Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 867: Kiris (8)

"Meet?" Bofei Tower answered, and at the same time turned the information to the corresponding location, and probably browsed it.

"Expressing willingness to increase the purchase price, but the other party does not care about the price, but the person who needs this set of books. Maybe it is a trap."

“It’s not important whether it’s a trap or not. What’s important is whether he has what I want.” Bofeita closed the information, looked at Lahualar and Varen, “Let the manager go and see, it’s all about training. The humanoid executive body that came out without feelings, the investigation activities are suitable for them. I want to have sufficient reasons, in the name of assisting the internal reorganization of the family, understand?"

The two nodded, "It will be done in a few days."

"Valen will do it, Lahualar, I have other things to leave to you." Bofeta sprang up the things in his head and issued an order, "The source of the information, that student of the Imperial History School, you go Confirm the current status. Probably dead, Theodore and Il will not be soft on an ordinary student. But they need to go there, collect more detailed information, and summarize it with Warren's situation."

After explaining the next few things, Lahualar left the residence. Warren stayed, took out another dozen pages of documents and gave it to Bofeta.

"It's about Yejielin." Wallen said with a somewhat embarrassed expression. "It's the daughter of the previous patriarch. The information has a high level of authority..."

"Can't I access her information with my ID card and passcard?"

Warren did not directly answer: "It was collected from other members of the family, not very comprehensive. These people have a very good evaluation of Ye Jielin. They have cleaned up most of the contemporaries by themselves, resulting in many resources being completely directed to her. Tilt. The private business is running very well, and an alliance was established in the school, relying on Webley's background and own ability to win over a large number of elite students of military schools, I heard that the strength is good. What we saw that day Fatty is a person from Infinite Communications."

"But because of this there are also many enemies, and are now trying to contact them to obtain more information."

"Is there anything that violates the family rules? You know I need these things more. I don't care how many allies she has."

"Not for the time being, I think if there is, it will all be suppressed. Ye Jielin's father is the former patriarch, and she should know how to use her status. One more thing, young master. The knight attendant assessment a few months later, Ye Jie Lin is probably one of the recommenders of the Military Academy..."

"For the time being, I can't take excessive actions with her." Bofeta was a little disappointed, and he knew that the family values ​​the assessment, "That's fine, this situation is really difficult to handle. Your next job is the same as Lahualar. Just squeeze out all the available benefits in that batch of materials."


"It's that kind of substance." After a short break after the operation, Bruce returned the kneaded bag to Cassia. "The purity is very high. As long as you have other parts, it is possible to detonate it. Of course, it is the same sentence. , I will never believe that you have anything other than that."

Cassia sat up, showing helplessness: "I'm not a person who can use this kind of thing, you can tell Professor Bruce."

"Of course not now, but I won't know in the future. The school is different from the empire. It is not as good as you think, and it is not as bad as you think. The specific experience will not be felt until you graduate."

"There is no problem with your body, you should be able to adapt quickly."

The technology of a group of old professors has not fallen behind for decades, and the heart transfer operation has been very successful.

The pink traces are turning reddish-brown at a visible speed. There is no needle stitching, but the instinctive squeeze of the body muscles has begun to automatically bond and heal. The blood has not left much, and the viscosity is too high. If it loses the huge power provided by the heart, they will only gradually solidify in the blood vessels and become a metal-like substance.

"After a few days, there will be no big problem." Cassia took a few deep breaths, and the heartbeat from both sides of his chest made him feel strange, as if he had a second life.

"I will prepare other things for you as soon as possible. Hormones and adaptation agents can reach the school within a week or two. The plan for the surgical development project, with me and the old professors, will not be a problem. But for biological agents. It must be carried out under our supervision. It is not clear where your toxicity tolerance limit is. We will also conduct a graded test on you. Only after obtaining the data can we help you improve your own resistance to the poison."

"Because they are all strengthening the development of the original ability, now the few months to the assessment, plus the influence of your physique and deadly substances, should be enough."

"By the way, Professor, I have other questions I want to ask."

"I don't think anything good will be involved." Bruce gave Cassia a helpless look, the sincerity on that face prevented him from immediately refusing to answer.

"If it is possible, can human beings become a real dragon? The essence of surgery comes from dragons. Will the final result of the operation be that form?"

"Very strange question, have you ever seen any animals become other species in a short time?" Professor Bruce said like a joke, but his expression became a little serious. "Let's put it this way, compared with adult dragons, we just Like ants. This is not the level of strength, but the size and weight. Dragons can break the reproductive isolation, whether they can break the inherent shape that has evolved to the present, the scientists in the Avalon organization can’t make a final conclusion. For the second category As far as living things are concerned, any fantasy is possible. After all, until now, we have not figured out their true origin, what species they differentiated from, and what evolution they experienced."

"On the other hand, it is impossible for humans to become dragons. What is the difference in volume and weight? Adult dragons weigh in tonnage, and their body length is generally more than fifty or sixty meters. It is a moving meat mountain. , Their growth process is to continue to eat to achieve the above-mentioned form. As far as the surgeon is concerned, even if the weight is abnormal, in contrast, this situation will not happen..."

Bruce suddenly thought of something, and there was a pause in his words, and his eyes fell apart. When his eyes were fixed on Cassia's face again, he had lost the connection.

"I don't know what makes you have this kind of fantasy, but just remember that it's impossible. Also, is it bad to be a human being? I think it's pretty good. You should look for fun in life in addition to exercise. They are all grown-ups. Not talking about female students in military schools, students in other schools in Manoma are also good..."

Professor Bruce's smile made Cassia feel unwell. It was a smile full of memories and unknown fun. He felt that the subject of the conversation was off track in an instant.

"Well, in short, the surgeon is also human, but it's just a bit special." Professor Bruce retracted his smile and nodded slightly to apologize. "In my opinion, instead of thinking about these impossible questions, you might as well use the time to supplement Make up for the knowledge you really lack. You can be called an expert in battle, but in other aspects, you can't even compare to the twelve or thirteen-year-old children among ordinary nobles." 2kReading Network

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