Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 857: Ready to die (6)

After resting for less than three or four hours, with a faint light coming out, Cassia returned to the military school with a small section of the hexagonal prism. I thought a lot last night and always knew that continuing the current state would only worsen the situation, and would not get the slightest improvement due to the buffer of time. I have worked hard for this in the past, but the level seems not enough. Looking at it for more than a year, Cassia thinks he still lacks a lot of things. The birth accounted for part of the reason, and some things he experienced did change a lot, but in essence, it seemed too strong. &1t;/p>

With preliminary plans, Cassia originally planned to leave the military school and go directly to the military headquarters, where it might become his own next long-term foothold. Only recent circumstances have changed this idea. &1t;/p>

"My personality is not suitable for such a complicated place." Cassia thought after changing clothes in the dormitory and on the way to the biological laboratory building. "Probably it is more suitable for independent and secretive activities. I am more inclined to be mixed. The category that can’t be found in the crowd."&1t;/p>

The old professors were very happy to see Cassia coming over. During the conversation, Cassia had been pushed into the laboratory. Amidst the rolling sound of rubber rollers on the ground, a set of collection carts specially prepared for him were also pulled in. laboratory. &1t;/p>

"It feels like you have undergone a great change." Professor Bruce's eyes were particularly bright at this time, looking at Cassia's bare upper body as if he was appreciating an artwork. "But don't worry, we are always open here for you and provide free body for life. Check the service. I know you have confidence in our technology and experience, and the analysis will definitely be in place." His face became a lot more serious, but from the above, Cassia saw only the excitement and satisfaction of meeting the desired prey. . The work of the military school is indeed a bit monotonous for this group of retired old professors. &1t;/p>

The various sensors of the detection machine were attached to Cassia's body one by one, and the blood was drawn at the same time. The syringe is much larger than last time. The extraction process was not smooth, and the old professors still did not anticipate the degree of change in Cassia itself in a short time. Relying on the way ordinary people draw blood, blood that is as thick as liquid metal cannot be sucked out. Correspondingly, the tough blood vessels were pierced with a few needle points, making the old professors give up the current idea of ​​drawing blood. And the slight corrosion on the needle also made them prepare more advanced gloves and utensils. &1t;/p>

"You are going to stay here for a few hours. I have notified the logistics department to temporarily order a few higher specification syringes. Let's perform basic tests first." Bruce said using a scalpel to cut Cassia's skin. When a little blood bead came out, the wound was already tightly pressed by the muscles instinctively, and then a line of pale pink blood scab began to form. &1t;/p>

"For some reasons, the self-healing ability has been greatly enhanced." Cassia explained, "I don't know if the change in blood viscosity is a good thing. I think there must be a range of standards that the surgeon can apply. In order to make these The blood flows and the burden on the heart increases a lot."&1t;/p>

"You have to wait until the test results come out to draw a conclusion. You know that your physique is different from other students. There are standards, but they are definitely not suitable for you." Professor Bruce wrote down the time when the wound was completely healed. This is also valid data. one. After thinking for a while, Professor Bruce recalled in his mind whether the same situation had happened before. As the operation stage improves, the self-healing ability will correspondingly become stronger. In his memory, Cassia's current self-healing effect should not be so strong, roughly equivalent to that of a four-stage surgeon, and it is only the ability that has been specially strengthened. The self-healing ability is mostly related to the activity of the body and the energy substances in the blood. One side plays a supportive relationship, while the other side is a general representation. &1t;/p>

In previous studies, Bruce remembered other situations. One was after a self-healing surgical project, and the other was when he met at the Avalon institution. That is another research direction about biological research, and it can almost be viewed separately from the research of dragon tissues. Until he left the Avalon institution, he was still in the experimental stage and had not been used in practice. Because the uncontrollability is too great, the surgeon has little effective influence on his own strong control ability. &1t;/p>

The observation of the testing machine ended in three hours. While waiting for the special syringe to come, Cassia found the opportunity to stay in the laboratory alone with Professor Bruce. &1t;/p>

"The other people will not disclose all the data about you. Please rest assured in this regard." Seeing Cassia's mind, Bruce said with a smile, "Of course, there is another situation. Maybe some The matter is too involved, are you afraid that a few of them will be implicated?"&1t;/p>

"Perhaps it is possible. I want to seek your answer for some things." Cassia smiled on his face. "There have been many situations in the past few months, and the changes in the body are also the same. Maybe they are inseparable from one thing. ."&Amp;1t;/p>

Cassia took out the fragments of the incised hexagonal prism: "It seems to be an energy substance, and the blood gradually becomes corrosive. It is only after contact with it. At the stage of surgery, I can make sure that it is achieved. In the middle of the second stage, it also has a lot to do with it."&1t;/p>

"Energy material?" Bruce put on his gloves, held the hexagonal prism in front of him and looked at it, then turned on the light and observed it carefully, "It seems to be used, but the utilization rate is not very high." Cassia knew Professor Bruce. Saw the dense pits all over it. &1t;/p>

Then there was a flash of surprise, and the doubts on his face became solemn as Bruce's memory gradually recovered. Turning off the light, Bruce held the hexagonal prism in his palm and stared into Cassia's eyes. Without speaking immediately, Bruce was thinking about any possibility that exists in it. Cassia quietly waited for answers. &1t;/p>

"I should know what it is, but some corresponding experiments are needed to verify it. But apart from the Avalon organization, no second organization in the empire has this kind of machine. As for secretly, whether there will be something to prevent in the four forces. , I always keep my opinion."&1t;/p>

"I hope this thing is known to no third person besides you and me. After all, as long as there is a little possibility, there will be no other possibility except danger. You once had solid red mercury in your hand. In a defensive environment like a military school, some people will still come in. You have experienced it yourself, it’s not difficult to understand what I mean."&1t;/p>

Cassia also answered formally: "I know, but I think, since I have been in contact with this kind of thing, it may be safer to know its true identity, for myself."&1t;/ p>

"Your words really don't have a point of refutation, and even if I persuade you to throw him away, you probably won't follow my words." Bruce sees thoroughly, Cassia's identity, he can more or less check the data and 孛He guessed something in his attitude, “When I was still in the Avalon organization, I did come into contact with this kind of thing. But I didn’t go deep, I only understood a little bit on the surface. Those who are qualified to touch it, or have the corresponding extraordinary Knowledge, or the brain is particularly clever. You have to know that every scientist in the Avalon institution is a genius, in all aspects. Among those geniuses, I can only be regarded as ordinary."&1t;/p> ;

"It is indeed an energy substance. In the empire, as far as you know, except for coal, which has been eliminated long ago, there are the most widely used models of Huiguan. UU Reading and You will not be unfamiliar with the scientific name "Red Mercury". It is also a branch of research derived from dragon biology. The energy is greater, and more importantly, under certain conditions, the energy substance of red mercury can be operated on. It takes the initiative to absorb it. This is also the reason why the technology was completely sealed off by default after the three top research institutes of the Big 6 jointly researched solid red mercury. I don’t know the supervision status of the other Big 6, but the Empire’s The Avalon Agency has always maintained a firm attitude."&1t;/p>

"In fact, here, without talking about ordinary people, even the cognition of surgeons, in the eyes of most people, the solid structure of red mercury is the pinnacle of energy substances. But just like difference machines and analytical machines, ordinary people live a lifetime. It’s impossible to reach the level analysis machine. Most of us don’t have access to this thing." Bruce spreads out his palms, "The empire was able to be successfully established on the post-comparison 6 because the left is the big 6 and the right is the big 6. The biggest reason for the dispute between the two giant countries on the Internet, and the steady growth in the future, is this thing."&1t;/p>

"And the changes in your body over the past few months, I think most of the reasons have been found. In the Avalon organization, research in this branch has also been ongoing."&1t;/p>


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