Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2132: Return journey (middle)

"It's just hope." Cassia waved goodbye to the two in the limousine. There was a slight noise from the engine, and clumps of steam condensed into cotton-white cumulonimbus clouds in the early autumn, spread out on the ground, and drowned his feet. The vehicle drove into the road covered with a layer of steam, and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

Watching the two leave, the horns of surrounding vehicles and the sounds of pedestrians immediately surrounded them. Cassia turned to look at the intercontinental train station behind him, and exhaled softly, "I'm alone again." Dragging the luggage, he took out the corresponding one from a stack of ID cards and tickets in order, and the next moment was like the original one. Just as the ground disappeared and the sense of existence was completely lost, he also became a member of the ordinary rushing train time, half tired and half tired, and walked slowly to the ticket gate in front of the station gate.

Check the tickets according to the process, and Cassia's attention is on the inspectors next to several checkpoints. It was a fully-armed person, wearing the top configuration of the city defense team, but the people inside had a taste of military members-the eyes were completely different from the members of the defense team, because the focus of observation was different.

There are also members of the defense team who cooperated in the station, with a sloppy-probably rotating maintenance that lasted for a long time, and the exhaustion and the same scene every day made them feel tired after familiarity.

But whether it is outside the station or in the corner of the waiting hall in the station, the navy blue armored vehicles with bulletproof sandbags stacked around them, and the rapid-fire machine guns with 12mm caliber bullet chains with golden dots on them, are all the train stations. Be the most powerful placebo for those who keep order.

It will continue for a long, long time, at least in the last few years, there is only the option of a complete collapse of the order, and there is no possibility of returning to the way it was before. It has been quiet a lot recently, but the war panic has spread faster and deeper because of the quiet.

There is no extra thing to attract attention, but it makes people more energy to pay attention, to study and dig into everything about the current situation.

Thinking of the information provided by Miss Hilary, and Delia's brief description in the ten-day period, the security company can operate stably and develop at an unexpected speed. Cassia thinks it can be regarded as a normal phenomenon. Only when you have experienced or are in the current environment will you feel the importance of safety firsthand.

The security company's earnings for several months can also be used as the most obvious evidence. It is already a more lucrative industry than selling weapons and munitions, although only in times of war.

The situation will be even worse in the future, and Cassia evaluates what she sees in her heart. At present, only panic is spreading. When the impact of the red star on the climate comes, in addition to the extremely bad mood that can directly affect everyone, everything caused by the weather environment and environmental changes will also follow the trend.

At that time, in addition to a few coordinating countries in many small countries, many regions will bring the attributes of gray regions, right? It should be more terrifying than the gray area. At least the gray area still has the rules and order formulated by the big forces, but in many small domestic areas, firearms may show its true equal treatment of life attributes.

The coordinating Congress will soon become the hubs where a lot of people come together, and many of the changes will revolve around these hubs. Prepare ahead of time, although you can't say that you will be able to recover the benefits you will get, but you can get a good advantage.

Cassia withdrew her glance at this time, and stopped looking at the people around her. They are all faces who have seen enough, more hurried and tired than they have seen quietly. Happy and sad, there are also a large number of analog templates kept in the head. What's more terrifying is the corpse faces that can't speak and have no expressions. He has seen many, many. Nothing can be collected and obtained from them.

I don't know if it's a change in thinking and mentality. At this moment, Cassia only knows that the people around her have a tendency to be subconsciously classified as objects. He didn't stop this trend, and he didn't think about why this change happened. He just felt that now and in the future, he probably won't think about things related to it anymore, because it's not suitable for him.

"Soriyatu,,, um, Mr. Sotuari, please keep your ID card and ticket." The security inspector said at this time, his voice was not very energetic. Cassia calmed down her fluctuating mood, replied with a grateful smile, took it and went to the waiting room, found a seat by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and sat down.

It was only then that he remembered to take out the stack of identity cards and tickets to confirm them one by one.

"Sotuari, Soyatuli, Solitua,,,"

"Hey,,," Cassia, who sighed, thought this was Hilary Riley's bad taste, the kind that was extremely unnoticed. Fortunately, there are many people with the same name, and no one will pay attention to this name anymore. After sighing, he leaned back on the chair, and did not observe the passengers coming and going in front of him as before, and fell into a short rest with his eyes open.

The time to board the intercontinental train is at 4:00 pm. It can be confirmed that the train refitted from the rearranged trains eliminated in the three giant countries can match the prefix name of its "Intercontinental" When entering the station, take it with you. Cassia's familiar vibration. But the huge car body studded with black iron steel plates can no longer cause any emotional fluctuations in the heart-steel products of this strength, Cassia knows that he can directly tear and destroy it with his hands, and the speed will be very fast.

Hillary Riley helped set up a single room, separated by steel plates, and added a small space with wooden boards, which made Cassia slightly forget the bad taste that belonged to her on the identity card.

The intercontinental train started half an hour later, and the clear whistle sound did not awaken the memory in Cassia's head, it only brought a little familiarity. Such voices will be heard frequently in the days to come. In further time, there will be more.

"I don't seem to be able to recall the memories of the small town at the foot of Mount Lilac." Finding that he could analyze his own phenomenon rationally and with thought, Cassia opened the suitcase and took out a pile of weapons and equipment. In the book in the corner, he sighed silently in his heart.

At night, when it was approaching zero, Cassia, who took her eyes out of the window, ended her thinking about the next specific action at the same time. He took out the communicator and contacted Delia.

"Regarding Cobro Gunde, the member of the successor list of the Nature Association, I need you to take me to convey an important piece of information to Mr. Hai and Mr. Zero."

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