Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 853: Ready to die (2)

Ni Liya placed the painting between the two: "A very simple task, as long as you can provide information about the person on the painting, it will be completed. Any one of the whereabouts, identity, etc., can be obtained by us as long as it is verified by us. A heart-warming reward. It is not dangerous. We hope you can provide even some uncertain information. We can do all the subsequent authenticity identification, but what we need now is a little clue. I don’t know the picture. Does Mr. Soth have an impression of this person in the portrait?"

Looking at himself in another form, Cassia admired the artist who painted this picture. Don't have a different taste, and I am like twins with my current self. Because of the difference in environment and education, I gradually split into two people with different styles.

Pretending to think carefully, Cassia shook his head: "No, if there is news in the future, I will contact you immediately."

"Then can I ask the reason for this task? You spend a huge price to obtain his information, which can be regarded as a reward and wanted. There should be a very important reason."

"He was originally a core member of us, but I don't know why he rebelled and took away a lot of research materials." Ni Liya's face was full of doubts, as if she was puzzled by this behavior, and her words were full of sighs. "This is absolutely forbidden within us, but he had a plan a long time ago. After disappearing from our eyes, there will be no more news. Now the core information has not revealed any traces, but it is hidden. Perhaps it’s because you want to wait for the limelight to pass before finding a suitable buyer for the transaction. After all, the value of those materials can no longer be measured by money alone."

"Mr. Tussos, if you have any clues in the future, please let us know immediately." Ni Liya said with apology, shaking off her face. It is very impolite to let guests see such a face.

"I will." Cassia replied, glanced at the portrait again, got up and walked out of the tavern.

In the afternoon, it is rare for the sun to pass through the clouds. Cassia took a look at the sky, took the limo back to the road for several laps before returning to the city, renting a house for six months, and putting the agreement and the cards there.

After doing this, I returned to my residence, and the sky was already dark. Feeling the same, I started to study every detail of my contact with the Kiris family from the beginning on the road, and my memory went back to almost a year ago, when I saw the strange characters for the first time in the Brino region. Shake even became the target of Cassia's suspicion at this time.

"My head is messed up, and it's not suitable for thinking about it now." Cassia came out of the bathroom, and after drinking cold water, he fell on the bed without being dry. Eyes are tightly closed, but the spirit is very excited, too many memories are awakened at this time, and the whole brain is accumulated.

The one in that portrait was indeed himself. Cassia was sure that there was no possibility of a person who looked like him eight or nine points in the huge empire. Even if there is, it will not become the mission target of the Kiris family. Ni Liya's words were obviously thought of randomly, her expression was very realistic, but the surgeon was born with the foundation of an actor. As long as you control it properly, you can learn effectively to control the activities of facial muscles and make various expressions is very easy.

He couldn't think of the reason why he would be targeted by the Kiris family, except for Perkins, he didn't think he would have any connection with them before this. But the inexplicable feeling faintly in his heart told Cassia that he seemed to be missing something.

"It's not the forces of other continents. The situation is just the opposite of Ye Jielin's hope. An organization hidden by the forces within the empire?" Trying to think about it this way, "I don't usually move around very often. Many, only the Quartet forces. It’s very simple to get their own information. There are as many photos as they want to copy. Now they almost disappear from their eyes. On the bright side, they have a lot of scruples, and their actions will not be too obvious. It’s in line with the fact that they borrowed hidden forces to find me."

Once a certain result is subconsciously determined, various reasons supporting his establishment will emerge from his head one after another, and the more you look at it, the more it works. Just thinking in the opposite direction, Cassia felt that it was undesirable to control the empire with the four forces. If it is really one of the organizations, it is tantamount to completely revealing oneself. No matter how hidden, clues and footprints have been left, and it is only a matter of time and manpower to trace it to the source. In the current period, it is safest and safest for intelligence agencies to hide and search themselves. I don't know much about the thoughts of the high-level forces in the Quartet, but Cassia knows that they are not willing to take risks in the present, and the considerations and plans will not be so simple. Unless it is a plan to completely abandon the "Killish family".

The straightened thread and direction entangled into a knot in the end. With a deep sigh, the communication machine lights up at this moment. The curtains have been pulled You can feel the flashing red warning light in a dimly lit room with your eyes closed.

"Yejielin? Or is there something urgent for Delya?" Cassia sat up by the bed and did not connect immediately, because of the inexplicable sense of fear in his heart. I haven't felt this for a long time, making Cassia's body slow. After waiting for dozens of seconds, Cassia stood up and took a deep breath as he walked, as if to completely exchange the dull air where the body gathered.

At the unknown radio signal frequency, Cassia froze for a few seconds and then picked up the microphone, and a calm voice came.

Early the next morning, Cassia boarded the airship back to Manoma. Delya needs to go back a few days later. She needs to take over the production and operation of the factory here, and she has to select some people to go back to Manoma and restore the machines that have been stopped there.

The mood is as heavy as the thick black cloud outside the window. The message from Coach Biao is really happy. You can go in and out of Manoma and the military school freely. Not worrying about danger also shows that the things in the past few months have finally come to an end. Just a short answer last night made Cassia think a lot-come back as soon as possible, I have something to tell you in person. Bei Qi contacted Cassia with only this sentence, and then hung up the communication in the silence of both parties.

"Back to square one." Cassia muttered to herself while sitting in her seat.

Airships for short voyages do not have exclusive rooms for one person. Similar to high-speed trains, they have seats spread over several layers of the airship's body. It has been four or five hours of sailing, and under the clouds should be the corner of the crowded Manoma.

The other passengers closed their eyes and sank on their seats to rest. The slow and soft music made Cassia slightly hot all over. Withdrawing his eyes, the book in his hand also lost its appeal. Cassia guessed in his heart what the boy would tell him, but he himself had not been willing to believe it.

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