Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 859: Ready to die (8)

"The power is too great, and compared to the huge destructiveness of the uranium gold bomb, the continuous damage it causes is a more headache. It will make things in a huge range contaminate lethal substances, and low-level surgeons cannot Very good resistance. Deadly, that is the final state of the area covered by the Great God Declaration. Apart from the slow erosion of this hazard by time, there seems to be no effective way to eliminate it." Professor Bruce said, "Of course, it is only personal. Avalon has developed the protection problem later. But users still need certain standards."

"I think the change in my body was caused by the deadly substance after the exposure." Cassia knew that the deadly substance was a "germ" and could indeed contaminate everything. Elimination in a small area is feasible, but if the area involved is too large, it can only be classified as a dead place and no man's land.

"It should be. Avalon is different from dragon biology research in another direction, which is based on these deadly substances. Although most of the deaths and other hazards brought to us, only surgery has changed this phenomenon. A stronger physique that was considered a fantasy in the Mano kingdom is being realized step by step in the research of the Avalon Institute. The deadly substance has almost the same effect as surgery, which can stimulate human evolution, that is, accelerate natural selection It’s not necessary for the entire species to accumulate."

"But no one doubts the stability and controllability of the operation. Not only did the Empire finally choose the operation, the other two big 6s also made the same choice. Instability eventually eliminated Avalon’s research on deadly substances. Putting it back on the agenda is still more than a hundred years ago."

"With the incident after the establishment of the empire, all the information about uranium gold gradually left people's sight under the artificial blockade. With such a long period of time, if Avalon had not restarted the research, perhaps I would not I know some information about it." Bruce sighed long. "Now I can only say that I am shocked. The structure of a country cannot be supported by a single person. It will always be a complete machine, relying on many structures and Parts to make it operate effectively for a long time. We are the parts that can be replaced. To a certain extent, it can be divided into infinite replacement and limited replacement."

"The difference between important and unimportant." Cassia said, "The uranium bomb, analyzer, and dragon surgery are the three most critical structures."

"That's it." Bruce said with a smile. He took the bag and packed the small hexagonal prism, crumpled it into a ball, and put it in his pocket. "But there is also an error."

"Wrong? There are other core components of the empire?"

"It should be there, not counting the present, but only appearing twice. It's just that the results are roughly the same. They are what changed Avalon. As a huge machine, there should always be one or two master operators. The finiteness can be replaced, and even if you don’t own it, this machine can still run, but you always feel that something is short of it.”

"Are there two knight kings in history?" Cassia reacted.

"Yes, too many things have changed. The most important thing is that changing the Avalon organization is not considered lucky." Professor Bruce showed a thoughtful look, "With your own identity, you probably know about the empire. The first and second generation of knight kings."

Seeing Cassia nodding, Bruce continued: "Avalon has always regarded himself as the scabbard of the knight king, playing a protective and supporting role. It has been since the beginning of the empire, and it was in the process of experimenting and being tested. The strong relationship established. The situation back then was similar to what we are now. You probably can’t understand the feelings of scientists and researchers, just like ordinary people can’t talk about surgery together.”

"In the empire, it has always been said that the first generation of knight King Grote died in the war. In fact, the general situation is the same, but the last shot was shot by the empire itself. The bullet is the uranium bullet. So far, except for the first In addition to the second type of biological energy that poses a threat to the King of Knights, there are only uranium bullets. That is why it is said to be dramatic. As the scabbard and protector of the King of Knights, in the end, the weapon he made killed the person to be protected. This mood will definitely not feel good. Almost broke, Avalon later recovered the uranium bombs that were shed by various means, and added a password restriction. It should be the upgraded detonating device. I said that the uranium gold is just It’s just a kind of raw material, and many steps are needed to release the huge energy in it."

"For things like gun thimble, the password restriction is the safety plug."

"Probably, I know so much." Bruce looked at the time and said, "In short, the empire has grown up to the present, and too many things have been born in it. But the death of the two generations of knight kings is important no matter when. The turning point of the empire. Regardless of ordinary people and surgeons, the reason why humans are humans and other species can be called animals is inseparable from many reasons. An empire is not a group of animals, where powerful individuals appear. For the animal group, it is lucky and worthy of joy. It can provide protection for a long time and expand the group. But in the empire supported by humans, there is no way to talk about luck and happiness. After all, our emotions are too rich and our brains function So fast, so I think a lot. It will only be seen as something dangerous and disrupting the balance. Even a slight threat is not allowed."

"Since you can't make a breakthrough and move on, then try to keep the status quo from being destroyed, no matter what method. As long as it is not destroyed in your own hands. As for breakthrough and growth, that will be the future. But then I They're all dead, so they have nothing to do with me." Cassia said, his tone fluctuating, making Bruce laugh.

"From one of the angles, it looks very vivid." Bruce replied, "But the empire can go to the present, and the people at the top of the pyramid have also played a big role, and they must have their credit. From the very early on, right and wrong are fundamental. There is no way to judge. Everyone is around this machine, some make it work, some are responsible for maintenance... I think there will be an optimal solution."

"But in many cases, the optimal solution is not chosen. Hundreds of years later, the second generation of knight kings appeared, and the empire that lost the power to use uranium bombs found another way to eliminate the threat. In the form of agreements and employment The left side and the right side have contacted the giant countries on 6. You probably know that the highest power of the knight king class in those two countries has been continuous and uninterrupted. This is how the second generation of knight kings was jointly killed. I’m dead, I can’t talk about the dramatic scene anymore. I don’t know how to describe it. I always feel that something is wrong. I think it’s always the same. Since then, the Avalon organization moved out of the Empire and went to On a movable island."

Cassia was silent, and the ending of the two generations of knight kings reminded him of Norr. At some point before the war, Cassia seemed to foresee that the same scene would happen again. The course of history does not seem to have changed, it has always been running evenly on a smooth circle like steel wheels. He knew that he urgently needed a more stable environment to grow up. Bruce sighed several times at this time to ease his mood.

"It is meaningless to talk about this now." His eyes became serious and formal, and Bruce looked at Cassia, "I won't believe that you have the technology to turn uranium gold into uranium gold bombs, but the four forces are possible. You have it. I don’t want to know how many there are, but please agree to my request. This thing should never be handed over to anyone except you. The empire is too large. Once it collapses from the inside, no one can imagine what it was like at that time. You can I think my thinking is wrong, but from a different perspective, what you just said can be used in general, in part."

Patting his pocket, Bruce showed nervousness. "It will be returned to you soon." He nodded solemnly.

"I will follow your request." Cassia promised and changed the subject. "In addition to this matter and the physical examination, Professor Bruce, I have another request that requires you to keep a secret."

With a suspicious look, Bruce waited.

"I want to perform a heart transfer operation." Cassia said, pointing to the right side of his chest, "The corresponding changes in the position of the blood vessels, please do it together."

"Technically our group of professors have no problem at all. Prepare the equipment, and with your own self-healing ability, you can complete it in a short time without being noticed." Bruce Replied, "But I think the enemy you are facing now will not be polite to a corpse. Moreover, they should be in the same mood as us, looking forward to dissecting you on the operating table a little bit."

After a second or two, Professor Bruce realized that he had missed something and corrected it: "Of course, when we perform heart transfer surgery on you, we will definitely not do extra things to you. Please rest assured. I still have credit guarantee."

"Then what are you for?" Bruce asked continuously, "The position of the heart and blood vessels has been verified by time. After the change, it will definitely affect the body in the short time."

"In order to prevent more people from being implicated. I want to artificially make a false impression and create an alibi for some people. For the rest, I should be able to help after death."


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