Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2161: Feast before the big rainstorm (11)

The five dazzling ballistic lines spread out in the form of rays, with their own sharp aura to tear off everything around the air tunnel. There is almost no time difference. The moment it leaves the gun chamber, a viewing platform more than 300 meters away will pass through the five lines. It burst and collapsed in the bright lines through it. A heavy sniper rifle with a caliber of close to fifteen millimeters also exploded at the same time, and the sputtered fragments caught up with a figure who had been alerted in advance and jumped away, and all of them were knocked down in an extremely fast knife light that could not be seen clearly.

"Leaving your feet off the building or the ground, it's not a good habit to let yourself hang in the air for longer!" The muzzle of the revolver was not turned, and Cassia took advantage of the situation and charged towards the shadow of the Doserbol, holding the gun with his right hand. Extremely fine control, unaffected by running, maintains the position dynamically, and keeps the muzzle rifling locked in the center of Sebor's chest. At the same time, all things that can be seen as perception, such as sight, mental perception, and sound wave pulses, are all concentrated together, and the landing point is exactly the same as the muzzle of the gun, and they are gathered at one point on his chest.

"Sebor?" Vaspia roared, overflowing with reminders and questions. He rushed forward at this moment, and it took at least a second for the sound to reach Sebor, but the somewhat terrifying revolver bullet in his eyes didn't need this second at all. In the very brief observation just now, a distance of several hundred meters in front of this caliber can be regarded as a bombardment that ignores the distance.

The clothes on his legs and arms were torn to pieces by the soaring muscles. The distance of fifty meters was not far, but for him, it still took time!

But when he had a strange vision of more than 180 degrees, a light blue arc appeared out of thin air and crossed a distance of more than 100 meters to implicate Cassia and Moses Tells, and the momentary tension turned into a morbid state. of excitement.

With the crackling sound, the electric arc hit the ground, no longer just ablating the ground into a charred black appearance. The huge energy produced a series of micro explosions, and the heated orange-yellow concrete fragments sputtered all the way. The arc accelerated to keep up with Cassia's movement trajectory, swept across in an instant, and slashed away in the shape of a 100-meter long sword.

"Boom!" The explosive and dull sound didn't need extra time after all. When the twisted arc approached, only the muzzle flame could compete for a ball of light that belonged to it.

At the same moment, the bright ballistic line was refracted at an obtuse angle in front of Sebor and flew elsewhere. A large canopy of bright sparks also lit up in front of the collapsed viewing platform at the top, illuminating a tactical knife that was blocked by Sebor's eyes, but was already pressed against his forehead. Small pieces of the black paint on the tactical knife fell off, revealing the silver-gray color of the ultimate alloy.

Sebor was not only a head, but his entire body was covered with a layer of oval scales the size of a thumb cap—a thick yellow-brown color after the soil dried up, none of which was delicate, as if it were extremely inferior in the foundry. Defects cast from embryos. His body has a shoddy texture, but the whole has a contradictory beauty and harmony.

At this moment, his body flew backward uncontrollably, and after rolling in a circle, he had stabilized his body, and his hands and feet landed at the same time—like a small lizard that continued to move forward in the desert to avoid the sun, and began to run fast, extremely He danced his limbs in a coordinated way, and a big backward turn removed the huge impact of the blue-silver bullet cannon. The dirt and concrete fragments that were swept away by the limbs were like waves of water, splashing away with the trajectory.

The yellow-brown oval scales instantly disappeared, turning into silvery white, and then like a mirror without reflection ability, absorbing most of the light from the body, and immediately disappeared from the field of vision.

The next moment, Cassia, Vaspia, Keburo and others who were hundreds of meters away also immediately discovered that in the unfolding perception, the figure belonging to Sebor began to blur and almost disappeared. The feedback so far is like a malfunctioning lamp, but more like a warning light showing an alarm, flashing irregularly and intermittently.

"Interference with perception?" The remaining four had the same question. Cassia enhanced the sound wave pulse output, and although the feedback was delayed, Sebor's figure after blurring became extremely clear.

"It seems that although the training method is different from that of the military school, the combat experience is still there. Whether you know the sight or the perception, the point of concentration is just interference. The whole body may be the target." As expected, the direct transformation of the body shape was completely unexpected.

He had tried the power of the blue-silver bullet cannon himself, and fired a shot at the head, but the silver-white scales bounced off, oozing blood, and causing uncomfortable dizziness for nearly half a minute. After that, I told myself not to do this, because the power is indeed huge, and there are not many common firearms that can make me feel uncomfortable.

The perception of sound pulses and intermittent flickering still locked Sebor, and Cassia swung Ficino's dagger against the sweeping arc. Cut off the arc.

The arc light disappeared in the blink of an eye, and molten mud and concrete fragments were splashing, UU reading www. When can hit Cassia, it penetrates through his body very strangely.

"Bang!" The human-shaped air tunnel was formed at this time, twisting in a serpentine shape, meeting with Vaspia, who had hit the past. The silhouettes of the two sides were solid, but it was Cassia who stomped the ground into a depression, and the air rolled out in all directions. There is no spacing. But the step on the past and the horizontal slash were almost perfectly avoided by Vaspia who jumped back.

"I don't know if you can have a few thousandths of Miss Hillary's strength." The scene in the southern forest flashed in his mind - Vaspia may be the easiest one to defeat - this idea suddenly appeared. The instantaneous burst of speed and power is the worst enemy of a surgeon who is proficient in perception. When the head and mind know the enemy's next most likely move, but the body can't keep up with the thinking at all, the despair it brings is nothing short of painful. of.

As if predicting all kinds of future, but also predicting that when he will not live to that point in time, helplessness and despair are the most feelings among them.

Vaspia jumped back in succession, Cassia kept following, but each step naturally fell a little distance.

After more than ten meters of synchronized pursuit, Vaspia finally found an opportunity to escape, quickly opened a safe distance, and waited for the arrival of Kebuluo and Moses Tells who were close to their positions.

Although he dodged, he felt the pressure—the attack just now should be kept at a distance of about five centimeters, not close to him. Intuition struck at this moment, telling him that at this moment, like Ficino, turning around and running away was the best choice.

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