Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 855: Ready to die (4)

"I won't stop searching. Both I and Himia can guarantee this. We will notify you as soon as we have news." He pinched out the cigarette butts, with the bitter taste of smoking in his mouth, "Manoma is now to you. It is safe. Although it is a bit reluctant, please put more energy on yourself, and you will have nothing when you die. Please also believe in our ability, there will be no problems, at least on some things."

   "Thank you for the coach, don't blame yourself, this incident has nothing to do with you." I don't know if it was comforting, Cassia returned to his dormitory in a bit of despair. Lie for a long time, never rest. He dragged his body until the door was kicked.

   "What's the matter?" Frightened by Cassia's expression, Ye Jielin's voice in front of the door became much gentler.

   "Some unfinished things." Cassia smiled, but Ye Jielin knew whether the real expression was a smile, and only Ye Jielin knew, "Let's rest for a while." Without closing the door, he went straight back and lay on the bed.

   Ye Jielin looked at the door for a long time. She wanted to go in, but in the end she leaned back on the fence and looked at the school under the dormitory, not knowing what she was thinking. It lasted for a long time, until Cassia felt something wrong and looked out the door, Ye Jielin stayed outside. After sighing deeply, what Coach Bei Qi said was correct. No matter how anxious about his mother and sister, he couldn't help him. Even if everyone in the Steam Knights is dispatched, Ye Jielin and Atohuan will help. This power is insignificant compared to the side of Bo Sha and Himia.

"I'm still a lot weaker in controlling my emotions. Ye Jielin is also under a lot of pressure, but in front of me it seems that I haven't shown it a little." Cassia got up from the bed, took off the stack of notices and placed it on the desk. , Took a small kettle and walked into the bathroom. After pouring water and cleaning it again, she came to Ye Jielin.

   "Go to the cafeteria to fetch water?" Cassia asked.

"I thought you would have other words to tell me." As he rushed over from the family, the clothes were still the usual one. The hair didn't grow much longer in more than a year. It was a little bit over the shoulder, Ye Jie Lin did not use the physique of the surgeon to deliberately control their growth.

   turned around and opened the door, took the kettle, and the two of them walked out of the dormitory to the cafeteria.

   "Only you are back?" On the way, Cassia said, her voice returned to normal.

"Selmer has been staying at school to help the first-year people in training. Due to intelligence issues, Atohuan has no need to return to the military school for a while. There will be no more outing tasks, the only need to do Yes, there is only the comprehensive performance assessment at the end. But it is not important. There is no substantial third-year study time. Now everyone is concerned about whether your title and military rank will be improved again when you leave here."

   "I told you about this." Ye Jielin looked at Cassia and asked. It is now after dinner. There are not many people wandering in the school. Most of them are active in the training grounds. Most of the students who were in the same class as the two chose to go back to their family to spend this time, which was the slowest for them.

Seeing Cassia nodding, Ye Jielin thought for a while and said: "Atohuan and I have the rank of captain because of the help of the family. It is difficult to get to the school level, at least not in a short time. For the surgeon , The military department separates the advancement of military rank from ordinary soldiers. You should be a lieutenant. Selmer has the same possibility, but I believe it is a second lieutenant. After this year, we are still students of military school. , But the corresponding resources will no longer be released on time, and will be used on the next level of students. Therefore, the military rank is very important to us in the future. If we want to enter the empire, the military, or other departments and institutions, it is a screening comparison one."

"Of course, knighthood and knight qualifications are also among them. But if no surprises, after this year, we will all become official knights." Ye Jielin added, "After all, one of the rules for participating in the knight attendant assessment is that the participants must have Knighthood."

   and Ye Jielin went back to their dormitory after they came back and talked until late at night. Most of them are inseparable from the nearby knight attendant assessment. Ye Jielin collected a lot of information and told them all to Cassia, which was one of the purposes of her return this time. The three places in the military school have actually been set, and with Iyetta, the three of them just represent the most outstanding students in the military school in this period.

   Early the next morning, Cassia woke up very early and read the stack of notices. There was no important information in it. The only thing he was interested in was the results of the last southern forest fringe mission. Because the giant wolf and the young dragon, the scores are not much different.

"I don't know how Cassiehe is doing now." Cassia thought of the young dragon that made him wonder what to say. He only hoped that Cassiehe could be more or less natural during the time he was away. Retrieve the original appearance of the dragon in it.

   did not go to the biological laboratory building immediately. The next day, the coach Bazi visited Cassia again and told him that the group of old professors missed him very much. He hadn't seen each other for such a long time, so he could go there for a visit or chat if he had time.

  After careful thought it would be better to go in a few days. I want to sort out some of the information in my hand, and seek unified answers from the group of old professors when examining the body.

   And Ye Jielin hurriedly left in the afternoon of the next day, knowing that Selmer had notified Cassia of this matter at night.

   "Be prepared." Selmer told Cassia in sign language.

   Five days later, Delya sent the second batch of goods needed by Waters to the rearrangement, took the people back to Manoma, and began to restore the stopped factories. The two met at the base of the villa, and Cassia checked the stock of concentrated dragon blood in the cold storage, because Cassie consumed a lot of black at once, and there were less than three-fifths left. The hexagonal prism and the second-generation holy sword left in the surrounding area also brought Delya back and placed it here.

  Returning to a normal life, Cassia thought so for the time being. Choosing a suitable time, one week later, Cassia got out of training, drew the costumes, left school, and brought the newly purchased advanced communication machine to a residence on the edge of the center of Manoma. Put the things he asked Delya to bring back, the identity card and a few cards that the Kiris family gave him.

   It has been two weeks since Manoma came back. With the intelligence-obtaining ability of the Quartet, everyone who wants to know his trace probably knows. So at this point in time, he prepared some information on the surgical development project in advance, hoping to find out the true identity of the Kiris family.


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