Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 885: Cooperation between gentlemen (14)

Two or three breathing time is not enough, the dark red lines are completely replaced by white lines. The rain fell on Cassia and formed thin ice. The frost resembled a wave surging in circles, spreading towards the surroundings. Layers of white frost powder with snowflake-like texture, little by little climbed on the ground and weeds. After a while, a white world with a diameter of more than 100 meters turned into a white world around Cassia, covered with cold white, and the soil froze and became hard. The falling rainwater intruded into this space, and gradually condensed into ice particles. The "rusty" fell, and the sound of "banging" was knocked out.

"Boom..." The heavy heartbeat seemed to arouse invisible fluctuations all over her body. The ice layer on Cassia broke open, revealing her body whose scales had completely fallen away. Most of the skin has fallen off, the bright red muscle structure and white tendons are exposed to the air, and a new layer of skin is slowly forming to cover it.

The eyes have not recovered yet, and the black ring around the pupil vibrates violently, but it is more like a rapid rotation around the heavy pupil. There must be something she didn't know in the dream. Cassia understood that the dragon with the huge cross pupils and a group of white phantoms comparable in size to the mountains. What they mean, I haven't figured it out yet, and without sufficient information, Cassia doesn't think he can rely on imagination. Just like when I came out of the small town, I didn't know the existence of surgery at all.

But what is certain is that after experiencing the second dream, the method of the giant whale has indeed changed in essence. The volcano no man's land experienced a short time, but it was not as dangerous as it is today.

Without the strength to stand up, Cassia opened his frozen mouth and tried to breathe. The lungs seemed to be expanded a hundred times at this moment. With the sound of deep breathing, the surrounding air flooded towards him, forming a siphon phenomenon. The ice particles were drawn in and gathered into a small pile. The body swells extremely, but still maintains the basic body shape. The skin lost its flexibility, and it was as tight as a black iron steel plate that had been rearranged.

"Exhale,,," takes only half a minute to change my breath, and the cold air ejected from my mouth and nose hits the ground in front of me like a high-pressure air current. Wind was blowing around, and ice particles were blown away under the exhalation, hitting an arc in front of him. The frost and powder on the ground were also swept up, and a white "dust storm" suddenly built a high wall and pushed it forward.

After a few breaths, the blood began to warm from the cold. It became even hotter, and Cassia felt that the temperature of the surrounding objects had been absorbed by him unconsciously just now. Blinking his eyes fiercely, Cassia stood up slowly, breathing smoothly during the period, returning to normal frequency. He moved his stiff joints until the rain hit him again, before he bends down to hold up the enemy's corpse pouring in concrete beside him. It has been frozen into steel, the skin has lost its ruddy and turned blue, and some parts have cracked due to cold shrinkage, exposing bones. Carried on her body, Cassia looked at the several black shadows approaching in front of her, and stepped on the frozen grass with one foot and another, and walked over.

In those eyes, the rotating black ring disappeared, and the pupils became more pitch black, no longer revealing a little light.

The scene was cleared in half an hour, and the two ceremonial cars were blown to pieces by the remaining platinum gunpowder on the spot. A dozen corpses were moved to the car, they will be buried in the ground somewhere, and no one will ever find them.

Ye Jielin sat beside Cassia, watching his expression from the corner of her eyes. After returning, Cassia was silent. The corpse, which was still exuding cold, was in another car, and it was obvious at a glance that something strange had happened. I don't know how to explain, he still had plans to share Sukarius and the giant whale with Ye Jielin and the others. Only from a certain period of time, this idea disappeared. Probably when he realized that Sukarius was hiding something from him.

The accompanying great danger made him even more afraid to try now. Stability is the number one priority. This is the most suitable word for machines and humans.

Ye Jielin was hard to not ask, and also kept silent. The limousine was divided into several lanes before returning to the central area of ​​Manoma, and gradually disappeared among the buildings.

Several people went straight back to the military school, Ye Jielin and Cassia went to the dormitory together.

"You didn't want to tell me?" Standing in front of the steel door, Ye Jielin asked Cassia, "There are a lot of weapons and ammunition in the factory warehouse, and you have to find a place to consume it."

Cassia shook his head: "If you are going out recently, remember to let me know."

"I'm not like you, this is a certain thing." Ye Jielin laughed, but then sighed and returned to her dormitory.

Sitting at the desk, Cassia took out the paper and pen, and from the first personal contact with Qilishi, everything that happened until now was revealed in ink. Obviously, someone in the Webley family knew about the mission issued by the Kiris family. Now that there is no clue from the external environment, Cassia is good at searching for traces of accidental fall from her.

Rethinking one thing, one thing, and recalling the fragments in this short period of time, a few more lines were added on the paper one after another, all of which were marked as key points.

"If you want to get in touch with Kiris, first rule out the possibility that Kiris can find it on his own. Only a few conditions can be met. I only know one You can search for Perkins information, in the dark world. It’s okay to buy a few other books or sell information in strange texts-but almost no one will do it, even if it’s unintentional. Once discovered, I think the Kiris family doesn’t mind letting such important things be less. One person knows."

"Then in the end I can only lock the clues on Perkins and the book, if I start from myself." Cassia circled Perkins and the book with a pen, the nib paused for a second or two, dropped a black spot, and then moved. To Shake’s Empire text. The simple and minimal relationship diagram helped Cassia a lot at this time, and he was able to quickly find the most likely breakthrough point.

"Weird texts and Shake's own "Weird Creatures" have been lost."

Cassia wrote this line, and added the names of Il and Theodore. A big circle surrounds them, and under the pen tip, the Knights of Rose and Rose are neatly written, only with a huge question mark.

After drinking a glass of cold water, Cassia wrote Shake's name at the bottom of the paper, and then changed into everyday clothes. He wanted to contact Delya, but gave up halfway through. Taking the ID card and password card, he gently opened the door to make sure that there was no sound during the process, and then quietly looked at Ye Jielin's room.

There was no movement, and he went down the dormitory building silently.

Until the figure was covered by the school building, Ye Jielin's door opened immediately. Looking at the door next to it, and then at the military school, which can be said to be the only exit, Ye Jielin leaned against the fence, the cold wind stirred up a few strands of hair, and in the end only the wind took away helplessly.

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