what is the probability of it appearing?"


Hilary Riley seemed to be stating a simple fact, she didn't put down the magazine in her hand, and she didn't even look at Pekins when she spoke.


"By the way, one last thing to remind you. Don't expect Cassia to use uranium-gold bombs. He can become what he is now, step by step, and even become the hidden center of the current world. Not even a single characteristic of it will do.”


Pekinz nodded vigorously and agreed: "I know, but about Cassia, even if he wants to use it, he won't have such a chance. At least in the order, it is his turn to use the uranium-gold bullet. , it can almost be seen that people like me are almost dead, and no one can approach the third general with a uranium-gold bomb, or the hostile knight-king class power. Otherwise, the situation you are worried about will never happen. ."


"But I'm surprised." He changed his expression and said, "It's actually been considered so far."


"If there are more things for me to think about this alliance that is gradually taking shape, I will not touch such troublesome issues all at once." Hilary Riley, who put down the magazine, looked over, "and the third general. , Didn't Miss Eleanor clearly tell us that the large number of 'polluted species' dragons spawned in the underground world will all be handed over to the giant whale group to find a solution?"


"The giant whale group is probably the most reassuring point right now? Since they have already promised, why do you still look troubled? If the giant whale group can't solve it, we can't have a better way. . Thinking logically, it should be like this."


Pekins didn't answer, Hillary was keenly aware that there must be a deeper reason, but she didn't know it yet, so she didn't ask any further.


After a short silence, Pekins, who drank a few glasses of warm water, said to Hillary Riley: "Kasia has set off for the small country where Miss Hongmang is located. The uranium and gold bombs will serve as our support for a long time in the future, threatening Sex, attraction, influence, and things that reassure alliance members, the first negotiation about it needs to be off to a good start."

"Miss Eleanor said that Lisuman will represent the Holy Emperor and participate in this discussion together. But she is definitely not willing to go with us."


Hillary Riley shook her head: "Miss Lisuman just doesn't want to go with you, don't take me with me. At least I have a good relationship with her." After speaking, she slowly held the magazine in her hand, expressing that she and Lisuman It's people who have the same hobbies, don't try to provoke friendship between women between them.


",,," Perkins shook his head, not commenting, "Let's set off in four days, McGarry will help us arrange all the itineraries. By the way, he said that if there is a need for weapons and equipment, or medicine, etc. It can be suggested that the Qilaandi family can provide you with good support unconditionally."


"I'll make a list, please take me to thank Mr. McGarry for his generosity."


Pekinz agreed: "Finally, it's about Yegelin Webley. The Chilis family fell apart because of the Southern Forest incident, part of it was taken over by you later, and part of it was because of your suggestion in the Southern Forest that Ye Jilin took the initiative to contact , now in a cooperative relationship, it has become a separate intelligence working group for her. The various materials collected by the Chilis family for such a long time, even if most of them are lost in history, the rest is enough for her to digest for a long, long time."


"In addition to her relationship with Cassia? This one must be added." Hillary Riley cut off Pekinz's words, "On the way to Manoma, I asked the Chilis family to investigate. I have collected the latest information on Ye Jielin. The empire is the origin of the Chilis family, and the collection of information is relatively simple. When you go to Miss Hongmang, you will have a satisfactory result. After all, this information is very important to Cassia. He would absolutely love to hear about Ye Jielin's current situation."


"By the way, are you going to make up for it right away, this is just the first thing?"


Hilary Riley has been engaged in the collection and analysis of information while teaching in China. After exploring the ocean, this ability has been greatly improved. With her evolutionary path at the perceptual level, there is no problem in observing most of Pekinz's appearance. Of course, she understands that these things are just what Perkins wants to see, because it can improve the efficiency of communication, and she can make herself understand a lot of things without words.


"She can't stay in the empire all the time. From a safety point of view, Cassia definitely hopes that this situation will continue until he is able to solve most of the things himself. But from the plan of the entire alliance, currently as most of the forces The small countries that all care about are already lacking in the elements of the empire."


"Recently, an unknown monster appeared in the small country?"


"This is the risk." Perkins affirmed, "Someone needs to attract attention, and Cassia still needs a good environment to complete the transition period. Before really entering the high-level, with these monsters from the Church Nation and the Nature Association. A few times of communication will definitely be beneficial. Because I am also one of the monsters in your eyes, and these members of the successor list have characteristics. Although it will not pose a threat to Cassia, it will let him understand the true face of these monsters, at least for him It would be a good thing for my men."


"After all, there is only one Cassia. I think he will become more and more aware of this."


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