Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2452: Ultimate Dragon (6)

Hilary followed the introduction, her eyes walked through the tubes in her hand one by one, and finally stopped on the tube of the metal appliance. After listening to Peijinz's explanation, she was quite emotional: "The first time I saw Cassia, he was still the target of our hunting. But at that time, he showed unexpected characteristics, so that the hunting was at the end. Although the goal was achieved, the price was heavy and huge.”

"How long has it been? A few years, it has grown to what it is now. Perhaps this is also one of the surprising characteristics. But thank you." Expressing her gratitude, she accepted the four tubes of blood.

Perkinz waved his hand, "This is not something I prepared on my own initiative, and of course it was not proposed by Cassia. It is more like a tacit understanding between the two of us. This action is far more dangerous for you. Above us. In case of trouble, Cassia and I have at least many ways to evacuate, but you, there are not so many ways. So in order to ensure your safety, a tacit agreement to prepare four tubes of blood for you was naturally formed. .”

"No need to thank you. According to what Cassia often talks about, you need to have the self-consciousness to accept such things naturally and without pressure. You are entitled to own them. However, to pass on Cassia's message, I still solemnly remind you, That tube of blood in the metal utensil, it's really blood that hasn't been treated at all—a hole is cut, the blood is squeezed out, it's put in, and it's sealed—that's the whole process of making it."

"Uranium-gold components, residual consciousness, astrophages, extremely high-purity pollution, and even ultimate metal components are all broken and retained in it. For the environment of large places, it can be directly reversed. The target area you are about to go to , The pollution that exists outside is as powerful as air behind it, and it is negligible; and for creatures,,, there is no need for hatred, the value of keeping it is far less than the value of using it.”

Hipkinz nodded one after another, expressing that he understood the points that he didn't need to pay attention to: "You are also a low-level surgeon, you always think that you are still a human being, and Larelle is just a monster without a human appearance. I know how to describe it."

"It's still within the unacceptable range. Except for the members of the successor list of the various stages of the Theocracy and the Natural Society, there are still not many humanoid creatures like me, but the abnormal effect is only inferior."

The average landing speed of the airship was significantly reduced at that time, and it was officially announced that the long journey had begun. The two tacitly ended and started to pack the things around them. When the airship was in a hovering state, we hadn't taken out our respective weapons and equipment, and stood by the open hatch.

The gray mist and the prosperous and decaying polluted forest covered the ground, as if the environment of death made Cassia and Hipkins shake their heads at the same time.

"The room in the villa base is more suitable for you." Cassia, who jumped up, sighed, while Hipkinz pursed his mouth tightly, only thinking about how to fall to the ground severely.

",,," Xi Yanying suddenly remembered that the color was one's blood just now, what Cassia said was not an actual fact, and you knew how to answer the words for a while, and there was something to refute.

"Knowing the information is the first step. The seventh and eighth steps are the seventh and eighth steps that have not been analyzed before, and the correct results are obtained. We estimated the situation accurately, so we can only explain it that way." Hipkinz continued, also With curiosity and interest, "They will all become ready-made fuels? Will it be too little, and they will burn cleanly? Looking from under the airship, which area,,, or the range is reduced to that mountain range , is also a huge value.”

"The dark blue domain is the domain of freedom!" Sucarius, who experienced slow speed just by spreading his wings, was amazed. That is the place where dragons should stay, and he doubted that. It's just free and can't use the slightest effort. It also has some regrets and regrets - it came out late,,,

"Do you think it's a problem? After all, light is contagious. I can also become light, and I can also choose the color I want. Green, dark red, bright red, blazing white, silvery white, one person can Form a group of more fragmented holiday fireworks."

Yanying just raised his head and pointed to the sky, "This is light. Discussing it only involves the weakness, but the scope. But it also matters, as long as you want to see the situation behind your eyes, it is completely enough. As for worrying Whether it burns cleanly, you think that question can only be asked to Larelle. The backup plan was proposed by me, and you and Grote helped to demonstrate it."

The giant jet-type launching device fixed on its chest is not a complicated and rough cylinder. No matter how you look at it, the thick diameter looks like Sucarius attached to the giant device, but the jet device relies on its flight to go on. Under the wings, the large thrusters are made into long strips of feathers, which are spread out on the underside of the wings one by one. UU Reading has a total of 17 nozzles temporarily blocked. Just waiting for the moment in which the red mercury fuel is ignited.

"In short, your purpose is very complicated. It is to increase unnecessary pressure on yourself." Yan Yingang spoke while confirming the direction, and moved forward at a constant speed. I don't have too many things to deal with, and the time is indeed sufficient, but there is no redundancy to waste too much learning.

At the same time, in the dark blue field, Sucarius, who was wearing a huge helmet, roared from time to time. The pair of bright red cross pupils looked particularly dark through the goggle glass under the helmet. The gray-white armor on the whole body almost completely covers it back, and the fully equipped various push-back modules make it nearly double its already huge size.

The two figures retreated into the mist before them. Under Cassia's control, did there be a trace of wind, and the mist did not appear to be disturbed.

Before they landed, the two observed the Qishang environment in a complicated way, and Cassia smacked his lips because of the sticky feeling on his feet: "The reason why I keep telling them the so-called battle is not actually a battle under information. It looks like that after that. You are very curious. The Eighth General clearly knows that Larelle cannot observe the red star at close range. So in this case, Novissa and Letitia definitely know that information. But why? Will there be such pollution again?"

Based on the communication network, the adjustment is not over yet.

On the way, I was observing the changing pollution environment around me. A few hours ago, I sent Hipkins to my destination and ended my journey alone. After going to a few temporary gathering points to confirm the specific situation of a small number of members before they were exposed to pollution, they rushed towards the place where Li Suman and the others were. I saw us eight days ago, when the basic communication was established by the engineers of the limited communication company.

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