Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 895: Black and white 2 colors (8)

『→』To provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"Presumably Mr. Cassia has already thought about where to go after leaving the military school, right?" He turned his gaze back and asked.

"No." Cassia replied immediately, walking to the hallway, wiping the sound of rain and saying, "By the way, Mr. Ha, in a big family like you, there should be many places to go after leaving school, right? In the Empire All industry organizations will welcome people from large families to enter."

"Of course not." With a horrified smile, he was surprised by Cassia's problem, but the expression only stayed on his face for a moment, and then it was covered by the fair skin. "The truth is almost the same as what you said, Mr. Cassia. , But being born in such a family will definitely be subject to many restrictions. Mr. Cassia, you should understand that the family spends resources to train us, not to allow us to act freely and create value randomly after we grow up. This approach is too risky Many people will be actively assigned some positions and places by the family, and most people are willing to accept it. There is a mature system in the family to operate, and the positioning of everyone will be very reasonable. It is just that some of them are not willing, but they are definitely There will be room for negotiation. In short, it depends on their respective capabilities in the end."

"Mr. Cassia asked about this for Miss Yejielin?" He said casually, "Don't worry, after leaving school, the family will definitely arrange some important positions, but I don't think the degree of freedom will be low. Large families have different appearances, but the bottom frame is the same. It must rely on the joint efforts of many people to operate. Regular cleaning is like replacing the parts on time to ensure long-term and stable operation."

"Thank you," Cassia said, and a brief silence fell.

Soon after, Cassia spoke again: "About Bofeta, I don’t know what Mr. Ha’s thoughts have in his mind? The purpose is to save someone, right?"

"I don't have much opinion. I have no interest in such a person." Replied with a horrified smile. For the first time, Cassia saw a sense of beauty that shouldn't exist in a man. The horrified appearance and temperament are indeed easy to give birth to. Out of this kind of thing," Lyle investigated the area where he was before, and the evaluation was not very good. In summary, he is not a real strong. Of course, this refers to things other than the surgical stage. I think strong people They will be like famous actors on the stage. If you want to develop in which direction you want to go, the route will be drawn into a straight line, and the process will not be the slightest curve. But Bofeta is obviously not such a person. The background and deterrence provided by the Webley family Trying to let him enjoy things that shouldn't be enjoyed in advance."

"Excellent self-control."

"Yes, that's it. Even if such a person has no talent, he will still be a terrible person."

There was another obvious gap in the conversation. The two seemed not good at talking. During the hour standing in the corridor, silence occupied too much. Cassia returned to her room first, leaving behind a terrifying one.

I couldn't see the sky behind the clouds, so I didn't stop much, took a look at the place where Cassia was standing not long ago, and walked back to the hall.

Only came out of the room around nine o'clock the next morning. Only Iyetta was lying on a bench by the window with a book in the hall. Wearing glasses that didn't work at all, his hair was tied into a bunch, completely immersed in it.

"Food is ready in the kitchen." Hearing Cassia's uncontrolled footsteps, Iyetta raised her head and said, "Last night you and Kai seemed to go back to the room late to rest."

"No one is someone who can rest at ease."

"Being with you two dangerous people, I don't think anyone will feel a trace of security."

Cassia glanced back at Iyetta, seeming to want to see the true meaning of this joke through that face.

"Of course, this doesn't mean you. After all, if you want to do anything, taking advantage of the opportunity and time that night, you can definitely do it, right?" Iyetta smiled and looked at Cassia.

The steps towards the kitchen paused for a moment, and Iyetta's words reminded him of the tavern immediately. Without looking back this time, Cassia hurried into the kitchen. But Iyetta's words still reached his ears: "Kassia, there are really not many people like you."

The news came from Lyle in the early morning of the third day. It was raining heavily, and the wind was blowing, and the water on the glass windows bloomed with ticking sounds. Cassia sat in the back seat of the car and watched the surrounding buildings get a little shorter, then opened the box and took out the weapon.

"It's coming soon." Iyetta said from the passenger seat. "It started from the Webley family early in the morning. According to the news from the follow-up, Bofeta was with other people and there was no chance to do it. Okay. I borrowed the communicator there while staying at a station halfway and let Lyle find an opportunity."

Soon after, the three saw Lyle's limousine stopped by the roadside in front of a low-rise residential complex. At this moment, the car window opened halfway, and Lyle gestured, and the two limousines drove into the residential complex together and came to an underground parking lot. There are already a dozen people in ordinary dress waiting here, but they are all carrying bulging backpacks.

"In housing 13 on the fifth floor, the signal source indicated that the target has not left." Lyle walked over to and gave the order to start the operation. A dozen people were divided into two teams, approaching the target from the stairs and two lifts.

"According to the plan, I will go outside." Cassia glanced at the parking lot. "The floor is not high, and the target can easily escape from the fifth floor through windows on other floors. There should be a group of people ambushing around this building?"

After getting a positive answer, Cassia quickly walked towards the exit and threw the simple floor plan that Lyle gave him into the public trash can. It was drawn based on other residential buildings. The buildings here are all the same, except for the people who live.

Holding a black umbrella, Cassia quickly came to the path under the building. After finding some windows of the 13th house, he looked down at the right time. After half a minute, a whole dense sound wave suddenly spread, covering the sound of rain and rippling around him. A bright light flashed behind the thick curtains, and a dozen bullet holes appeared in the glass windows of the hall amid the low roar, which broke and fell from the fifth floor. It only lasted less than twenty seconds, everything disappeared, and the sound of rain fell from the sky again.

"Seventeen seconds, late stage two surgery." Cassia seemed to be talking to herself. A horrified figure appeared behind the window he was staring at, holding a familiar dark crutch in his hand, with a smile on his face, nodding to Cassia.

(= one second to remember)

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