Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2172: Feast before the big rainstorm (22)

There is Vaspia's perception in the surrounding environment, and Cassia can clearly perceive it. Although the figure that keeps away from this place is blurred a lot due to the influence, it can be regarded as clear.

Turning his head to look at the molten lake on the other side of the river, where a layer of burning flames floated, Cassia gave up the idea of ​​taking out the revolver. The blue and silver bullets were all smelted into molten iron and air, and only high-quality platinum bullets were scattered around the feet, and the caliber could not save the power from lowering several levels, and could not pose a threat to Vaspia at all.

"It's enough to have the second-generation holy sword." Cassia sighed, and in order to maintain the fine balance in the rapid running, the silver-white tail was pulled out from the end of the spine. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction Vaspia fled, and his perception contracted into a fan shape, and then spread out in this direction for more than six kilometers—

A kinetic armored team of 100 people, a mechanized team composed of armored vehicles and several bionic machines, and several scattered teams of surgeons are also exploring the sector.

"There seem to be a lot of incorrect choices, Vaspia. But it doesn't matter, no matter what the choice is, it won't change anything now." While talking to himself, Cassia put the second-generation holy sword on his back, It is held in place by the silver-gray **** body. The footsteps opened at this time. At first, it was just like an ordinary person jogging. After a few steps, the speed crossed a level and reached the state of an ordinary person sprinting with all their strength.

Then, the whistling wind sounded in Cassia's ears. When the scenery on both sides of the line of sight gradually flowed, the speed completely exceeded the limit of ordinary human beings. It was three or four seconds per 100 meters. The acceleration continued, and on the feet of Cassia's long lost shoes, the **** body covered it in the blink of an eye, turning it into the appearance of dragon-like claws.

Every step left sharp footprints, and the speed suddenly increased. The air begins to act as resistance, and the whistling wind turns into a "bang-bang" collision. And when its figure finally turns into a silver-white shadow flowing close to the ground, its speed can exceed 100 meters per second, barely reaching about half the speed of sound.

"There is no actual entry into the fourth stage. Even with the help of the will of the new world tree, the cultivation of the perfect evolutionary material in liquid form, and the ultimate alloy that has not been fully absorbed, it has not directly broken the operator's stage restrictions on the operator himself." Feeling that the speed is approaching the limit, Cassia felt a pity in her heart, "I don't know if it is the difference in life level, which leads to a qualitative change in the strength of the body; or after the qualitative change in the body, it passively drives the evolution and change of the level of life,,,"

Now, Cassia no longer thinks about such problems. With Perkins around, he usually jots down the questions and asks them carefully one by one after the next meeting.

It must be used as much as possible. After all, the knowledge in Pekinz's head cannot be wasted like that.

Cassia continued to increase his speed. Vaspia specialized in perception, and the obstacles to Moses Thors' complete entry into the fourth stage were the body and the energy optical flow network, which was completely inferior to his Vaspia in this regard. appears insufficient.

The distance was shortened in an orderly manner. Even if Vaspia found that something was wrong behind him, he increased his speed at this moment, and finally used all his strength to escape, but he wanted to make up for the gap in real strength between the two in a short period of time. He briefly entered the fourth stage Can't do it later. Moreover, at this moment, Vaspia did not have the idea of ​​giving up his future hope.

Two signal flares lifted off one after another, bursting into two huge bright red fireworks, and the sky and one side of the ground were dyed red, including himself. Cassia, who followed behind, immediately expanded the perception as a circular area, but saw that there was no change in the surroundings for a few seconds, so she stopped paying attention.

In the field that Lisuman observes, it seems that no one will invade. Cassia understood why Perkins would name Lisuman.

After a thousand meters and a dozen or so breaths, Vaspia's influence on perception disappeared because of the distance, and Cassia could clearly capture his movements when he looked back from time to time.

500 meters,,, Cassia felt Vaspia's panic and the enormous pressure she was under. There are also contradictions of intense interaction, and in the time of contradiction and interaction, in just a few seconds, Cassia was able to see the slightly "slow" galloping Vaspia himself through the field of vision.

"Leave now, you still have a chance to live!" When the distance was close to 100 meters, it was Vaspia's majestic warning voice from the front, "The protection personnel are coming, they will not be like Kebuluo and others, It's too late to shoot! The longer you stay here, the less chance you have of escaping their pursuit later!"

Cassia wanted to answer, "Don't worry about me, if they were still alive, the feeling of wanting to kill you must be stronger than killing me." But before his throat moved, he lost the mood to answer. Seeing no need to do so, Sebor and Moses Tells were both willing to answer their questions at the end. But Vaspia,,, he was unwilling to do so.

The distance reached about fifty meters in the next second, and Cassia's movements were all in Cassia's eyes. It took a breath to maintain such a distance, but there was still no change - no breath burst or spread, Cassia could only sigh inwardly, and then took off the second-generation holy sword wrapped in **** body on her back.

Holding the sword with both hands, the light blue flame spread from both hands to the hilt, and when the second-generation holy sword was wrapped, the light blue flame penetrated into the body of the sword and disappeared completely.

At this time, the silver sword body became slightly shiny, as if it was illuminated by the cold light of the full moon, more like a work of art.

The energy conversion structure accelerated and rotated several times at this With the ground instantly concave downward, a huge deep pit formed, and Cassia also appeared in front of Vaspia's side. The second-generation holy sword did not have any gorgeousness. The performance is just with a little cold moonlight-like light, from bottom to top, slashing diagonally towards Vaspia.

Vaspia seemed to have anticipated this attack for a long time, and the Ultra Alloy Short Sword was already in front of him, and it was also blocking the slashing path of the second-generation holy sword.

But Cassia also knew that Vaspia knew about his attack, "using a very strong sense to achieve the effect of prediction, as if predicting the future. However, prediction is always prediction, it has never been with whether it can be avoided or resisted. It's two completely different things."

"Ding!" A canopy of sparks sputtered, the tip of a silver-gray dagger bounced away, and the cold sword light also slid diagonally across Vaspia's chest.

"Om,,," Until then, an inexplicable aura suddenly burst out. But the next moment, accompanied by dozens of cold silver-white sword lights intertwined with each other, shrouding Vaspia's head, the inexplicable aura may not have spread far, and it was completely silent.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"The last one is a bit boring..."

"Wait and start working, clean it up, and destroy all traces!"


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