Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2363: Pollution (below)

"Earthquake!" A few people walking past stopped in front, looked over and shouted, "It seems like an earthquake!"

Trinya stood up, took the umbrella from her colleague, and waved to indicate that there was no problem on her side. The ground trembled only slightly, not strongly, and it was not even comparable to the magnitude of the shock produced by the explosion of the No. 3 furnace of the steam tower more than ten years ago.

"Go to the open area!" The roar came again, Trinya and her colleagues nodded in response, and the sample collection work was temporarily suspended. She and her colleagues walked forward, away from the shelter of the building on the side. The big umbrella suddenly made a "da da" sound under the heavy rain, and a lot of force was concentrated on the handle of the umbrella and passed it to the hand.

There was also a rattling sound on the four-lane road next to it, and a layer of flowing rainwater dripped on the slightly arched road, all of which collected under the steps of the sidewalk and along the edge to the sewer entrances covered by metal grids. The rainwater gathers and flows in there, occasionally sucking out a small vortex, and the sound of "sizzling" sucking means that there seems to be a huge attraction below.

"Now I can't understand how powerful and developed the underground waterway network in Minkface City is. It has been raining heavily for several months, and the entire city has hardly heard of any place being flooded by rain." Trinya was full of Curious, because of work, she has seen the drawings of the underground waterway network several times in a hurry. The dense lines and markings are like a dozen overlapping spider webs, which are complex and full of engineering beauty.

In the past, the impression of the underground waterway in her head was all rancid and dark. In the past few months, the negative image has changed a little, with more powerful and developed labels.

"It's different from the underground world on the ground. I've heard from several workers I've come into contact with." The colleague replied with a smile, "Occasionally, I actually have the idea of ​​going in and taking a look, but I haven't had the opportunity. The workers They said that the main roads of some underground waterways are as big as roads on the ground, and vehicles can drive normally in them. I don’t know if this is true. But they also said that people like us should not go in. The smell is indeed not very fresh."

Trinya smiled, "When you really want to go in, remember to call me, let's go and have a look together."

"Then there should be no chance." The colleague on the side replied, and then changed the subject, "It is indeed getting more and more strange. It is a continuous heavy rainstorm and an earthquake. I don't know what will happen in the future. There was a muffled noise just now. , did you hear it? Earthquakes should not have such a sound.”

"Could it be that something buried in the ground exploded? After all, it has been raining heavily for several months." Trinya nodded, and she also felt strange. While speaking, she looked at the side of the road, and divided the rainwater flowing on the sidewalk steps on both sides. At some point, a vibration pattern appeared on it.

She quickly patted her colleague with her hand, but the vibration pattern suddenly intensified when she pointed her finger at the ground for a short time, and the rain on the road instantly became "boiling" under the vibration. The shock was transmitted from the ground to her body at the same time. She swayed a few times before stabilizing herself, and was about to squat down to reduce the impact, when a terrified roar came from ahead—

"Run! The road is collapsing! Run!"

A few male colleagues and shop owners in front had already thrown their umbrellas and sprinted with all their might in the rain. Behind them, a dark hollow had appeared, and a section of the road connected to the sidewalks on both sides had collapsed.

Trinya and her colleagues around her were stunned for a moment, and they didn't react until the next moment. It's just that when they turned around, they were chased by continuous rumbling sounds, and the dark void expanded rapidly, and they caught up with colleagues who were sprinting less than ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

Seeing several running colleagues fall down under the shock, and then fall into the collapsed cavity along with the road, panic and fear instantly hit Trinya. Her heart was beating violently. She didn't understand what happened, but she knew that she had to run quickly. But when he turned around, a few meters ahead, a crack more than ten centimeters wide had already traversed the entire road, becoming a terrifying separation line.

"Run!" There was an idea in his head, but his body couldn't keep up. The next moment, the ground in front of her rose rapidly in Trinya's sight. When she realized that the actual situation was that she had fallen with the collapsed road, a huge force came from below. She didn't feel any pain. In the muffled sound of "铛", she felt her head was shaken, her consciousness dispersed, and when she passed out of a coma, the rumbling sound turned into a loud explosion sound, which came from the front.


"Run! The road has collapsed, run quickly!" Consciousness stayed at a certain moment, and after restarting, thoughts continued, and when thinking that he had fallen with the collapsed road, fear and fear gushed out, impacting Trinya .

"Ah!" The next moment, in the sound of exclamation, Trinya opened her eyes, her beating heart made her breathing fast, she opened her mouth to inhale, and the collected rainwater flowed down from above, and she choked on a big mouthful The rain goes down. Breathing suddenly turned into a violent cough.

Not knowing the surrounding situation, after the cough weakened and her breathing became smoother, Trinya had time to observe.

She turned her head to one side, moving away from the place where the rainwater flowed down. The heavy rain continued, but there was something above that helped to block most of it, and there were not many raindrops that actually fell on the body. After blinking her painful eyes more than a dozen times, and her vision recovered a lot, she realized that what was blocking her body turned out to be a twisted tree root. The distorted shape is indeed like a tree root, but on it, there are some branches and leaf-like things growing out, perhaps because of the lack of sunlight, whether it is the branches or the root-like things, they all present a kind of Slightly viscous off-white.

Trinya immediately thought of the small off-white bud, whose color and state matched it perfectly.

The slight pain from her left leg made her sit up slightly to check her condition. It was lying on a pipe-like object, the raincoat was lifted, and a steel rod with a concrete block could be seen piercing the side of the left leg. The strange thing was that she didn't feel the numbing pain, and even seeing it in person didn't make the pain worse. There didn't seem to be much bleeding, no blood stains could be seen under the left leg, and looking through the torn pants, the wound was soaked white by the rain, or because of other reasons, the wound and the surrounding area were all grayish.

Shaking her head, Trinya took a deep breath to calm down, and found that her strength had not recovered, and her body could not move, so she could only observe her surroundings.

Looking around, she suddenly understood her own situation—it was indeed falling along with the collapsed road. It's just that she was somewhat favored by the goddess of luck, and she landed on a twisted and huge tree root-like object. This section of tree roots is like a huge tree growing horizontally. The growth direction is exactly parallel to the four-lane road. The few twisted branches are not limited by space and gravity. With this section of tree roots as the center line, they spread out and extend.

The ground actually collapsed to a depth of nearly ten meters, and the roots of this section grew horizontally about five or six meters above the ground, hanging over the center of the collapse.

A few meters ahead, with the crack in my memory as the boundary, the roadside did not continue to collapse. There became a section, like a wall, blocking the front. But the tree roots are not directly penetrate into the soil that makes up the wall, and it doesn't know where the growth stops. And on this section, Trinya found traces of artificial excavation.

She turned her head to look down, and she could see similar obvious excavation marks everywhere on the entire section of the collapsed road.

"Did someone hollow out the bottom of this section of the road, and then collapsed?" There were doubts in his head, but he hadn't thought about it yet. Below, there was a puddle of rainwater, and Trinya saw a large collapsed piece The road surface, as well as my colleague who was soaked in the rain with only half of his head exposed.

That is already the performance of the corpse.

"Ah!" Trinya yelled in horror, and then cried out, "Help! Help! Is there anyone!"

She shouted, and after a few breaths, a sound came from the side. She suppressed her crying and looked over while restraining her trembling body. There was a rectangular black hole on a high place on one side, and the rainwater flowed out from there, pulling out a muddy waterfall.

That is the branch road of the underground waterway network under the ground, which should have converged with the main network under the road. After the pavement collapsed, a section was formed.

The sound came from there, the sound of hurried running.

As the sound got closer, it was determined that it was the sound of footsteps wading into the water, Trinya immediately raised the volume and shouted. But when those bright red eyes shone in the darkness, the shouting disappeared immediately.

A man with golden and bright red eyes standing at the cross section, his clothes were soaked and ripped, with a painful and weak expression on his face. The man was panting heavily, holding something that was obviously a pistol in his left hand, and clutching his neck with his right hand, as a gray-white rotten juice-like liquid was gushing out from between his fingers.

(end of this chapter)

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