Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 889: Black and white 2 colors (2)

『→』To provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"It would be better if we don't see each other, Mr. Cassia, there will be no good things around you." Iyetta put away the gun, said to follow, then turned and walked aside.

The two came to a room in the warehouse. Through the window, they could see that other guards were shooting at the tied people with anesthesia guns. The warehouse door was opened wide, a standard truck came in, and all the people who passed out were thrown into the cargo box.

"Originally, we wanted to leave immediately. We just received a notice saying that someone had been caught and would be sent here, so we chose to wait." Iyetta found half a bottle of wine in the room, which was of poor quality. But she still had a drink. "It seems that the decision at the time was correct, but it was a pity."

Cassia smiled dryly, expressing that this kind of pity would not happen.

"Are you investigating them too?" Iyetta asked at this time, staring at Cassia, trying to see something from the change in facial expression. It's just that Cassia had anticipated the general situation outside the warehouse, and was already prepared.

"It's an investigation, but the goal should be different." Cassia replied, thinking about other things at the same time-could it be that the other person behind Shake is Iyetta? Before the dragon fossils, apart from Linna of the Flame Alliance, he and Iyetta were horrified.

"Because the tracking information went to the Imperial History School, so the current situation appeared." Cassia did not expect that Iyetta would believe his words now, but he had basically determined in his heart that the five people might be related to the forces behind this force. People are related, as long as they perform well in the follow-up, there is a high chance that they will not doubt that they have a relationship with Sha.

Iyetta did not answer. When the truck in the warehouse remembered the sound of the horn, Iyeta looked at the time and said to Cassia: "It doesn't matter whether the goal is the same or not, it doesn't matter to us. I will know later, and the discussion will not produce results now. You I'm probably not the kind of person who speaks out my purpose. But one thing is certain. Our enemies are probably the same? If you are sure that you have not found the wrong person."

Cassia waited for Iyetta's later words.

"I think there is no conflict of interest between us. Since the enemies are the same, it seems that we can reach a temporary cooperative relationship. I can trust your strength." Iyetta walked out of the room, and Cassia replied with "thank you". Behind, a limo came in and stopped after the truck drove out of the warehouse, "If you want, I think there is someone you need to meet."

At 3 o'clock in the morning, there was only the light of street lights and ceremonial cars. There were almost no vehicles on the road, and the truck separated from Cassia and the others a long time ago and drove elsewhere.

"Pull over for interrogation, there are some people in it who are not smart."

During most of the journey, Iyetta pursed her mouth tightly and looked straight at the car window, not knowing whether she was looking at the black outside the window or the shadow of Cassia on the glass. Feeling that something was wrong in the car's range, Cassia closed her eyes, but occasionally thought of Iyetta's dress in the tavern, decorated with cat ears. There is a big difference between the two. During this period of time, it seems that not only he has changed, but the people he knows are all with absolute self-consciousness, knowing when to do something.

Iyetta didn't even intend to say a word, she didn't look at it until she approached Manoma.

"Yejielin?" There was no expression on her face, she was completely aware that things were like this. But there were doubts in the words. Iyetta seemed to be confirming the matter. Although Cassia didn't know the reason, he still clicked.

"The enemy is probably from the Webley family, I think."

"No need to guess, it is the members of the Webley family. The information collected confirms this. The identity is not clear, but the enemy is not simple. There have been two brief encounters. Some of the enemy’s men are managed by the Webley family. Those who can only execute orders unconditionally and have no feelings.” Iyetta said, “If you can mobilize these people, your status will not be low. This is basically the case in all major families in the Quartet.”

"Since you don't mean to get off the car here, then I will acquiesce that you are willing to cooperate with us. Of course, I personally don't want to travel the same way before." Iyetta said with a smile, and looked at the card. West Asia took a look. The limo slowed down at this time, drove into a residential area, and finally stopped in front of a very ordinary villa. A ray of light drilled through the thick curtain. With the help of the sound of the steam engine, Cassia saw that there were only two people in the villa, in the hall. It should be known that the limo will arrive at this time, so wait there in advance.

When I got off the car, I felt that the villa in front of me was filled with an uncomfortable breath, which originated from the bottom of my heart, like something that was forcibly extracted from memory. Following Iyetta, Cassia tried to think about where this feeling came from, the door in front of him was opened, and a bright light fell on Cassia immediately.

Without blinking his eyes, Cassia's gaze circled Iyetta and looked towards the hall. As the sound detected, two people in pure white dresses sat quietly at the table, with two empty chairs on the table. With four glasses, except for one of the glasses containing juice, the other three are high-end wines with satisfactory aroma.

A familiar face was printed in Cassia's pupils, and things about Shake's entanglement became clear at this moment. It was a horror, Cassia thought to himself, as if he had found a partner that made people happy and had to be more vigilant.

"What an unexpected guest." There was a brief surprise on Ji's face, as if he had discovered something new and strange, his eyes became wrong at this moment. Without seeing the elements of the performance, the members of the Hill family are very good at disguising themselves from all aspects. He took off his hat and stood up to say hello, and Cassia replied with the same words. This kind of feeling is indeed only in Hae and Li, and now they still remember the face similar to Hae. Apart from whether they often have smiles on their faces, Cassia does not think that they will have any personality. the difference.

The four people sat around the table, no one spoke, and they all tacitly picked up the cups in front of each other, sipping wine or juice. About a minute later, he put down his and introduced another man to Cassia.

"Lyle, the captain of my personal team, is also a part-time job in intelligence information. Tonight's action is based on the information he found. Luckily, you can meet Mr. Cassia. Miss Iyetta Just like you, Mr. Cassia, you have a cooperative relationship with me." I don’t know the purpose of the introduction, Cassia nodded.

"Did Miss Ye Jielin come this time?" asked with a smile, his eyes seemed to penetrate Cassia's body directly, and he could see the wooden floor of the hall behind him.

"No, it's dangerous to get out of the military school now. The enemy knows our specific whereabouts and has conducted an operation not long ago, but the target information is likely to be deliberately released by the enemy. I encountered ambush, a few people who were unconscious, According to Miss Iyetta's message, he is the administrator of the Webley family." Cassia said, most of the juice left in the glass.

"In that case, our enemies are indeed the same, but the purpose is different." He said the obvious result, "Mr. Cassia, you probably need to prevent the enemy from launching actions against Miss Yejielin. Here, but It is necessary to save a person."

As he spoke, he lowered his gaze and looked at the desktop.

(= one second to remember)

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