Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 764: Predator relationship (4)

The meeting soon ended. After Trono and others understood the whole plan, they discussed their cooperation in the meeting room before leaving.

"Il and Theodore won't they participate in this operation?" Before leaving, Reza asked Stian, the mission was appointed to them by the Knights, and several people had never seen them appear before. Although they knew that they were different from themselves, the two were elites in the Knights' contemporaries, and they would certainly not be lazy in performing their tasks, but this attitude did something that Trono did not like.

"You only need to care that the action can be completed smoothly. As for the others, to be honest, I don't have much right to intervene. I don't know what Il and Captain Theodore think." Sitian was not angry. , On the contrary, he replied very kindly, except that no value can be extracted from the words spoken.

The afternoon came quickly, and various limo cars of different forms and colors successively left the Cavaliers’ garage according to the scheduled time difference and headed towards the destination. They were very careful, and it took more than an hour for them to arrange the encirclement according to the plan.

In a corner of Manoma, far from the center. In the telescope, the target location is a three-storey small building, which is relatively spacious and seems to be a private clothing shop, because there is a sign in the upper middle of the small building, which says to undertake various evening dress making .

Today is Tuesday, not a break time, but there is no one in the small building. Several windows are tightly closed, and the thick curtains block Trono's view of the interior. Siltian on the side beckoned at this moment. Soon, several surgeons with temperature-sensing ability walked past the small building, disguised as pedestrians, and explored the inside of the small building.

It was all the same color, and several people passing by narrowed their eyes to make sure that there was no one inside.

"It seems to be out." Stian thought for a while, then looked behind her, "Be careful, don't leave any traces, and take as many pictures as possible."

"Disconnect the electricity and steam input from that small building." Stiaan added to the communicator after speaking.

A few minutes later, several other people took over from the temperature-sensing members and came to the small building. When the only pedestrian walked away, they quickly opened the bag they were holding, and raised a rectangular object about fifty centimeters long, two palms thick for an adult. Wrapped by a layer of soft leather, in front of this strange object, a universal passcard is fixed.

Insert it into the card slot of the gate, and the people next to it have led out several steam hoses from their bags and connected them to the rectangular object. This is a passcode decipherer. Although it is only a tool for dealing with some simple door locks, it is not easy to buy on the market. The program inside is not a simple and easy task.

Half an hour later, the people who entered the small building had processed their traces and all left the small building.

"Chief Intelligence Officer, I searched it carefully, but didn't find anything. That small building really seems to be an ordinary private clothing custom shop."

"Could it be just a temporary residence for the prey." Siltian was a little uncertain for a while. "The observers of each team should pay attention to the surroundings. Other members, remember to keep their eyes in check and don't look around. All members, do well. Time lurks in preparation, we may stay here for a long time."

The plan was not implemented as smoothly as Stian had imagined. At the evening of the next day, an ordinary limo stopped in front of the small building. A young man came down, wearing a bowler hat and head in his head. His face was completely hidden under the shadow of politeness, and even Stian did not see the man's face clearly in the limited time.

The body immediately began to move automatically in a small area, and Stian knew that even if it was not a prey, it should be someone who has a closer relationship with the prey. She prepared all members in the communication, perhaps they seized a chance to meet their prey.

The man opened the door, picked up a small cardboard box in the trunk of the car, and went into the small building. The lights came on inside, illuminating the street ahead.

After a few hours, this scene has not changed. Sitian kept looking at Xiaolou through her binoculars, and from time to time she wandered the car. At this time, I checked the time, and there was half an hour left, which was 11 o'clock in the evening.

Maybe the prey won't come over tonight, then catch this person, or let go and follow behind? If it were in peacetime, Stian would choose the latter without hesitation. But the sudden intuition prevented her from making a decision immediately. Perhaps it was the ceremonial car that she often looked at interfering with her decision, or the light of the slightly gentle small building gave her some signal. But finally chose to wait.

This state lasted until late at night, and the lights went out at about 2 in the morning.

I thought I could take a break and start to follow up and make a plan. Less than three hours apart, at about five in the morning, it was Il's side who personally contacted Stian and Trono.

"Sitian, do you really think there are people in that small building?" With a voice that didn't know whether it was a smile or an anger, "You come back first."

The conversation here ended, and another communication immediately followed: "Inspector Sirtian, the surveillance team next to the Imperial History School has lost contact. We rushed over to but that name The woman named Shake has been picked up."


Looking at the woman who passed out in the back seat of the car, Lyle didn't know why he did it. Even though the status level has improved a lot, in Lyle's view, it is not irreplaceable.

"Perhaps it is because the young master is very concerned about the translation of those strange text symbols." Lyle said to himself, "but why are these people staring at them? Except for those strange text symbols, Miss Shake doesn't seem to let others watch. Her reason. And I can investigate the communications records of the Imperial History School to find a place for me to rest. The strength of these people is not simple. At least that is not something that ordinary people can accomplish. But it does not rule out that the enemy has super programmers. Possible."

When the sky turned white slightly, Lyle came to the ordinary residential house on another corner of Manoma. He put Shake in a bedroom before he came to the hall and drank half a glass of wine. When the time passed by six in the morning, he turned on the communicator.

"Master Hae, some things have to be reported to you so early." Lyle pressed his voice lightly, and he could hear from the communicator that Hae had just woke up from half sleep.

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