Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2383: Regression and Containers (Medium)

"Pollution should not be a good thing for all life. It is produced in decay, and now it does not show the nature of destruction, just because it is locked in the root network." Trinya sighed, "The reason why I Pollution is food, it would be more appropriate to say that I have an unusually high tolerance for pollution. For me, pollution is not harmless."

"Pollution is actually the remaining will of the ancient history world tree? After too long a time, it has also decayed. But its body still has vitality and has not completely passed away, so all the rotten things are imprisoned in the root network?" From Cassia's words, Kara analyzed this guiding bit of information.

Ketriya didn't nod, but gave a negative answer: "It's not just the remaining will of the World Tree that's decayed, there are other things. Mr. Perkinz called it the will of the dead gods. One can imagine To observe them, here,,, at least on the three-phase continent, there is no chance. There are too many things involved, and the evidence that supports this set of conjectures itself has various conjectures. As for whether it is true or not The ground is like this, no one knows at present.

The Newborn World Tree, the Giant Whale Group, and the Third General also couldn't give specific answers. As for why, you can see that the answer is not in the three-phase continent, nor in the endless sea. "

Cassia gave a consoling smile: "In fact, it is not a good thing to know too much. When listening to Mr. Perkins tell me this information, I feel that my thirst for knowledge is greatly satisfied, my curiosity is filled, and my body is full of strength. , I seem to have enriched myself in various aspects. But afterwards,,, except that it is difficult to suppress the involuntary guessing and thinking of the mental body, which wastes part of the energy, it seems that it has not played any role.

On the contrary, I feel more and more heavy. On the one hand, I have become smaller, but on the other hand, I have become like a giant in the group, and the pressure is unknowingly on my body. "

Trinya exhaled at this moment, showing Cassia's soothing movements. Then, he continued what he said just now, drawing a peaceful end to the encirclement and suppression battles of the small countries—

At that time, the members of the popes of all ages saw the real root network, and they had a very strong feeling—because it belonged to their spiritual body, the lights represented the spirit, and there would be no hiding and performance. After the car overturned, when they went on the roads, the lights all showed uncontrollable surprise and trembling.

It seems that this is the first time they have seen such a road, and it is also the first time they know that the root network is full of extremely corrosive pollution, and this pollution seems to be very similar to the one that they have penetrated into their spirits, or it is the same kind There are also no errors at all.

However, even if the pollution is strong, it does pose a threat to them. But it will take a while to kill them completely by relying on the pollution in the root network. The life strength of the second type of life is tough enough.

Afterwards, they were taken back by the third general one after another and returned to their own bodies. The third general also chased me, but after getting familiar with it, I was able to get on the road easily, and its pursuit was unsuccessful. And taking advantage of the last bit of time, what I can capture is that the successive popes after returning have no intention of encircling and suppressing the plan.

Perhaps the support force of the giant whale group is about to arrive, or, in the very short time of entering the root network, the sights they saw and the things they felt had an impact on their thinking level.

"The third general deceived them?" Kara's voice was filled with sudden understanding and surprise, "A deception that has lasted for thousands of years and involved generations after generations. The deceived are the highest power holders of the two super-states. and the Most Powerful."

Seeing that Trinya still didn't nod, Kara stopped talking, "Didn't you guess right?"

"Kara, the best lie, what would it consist of?"

Facing the questioning, Kara sighed, "Ninety-nine percent truth, plus one percent deception, is the best composition. Many times, calling it a flawed truth is far worse than calling it It's more fitting a lie."

"So,,," Kara wanted to pick up the conversation, but she gave up. She understood what Cassia wanted to express. As popes of all ages, the group of awakened old people all had sharp and intelligent heads. And for them, whether it is a lie or a deception, even if the person being deceived is themselves, what they lose is nothing but their mood.

But for a group of people who can precisely control their own spirit and body, self-suppression of this memory, to the extent similar to forgetting, can achieve the shielding effect. Things like moods are just a disguise for them to maintain their human form.

"So, the shock at the level of thinking can only be regarded as good news." Cassia added, "But we all know that good news cannot affect the direction of the result."

"Can you use it?" Carla said to Trinya in front of her after thinking about it.

This time she got her expected nod, "This group of revived pope-level members thinks more about their interests. Lies and deceit don't mean anything to them, because the ninety-nine percent truth has already made the They have become the second type of life, and now they can personally pursue the ideals of 'immortality' and 'immortality', and even dissect the mysteries of the gods."

"Even if I'm cheated, what's the impact?" Trinya said in a different tone, "Being cheated means that I have the right to be cheated. If I hadn't been cheated, I would be a second-class person now." Can life still come out of history and stand alive until now?"

"You may have such thoughts, enemies. After all, the deception you have received is just the kind that has long been polluted and penetrated into the spirit, and there is no way to get rid of it for the time being; and, they may all be the containers of the third general, UU Reading can be connected through the root network at any time, as in the case of me and this Miss Trinya.

But if the third general doesn't take the initiative to do so, then the lie has no chance of being exposed, at least for now, because I don't detect the feeling of access from the enemy. But Miss Trinya has a similar strange feeling. But for us, this information is still important, and it will make the enemy more hopeful to become neutral. "

After finishing speaking, Trinya felt sluggish for a few breaths, and then returned to normal again, "It's almost time, it's time to go back. Please, Kara, help me prepare a map. I need to determine the coordinates and anchor points. A few It’s been a month, and it’s really a tiring process to drive a vehicle continuously in the root network without stopping to rest. In addition, if possible, I would also trouble you to contact another patient who may exist, so that the people around him Don't be overprotective. I have noticed its breath several times, but I have never found a chance to connect,,,"

(end of this chapter)

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