Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2210: Empire Tour (12)

【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

In exchange for the silence of the third general, the current Pope, Novi Sas, after inspecting the separated trident, buckled the box and handed it over to Stant, who also pursed his mouth, waiting for the answer to come.

"How is the preparation of the Nature Association?" Not a positive answer, Novi Sas had expected it and made preparations.

"Most of them have planned ahead of time and made arrangements. Miss Letitia is here. After the alliance is reached, with the power of the Church and the Nature Association as the super country, there is no need to worry about the preparations for war temporarily. The problem is there, but it's only a few points that make people care."

Seeing that the third general didn't mean to pick up the words, Novi Sas continued to speak down, "The first point, the hatching of the polluted dragons has entered the outbreak period. After the test is successful, follow the method you gave the third general. , a large number of dragon eggs have been put into several underground worlds. It is an established fact that a large number of polluted dragons have been harvested, but it is difficult to control, and it is also a fact that they have to be transported to the post-phase continent in batches. Now it has been reduced. The amount of input can only meet the level of the number of polluting dragons that will continue to continue."

"You can control the degree by yourself. Contaminated dragons are disposable consumables. I remember reminding you at the beginning. But you are also following up on the work of using pollution to improve surgery and many medicines? Compared with contamination, this is The harvest in the direction may attract your interest even more.”

The third general looked at Novi Sas, "Aren't you all interested in things related to the root network of the World Tree? If you persist, maybe you can discover more things."

"Is it a reminder? Whenever I think Miss Letitia and I would like a clearer answer."

"Haven't you studied the creatures in the underground world? The longest lifespan of the polluted dragons is no more than ten years, and they lose their minds, leaving only the primitive desire to devour and kill, all because of rapid growth. If there are enough If you adapt to the time, it might be impossible to regain your senses and regain the long life time that belongs to the dragon class. Have you captured some intelligent underground world creatures? They are the answer. "

"The three-phase continent is a garden created by the root network of the world tree. You can look at it this way. The creatures in the underground world are many bugs in the garden, and the connections between them are far closer than yours."

Novi Sas continued after a brief thought. These are all information he knows, but the third general reconfirms that the importance and nature will be changed.

"Second point, because of your help from the third general, the first batch of popes who woke up has recovered very smoothly and to a certain extent. But the farther away they are now, the more they adapt to the current environment. It's getting more difficult. A newly discovered problem. Although the popes in this situation can exert their strengths stronger than the fifth-stage surgeons in the extreme field, they are far from what we expect to be able to delay the power of the contemporary knight king class in a normal state. There is still a small gap in the level of the line.”

"I have no way to do it. The impact of environmental changes is beyond my imagination, and I can only rely on my own ability to adapt. In my expectation, after getting this body, I shouldn't be the same as I am now. Fighting against nature, Every step is full of difficulties. To be able to recover to the current state very quickly is the limit of what I can help, and the rest needs to rely on personal ability.”

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

"I will tell them something to tell them." Novi Sas himself is not concerned about this issue. As the current pope, it is what he wants to see for the awakened popes to maintain the status quo. He used to be a person who held the power of the entire religious state and possessed the ultimate power. Even if one of them returned to its original state, it would have an impact on him in all aspects and cause a lot of trouble.

The popes of all dynasties are history, and in the next time, according to the glorious appearance sung in history, they will sacrifice all their remaining things for the teaching country, and then turn them into history again, and they will still be praised all the time. The result that Novi Sas would like to see. If one must find a reason, it can only be attributed to the fact that the popes of the past generations were born too early.

"The third point is that because of the death of several successors of the Nature Association on the Continent, Miss Letitia sent members of the extreme field over. The result was not very good, the other two blocked the joint attack of the three, and Still prepared. In addition, in the Southern Forest incident a few years ago, the land messenger of the giant whale appeared again. This time, the power of the dragon was used when the power of the giant whale was targeted and restricted."

"Just a surgeon in the extreme field." The third general commented. But seeing that Novi Sas did not answer himself, he knew the meaning of the words.

"Actually, it's best to ask questions like this directly." The third general did not express dissatisfaction, but reminded, "There is a one in ten thousand probability that it will become another second type of life under the environmental changes of the arrival of the red star. UU reading But there are still many conditions that need to be met,,, On the road to the future, there may be several places that meet these conditions. The new world tree in the forest, the huge underground world cavity under the forest It is also possible to use the power of pollution there. However, if she uses this method, she may become the power of the knight-king class that has existed for the shortest time."

"In addition, the giant whale group is willing to help her, using the energy left over after the death of the giant whales that have died in the past. However, this preparation should be to deal with my body that was imprisoned under the maelstrom. It can be seen as There is no possibility. In addition, the last is the root network of the world tree that goes deep underground. Of course, the premise is that she knows the actual use method and can make the necessary connection with the root network. "

"But the 1 in 10,000 chance is already a great threat." Novi Sas said, with the necessary tone of worry in his words, "so in the follow-up plan, I think it is necessary for her to be added to the list. among."

"There are only a few things that need to be concerned about. The rest are in the plan and are going on in an orderly and stable manner." Novi Sas continued, "Then, can we follow up on the progress of the plan? More forces have been sent to the Continent. It is not far from the actual time."

"Maybe you can wait another month." The third general finally replied, "It will take a little while for my body to officially enter the limit field of the fifth stage and head towards the second type of life. At that time, maybe I will Can provide you with more help, not limited to pollution and recovery."

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

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