Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 871: Kiris (12)

You will be very busy these days, but I hope everything can be done seriously. I will give you a more generous time. "Pofita said, after a pause of less than a second or two, he continued again. "In addition, you have all sorted out the pile of information collected by Theodore and Il. It is not helpful for me to find out the less important ones. And then all of them are exchanged for visible benefits to collectors. They are all good collections and will have a good income. "

As the limousine drove into Manoma, the sky was almost unable to bear the weight of the black clouds, and the frequent rain failed to relieve it. The weather was much colder, and a week or two of rain allowed Manoma to go straight through the autumn and enter the winter early.

The clouds were surging, and the Bofei Tower behind the car window looked at this scene, and his mood diminished for some reason.


"Captain Eric, it's coming soon." With an excited voice, he woke up Eric, who was resting on the seat of the car. Amid the heavy gasps, he opened his eyes with difficulty, his gaze in a trance before waking up. It shouldn’t be the case. The physical and mental energy brought by the operation should have caused fatigue to disappear on them, but I don’t know how long it has been since Eric can no longer remember the specific time. The Manoma area has become very chaotic, just like this moment. The clouds in his eyes completely covered the sky behind.

"I'm asleep, I'm sorry." Eric sat upright, and the cold wind poured in from the slit of the swinging window, making him wake up quickly. He shook his head severely as he spoke, and Eric again thought of the report to be submitted to the superior soon, and his head became painful. As one of the thousands of personnel in the Imperial Special Operations Force, there are almost too many things to deal with every day. I haven't had a good rest for ten days in a row. Even in the car, most of them are studying the next information with the team members. This time may be called an accident.

A red light lit up ahead, and the huge limo slowly stopped. The spacious interior space easily accommodates nine people including Eric, and the remaining space contains the equipment they need. Wake up the rest of the rest, Eric looked at a few newcomers who had just entered the special operations agency, and appreciated their mental power at the moment.

It seemed to be the same when I first came in, Eric thought, but after a while, this enthusiasm will be worn out by all kinds of helpless and angry things, probably.

"How is the situation now?" Eric rolled down the car window completely, seeing that the light intensity should be almost noon.

"I received a notification from the residents in the morning and discovered that it was on the edge of the road transitioning from the central area to the outer area. The defense forces immediately rushed over to surround the scene, and there were squads from other operational agencies there. The preliminary judgment was a vendetta. The people at the scene It's still under investigation." The newcomer replied as if he had memorized it several times beforehand.

"What about the identity of the deceased? Should I be sure?"

"Bibson, cloth merchant. In fact, he is an arms dealer in the dark world. More than half a year ago, a small area in the black market of Manoma was purged by unknown people. Bibson will take this opportunity to grow stronger. This is all information that was investigated by another team one or two hours ago."

"Well, I know." Eric thought thought. "Do you think this matter has something to do with it more than half a year ago?" He turned his head and looked at several old teammates who had been with him for several years. "The matter is endless, although it helped us to a certain extent. But the motive of the person who started it will certainly not be pure."

Several of the teammates shook their heads. They didn't even search for any trace of the murderer more than half a year ago. Even if they said anything, they were all with subjective thoughts in their minds. After a few years at the lower level of the special agency, they should take care of what matters and what matters should be handled by the superiors, and when they shut their mouths obediently, they have already formed a self-reflection.

Eric has seen this situation a lot, and he often does. He had no choice but to sigh helplessly.

The yellow cordon was pulled from a dozen meters away, and the onlookers had been driven away by the defense forces. About twenty people wearing two different costumes were standing on the side of the street, staring at the car in front of them in a daze.

Eric got out of the car with his own people, some took pictures, and some took out picture books to draw unspoiled details of the scene.

A high-end limousine crashed on the side of the road, all the tires on one side burst, and there were traces of towing snakes on the ground. A section of street light is firmly inserted into the car, and while penetrating the glass on both sides of the rear seat, it also penetrates the body of Bibenson who wants to jump off the car.

Four people died in the car, and no one had the opportunity or time to get off the car.

"Captain Eric." Wearing the same black costume and about the same age, the captain of another squad came over to say hello, "This is Fred, the captain of the defense."

The three said a few words to each other, and the topic returned to the present.

"To be precise, it was not the residents who discovered it, but the residents who witnessed the small half of the process. The murderer wore a crow-shaped mask. The action was very neat, as if rehearsed. But the corpse was not destroyed, probably because it was seen inside ."

"Those residents are still alive?" Eric asked, this kind of phenomenon is rare. The things handled by special operations agencies are all related to the surgeon. Even the surgeon in the first stage is fatal to ordinary people without any training. Generally, I don’t want to reveal my identity. Although none of the 100 incidents has accurate witnesses, the mask is considered by Eric to be the most failed invention.

After briefly finishing the situation here, Fred left with the defense forces, and Eric put on his gloves and approached the salute.

"Bulletproof glass." While inspecting the scene, Eric explained the basic survey methods to several newcomers. "Probably four to five grades of bulletproof glass can completely invalidate ordinary bullets, unless it is a sniper rifle, or It is only a concentrated attack of heavy machine guns that can be broken."

"A firearm with a huge caliber that can blast through bulletproof glass with one shot. It's probably a revolver. Both people in the back seat made a knife from the lower jaw and smashed the brain directly. The bullet was picked up, plus the corpse. The corrosive bacteria that came into effect not long ago..." Eric walked to the side of the street, where the street light came from. It is cut directly by a sharp tool, and the fracture is very smooth, and many things can be seen from this alone.

Probably it will be put in the archives to accumulate ashes, waiting for the investigation time to pass, it will be unified into ashes. Eric thought, the murderer is very strong, at least let him cut the street light, it is impossible to cut the gap in front of him. He has received professional training, and some details on the scene illustrate this point. And relying on his own strength, he can use the lamppost to poke the two-layer bulletproof glass of the window. The power is absolutely After staying here for less than an hour, Eric collected the scene information and left it. The two stood here waiting for others to come and drag away the car and the corpse, before leaving.

The captain of the other squad then got into the car with Eric, and a burst of seemingly non-existent perfume entered Eric's nose.

"Some time ago, another person disappeared. In less than a month, there were close to 20 people, all of them waiters."

"Rosa, that street is full of high-end pubs, and you and I know who it is. Trust me if there is nothing you can do. If you rush in, there will be no good results." Eric looked out the window. His face was serious and helpless.

"But you can't let this matter continue to develop, right?"

"I have never understood why, many, many people look forward to Manoma abnormally. To be honest, compared to this, many other regions are much better in all aspects. This should not be the place where people like them come. ." Eric complained a little.

"I can't control others. I just want to do my job. Although I guess that most of the people in the special operations agency will not be loyal to this profession, it is enough to know that someone is doing their best to do things like me. You Say yes, Captain Eric."

"No, I'm not the kind of person you think, don't find me." Ericly turned his head, not looking at Rosa's smiling face, "There is a lot of things waiting, I will leave here first Up."

"When the news is collected, I will notify you. I hope I won't let it be sealed in the file bag this time."

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