Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 887: Cooperation between gentlemen (16)

The rain became much heavier in the middle of the night, and the small truck went around a few times, completely out of the center. There are no vehicles on the road, and rain can be seen under the street lights in a wire mesh. Under the two bright headlights, the small truck drove very smoothly, and the not-so-fine engine sound suppressed the ticking rain on the roof from time to time.

"Where have you been? How long will it take?" This is a simply modified car with a bridge between the front and the cargo box, and there is a door that can accommodate two or three people at the same time. At this moment, a man who watched the delivery poke his head out of the cracked door and glanced at the front of the swing of the wiper, feeling a little dull.

"It's still early, it will take at least an hour or so. The transfer station is built on the periphery, and it goes straight and quickly, but the regulations are to bypass and the order must be followed." The driver turned his head and said, yawning. I haven't had a good rest for two or three days, and I have a high concentration of energy. If it is an ordinary person, it may have been on the ground. I don't know how long this situation will continue, but it is useless to complain. The task must be carried out.

While talking, the communicator in the front passenger's seat flashed, and the driver looked sorry, and took the communicator with one hand.

"Then you report the situation first." The man watching the delivery retracted his head.

"On the way, I will be there in about an hour." The driver paused, which made the voice energetic.

"Pay attention to your back along the way. No one is here to pick you up. Be careful. You will be reported every ten minutes." The tone on the other side was very cold, and the driver nodded silently. He waited until the communication "boom" was cut off before he breathed heavily. But it was far from enough. He opened his mouth and took a few deep breaths. When he felt better, the half of his body near the passenger seat was a bit cold. During the communication, the door there seemed to be half opened, and the air-conditioning used to temporarily preserve the food had not yet dissipated, so some ran out from there now.

"Hey!" the driver called out without responding for several breaths. He just turned his head, but saw a person come out naturally, dressed in casual clothes, sitting in the passenger seat, turning his hand to pull out the anesthesia needle on his back.

"No need to shout, the light inside is too dark, maybe there is no attention when you start, both of them should be dead." Cassia said, dropping the unplugged anesthesia needle under his feet, and placing a circle of steel rope on himself. On the knees. He stared at the driver, "It is best to put your hands on the steering wheel, you should not have the strength of the two behind." He said that his body suddenly fell to the driver's side, one hand popped out instantly, and the driver pulled out The hand of the pistol was lifted.

"Ah..." With a little effort, the driver's wrist made a crisp sound, but it did not crumble. Only the fingers lost their strength and the pistol fell. At this moment, Cassia released his hand, clamped the driver's neck, opened his mouth violently, and threw a bright red object into it with the other hand, with a fishy smell.

After closing the driver's mouth, Cassia slowly picked up the dropped pistol and looked at the shiny road surface under the lights when the driver saw that the thrown had been swallowed by the driver.

There was no speech for a few minutes, and the unclosed door behind the two of them continued to deliver air-conditioning to the cab. The driver was sweaty, his body was stiff, his waist was arched, his neck was also shrunk, and there was a red mark on his chin from when he was clamped. He put his hands on the steering wheel very honestly, his throat kept moving, but he never said a word.

Seeing that the time is almost the same, Cassia once again looked at the driver who was mentally strained: "You said I should smash your head with a gun, and then throw the corpse out of the car, or we should have a good chat, you use Some useful information is exchanged for your own life.” While talking, Cassia opened a little window, shot at the gap where the steam was poured, and a street light beside the road went out.

"Good talk, good talk." The driver quickly replied, "But I'm just a driver and don't know much. The main members of the action stay in the school, waiting for the next person to be tested to enter the Internet. They have Qualifications for more detailed information..."

"Do you know what you ate just now?" Cassie asked when he interrupted the driver. At this time, he pulled out a tactical knife, gently made a cut in his finger, and wiped a trace of blood on the gun.

A layer of fine red foam rose, and the metal on the surface of the gunshot was slowly corroding.

"But I have heard of a surgical development that allows one's body to be like a tree, picking up bright red'fruits'. Of course it is not a fruit, it is just a layer of toxic substances wrapped in flesh and blood. Something like The capsules used to treat colds and fevers will slowly release the toxic substances in them. The effect is like this." The pistol was shook in front of the driver, and the body of the gun was corroded.

The sound of "chichi" during corrosion was amplified in the mouth simulation, and Cassia explained: "Imagine that this kind of toxicity is so strong that steel can be corroded, and the body of the operator will definitely not be able to resist it. It will invade the blood and spread to it. Everywhere in the body. Wait until the accumulation of toxicity reaches a limit..."

"I must cooperate, I must cooperate. There must be an antidote, right?" The driver stepped on the brake in a and looked at Cassia, "But I really don't know anything, it's my task. It is to select one of several set routes immediately, and then drive to the transfer station, even if it is completed, the others..."

"How much do you know about the transfer station? And, who are you from? What are you hiding in the Imperial History School?" Cassia turned his pistol, "Three questions are not difficult, right?"

"The transfer station is just a temporary base, used to dock some tasks issued from time to time. There is also a rest point on weekdays, a small warehouse of weapons and ammunition, there will be some people who are idle, ready to act at any time. As for why I will hide in the school, I really don’t know. Because the mission for me is to transport this. As for who it is, it turns out that I am just a mercenary in the dark world who underwent inferior surgery, and later joined this force. Medium. At the highest level, we have only contacted a man whom we called the'military commander', whose specific name we don't know, although I have been here for two or three years."

"Which family are you from?" The driver said a surname that Cassia had never heard of.

"Not here. Actually, it hasn't been long since we came to Manoma. We used to be in other areas." The driver said at this time, his face flushed and his ears were bloodshot and became bright blood. He released the brakes and the pickup truck moved forward slowly again.

"Understand a little bit." Cassia nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time he picked up the communicator placed aside and handed it to the driver, "It's time."

"Something goes well..."

The communication enters the radio signal to the relay station.

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