Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2145: Before the rehearsal (Part 1)

, steel steam and fire

"Will it have anything to do with Cobra and others? You look like your face is covered with a layer of film. A symbol of great danger." Ficino looked at it from a different angle, and always felt that Cassia looked like a strangeness. But he didn't know what was strange.

"It might be like this." With the same answer, Cassia tried her best to recall the moment that passed by. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the intuition just now is referring to other situations and has nothing to do with Kebuluo and others.

"At present, apart from Kebuluo and others, what else am I afraid of?" The rapid operation of the spiritual body has not been answered, and subconsciously, Cassia wondered if she lacked a certain part of knowledge, which would lead to this. results appear. Thinking again, I didn't find anyone or things that I would be afraid of. It is true that some knowledge is lacking, but what is lacking is not in understanding, but in the path of more diligence.

Write down that feeling, and Cassia hopes that when she feels it again later, she can get more information from it, and then analyze it to get the corresponding result.

"Continue the topic just now." Cassia focused his attention and stopped thinking about the danger brought by that strange intuition, "Mr. Ficino, among the three giant countries you mentioned, those who want to establish a cooperative relationship with Kobro People, their names and family backgrounds, I'm very interested."


In the spacious room, Doris in front of the desk quickly browsed the information that Keshan had sorted out, and sent it all to the back of her head.

"There is no need to confirm it again. The information has indeed gone to your brother Cassia. In an apparently quiet environment, the movement and march of this kind of team can be directly used as evidence."

"But none of the members and teams related to the monarchy did anything, they just brought the joint clean-up team closer. Do you want to use it as a support force when the situation is not right? Miss Keshan said that it has stopped for now. Most of the rested clean-up teams are concentrated on the edge of the city, close to the airport. As a means of transportation, airships can indeed transport a large number of members and materials to their destinations in less than a day under the huge radiation radius." Dolly Si said that he did not much analysis.

"Uncle, we still don't do anything? We were the first people to get the information, but we couldn't use it to do anything at all. It's been a long time since I came back..."

"That's the negative effect of status, and it's not the first time you've felt it. There are far more people watching you than the Nature Society. Keeping the status quo is the best help you can do. Let Kebuluo and the three who arrived in advance always think that their actions are hidden at all times. Maybe they are still enjoying this feeling now, with a powerful force that can take most people's lives at any time, but the surrounding No one noticed it. It does make people feel comfortable, and it will be good news for us,,, and Cassia." Grote, who was lying by the fire, explained to Doris.

"However, Cassia doesn't need such a thing, no matter whether the other party is always vigilant. Although the information compiled by Keshan is a lot of incomplete fragments, we can see traces of the activities of some teams in small countries. Especially ,,, um, Ye Jielin of the Webley family has returned to the small countries. Is it specially prepared to deal with the large number of teams that Keburo can mobilize, or the military team of the Nature Association? It seems like this, not bad Rehearse and adapt to the normalization afterward as soon as possible.”

Doris didn't listen to Grote's words at all. She folded the documents and put them aside, "I still want to find a reason to go. Didn't you say that Brother Cassia needs to hide now? If the uncle provides help, the four people can solve it silently. And they have protection personnel around them. , After returning to the Continent, the protection level has also been raised."

Grote laughed, "The power to protect your brother Cassia is much more terrifying than the sum of these people. They are not in the same world at all. Cassia is acting, preparing, and must be actively carrying out a plan. In this period, he will never be like the one he was in the past. History really cannot predict the arrival of the red star this time, but for individuals, it has no impact."

"My death and the end of the second-generation Knight King Coverdale Nelson under the uranium-gold bomb are enough to warn him." Grote sighed. History seems to flow through his lying body, "Don't worry about not being able to help, the news of the three people coming in advance from the Nature Association spread out later, and the people who are urgently dispatched by the teaching nation to deal with it are the part you need to care about. "

"It's been a while, and the information has also reached Cassia. Both are currently in action. The news of the death of the four members of the successor list of the Nature Association Alliance will not be far away."


On the top floor of the hotel, the afternoon sunlight fell on most of the room, and the vermilion floor was shining like fresh blood with temperature.

But Burrow and Sebor were carrying a suitcase each, and when they opened the door, they saw Moses Tells sitting cross-legged in the middle of the living room, with his bare upper body always looking thin, and his pale skin seemed burnt. Made of ceramic, smooth and delicate, it reflects the light without temperature, with a strong sense of vision.

There seems to be no more muscles on this body. When there is no clothing to cover, one of his ribs and the collarbones of his shoulders can be clearly identified. It appeared strangely transparent under the sun, and the visible blood vessels were all bluish blue. They did not follow the structure of the human body, and were scattered in the appearance of being randomly stuffed into the body.

"Wait for your day." Moses Tells, who was sitting cross-legged, was facing the afternoon sun, and the pupils in his eyes contracted without being stimulated by the light. Like the ceramic statues that were placed there, only after Cobra and Sebor moved their throats, they remained still, as if the time on themselves became sticky and slow.

"Vaspia ran over by himself?" Kebror opened the zipper of the suitcase, and the silver-white metal pieces that were protected as handicrafts immediately flashed cold light. Each piece was over five millimeters thick, and a few pieces were shoulder to shoulder palm.

"Like Ficino's focus on perception, it's past reconnaissance. He said, 'Look at the enemy's preparations in the past, and enjoy the surprises brought to him in advance'."

"Ficino is also there. If he is discovered, his death will be the biggest surprise. Of course, the object of the surprise will remain the same, or us." Kebrough said jokingly, "Sebor, contact Vaspia. , don't cause unnecessary trouble. In addition, the last kinetic armor team will arrive at noon tomorrow, and the planned closing time will be determined according to the situation at that time. By the way, tomorrow is cloudy, do you need to make some preparations in advance? Want to wait until the heavy rain , it needs to be delayed for a few more days.”

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