Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 765: Predator relationship (5)

A few seconds of silence is probably the time for you to wake up immediately.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter. I don't remember any important matter recently that you need to report to me like this." The horrified tone returned to normal, and this subconscious mind relieved Lyle a lot.

",,, I will send more people to investigate immediately." Lyle added after talking about the situation last night.

"No need, no need." There was a sound of pouring water in the earpiece, and he poured out a glass of wine. He said that while looking at the white dark blue skyline outside the window, "You handled it well, as long as you didn't More information has leaked out, and you don’t have to worry about losing a temporary residence. Things have become the current situation, as if there are not many choices on my side. I still need the knowledge in Miss Shake’s head. Work has to distract you again."

"The nobles will focus on investigating. If there is something suspicious, just hire a killer from the dark world to deal with it. The contact information I gave you is still there?"

"Remember, Master Hack." Lyle answered immediately.

"That's fine. It's good to leave such things to professionals. I am also a member of the Hill family. I still trust the members of my family. Remember to find out the cause as soon as possible. Although there is no direct evidence, now It can also be basically confirmed. Perhaps there is no connection between the people who are watching Shake and the nobles. It is not certain whether the person they are waiting for is us."

When he put down the communicator, he had already finished drinking the wine in his glass. There was also a deep space in the golden eyes that gradually faded. He kept looking there for a long time, and his body became stiff. He didn't blink his eyes until the first light appeared far away at the end of the skyline.

Turning on the communicator, the sound of horror is so warm that it only appears outside, and there is a warmth in it.

"Miss Iyetta, before the joint military school mission started, I think I found you a warm-up activity that is not very difficult."


All the rooms in the three-story building retain traces of frequent cleaning. It just didn't leave any obvious smell, and Stiaan could see these things at a glance.

Trono went down to the second floor at this time, and joined Siltian.

"How is it, can you see anything?" He asked, the room in front of him was not big, the light was still on, and there were two most common tables in it. There is a wooden box on one, inside it is some good quality wine. But they are also mass-produced goods from some vineyards, and nothing can be obtained. The other table is a desk, which is very clean. Stian walked to the chair by the table and sat down. The scene in front of her changed in her head.

A man returned here in the middle of the night, and then sat down to deal with the collection of information throughout the day. There are a few stacks of documents on the desktop, and the information that the man wants may be in it. Stian knows this process of collecting what he wants from the massive data. Maybe there will be a glass of wine on the table after a few sips.

I don't know how long, maybe it was intuitive, maybe the device set up in advance was triggered. The man packed up the important documents here, returned to the first floor without panic, and left here through the secret passage.

Stian took a few breaths of the surrounding air carefully, and she consciously told him that it was a similar smell. The other party is also engaged in intelligence and information work, and his abilities are almost the same. In the first match, it was her side who failed.

"That Shake's woman is really a prey?" Trono asked Stian on the way back to the Knights' quarters.

Stian just shook her head: "I can't be sure until there is no more information. But I have the same thoughts as you, just a prey, I think you should feel the same as mine."

"It's too ordinary." Trono said with a smile, with a smug look on his face, "But, how do you say, Stiaan, you are a female, maybe you don't understand our male thinking very much. Yes. At that time, when it comes to such things, it is not possible to use ordinary, not very beautiful, and other reasons to summarize it together."

Back in the meeting room of the Knights, Stian saw Il and Theodore sitting at the meeting table at a glance.

"Sitian, you stay and continue the information collection and processing, Resa and some people will assist you. Trono, you need to go out with the rest of the people. Sitian has already told you, do it? Go sailing together and explore something there."

A few hours later, over a small and medium airship, the siren made a sound, and the body of the navy blue caterpillar slowly rose up into the sun-fading sky and drove towards the southern forest.


"The first group of people has successfully passed the inspections." In the small cabin, Waters finally showed some smiles on his face at this moment. "With the current experience and the way out, it is expected that the next few days The batch will be smoother. But the only regret is that the number of people prepared is not enough, and the elite route does not currently suit us very well."

"It's okay for the reviewers to not be embarrassed. The next thing to do is their partitions. A very detailed discussion is needed. Not long ago, we passed a lot of information to the head of the team and asked for his opinion. Try to assign most people to sub-peripheral positions except for the border areas of the empire. The troops stationed around the prosperous area of ​​the empire can allow those with certain strength to go'-the original saying is so, and it is also very Reasonable. It is not only us who will sign up for recruiting recruits throughout the empire. You must have news in your hands for Waters, and many of those nobles will also participate."

"Actually, you don't need to worry about this." Hesley heard the two say from the side, and then interrupted. A few weeks ago, he eliminated all the points that threatened his own power. Except for regular training every day, he became the most leisurely person in this house.

"The powerful nobles, you definitely can't match the resources they put in. And those ordinary nobles who have the same ideas as you, I think the resources at hand are probably not as much as you have spent in the past few weeks. Those nobles can't catch up. Either you don't need to chase, don't care too much. And as far as I know, in the Imperial Military Department, the influence of those big families and big forces is not very big. It seems that the high-level officers of the military department are very different from the people of these big families. The two are not the same kind of people, so as long as they have the strength, there is still a lot of room for promotion."

Hesley looked at Delya at this time: "Did Captain Cassia say how long will he be back? I think the joint mission of military academies will begin soon, and the evaluation will affect a very important one in the near future. Please remind me."

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