Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 899: Black and white 2 colors (12)

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"Before the information arrives in this villa, it is all your time to consider. Please think clearly, Miss Lahualar." Before the door was completely closed, Ye Jielin's words penetrated through the gap.

Seeing everyone leaving, Lahualar finally breathed a sigh of relief. Weakly leaning against the wall, she looked at the ceiling, not knowing what to choose now. Not afraid of death is a complete lie, but she knows that even if she did as Ye Jielin asked, the probability of survival in the end was still very low. Although she believed that Ye Jielin was a trustworthy person.

Is Valen still alive? Before the materials were brought by Lyle, Lahualar had been thinking. She remembered that she had contacted Warren not long ago to determine when he came back to the villa to interrogate Eric, because Bofeta was already a little dissatisfied with the efficiency of the two of them.

"It doesn't seem surprising that Valen made this choice, and he was not a good person at first." Lahualar's heart finally collapsed. She remembered that she and Valen hadn't followed Bophita. The experiences of the two are somewhat similar. They were born in an area that is not prosperous. When they were seventeen or eighteen, they left their place of birth and went to the nearby prosperous area, but they plunged into the steam factory and began to be dull and boring for several years. life.

It doesn't seem to have changed much. The only difference is that the salary per month has indeed increased a lot. After the factory closed down due to poor management, the two people who entered the prosperous region and became active in thinking before leaving the factory took away some important core components and process materials from the factory, which later brought them a lot of money.

This is where the change begins. People's laziness and bad habits take root in the two of them all at once, and they are **** in sequence. From then on, he came into contact with the dark world unintentionally, and what he saw was expanded to several times the original in a very short time. After spending two or three years in the dark world, the two of them knew almost at the same time that there was such a magical thing as surgery in the world.

Lahualar now thinks of what happened at that time, and always thinks that he is not insightful and has been confused by others. It can also be seen that the curiosity is too strong. The dark world merchant who can provide low-quality surgery is also a lender. As businessmen, it is too simple to confuse two fanatics who desperately desire to surpass ordinary people. All that needs to be done is basic demonstration and arousing the desires that have been suppressed in their hearts.

No need to obey the laws of the empire, money and status can be obtained naturally, and you can have a lifespan that exceeds that of ordinary people! Seeing ordinary bullets hit the businessman's head, it just scratched a little bit of the skin, and the hearts of the two were completely filled with surgery. A few days later, they signed a loan agreement with the merchant, and finally underwent poor-quality surgery.

But there will definitely be something close to reality and ideals. In the future life, the first few months are indeed the same as they imagined. Living with their own desires is what many people desire. But nearly half a year later, the skyrocketing price of tranquilizers and the unilateral increase in borrowing rates made the two react for the first time.

He is nothing but a profit-making tool kept in captivity by the dark world merchants. It was also at that time that the two realized the rules of the circle of surgeons. Unintentional resistance, inferior surgery and the dark world merchants are not in the same level. Without basic training, a well-equipped team of ordinary people can easily hunt them down.

Since then, they have tried their best to make money, but compared with the ever-increasing interest rates, they seem to lack a lot of ability. It was at that time that I met Bophita who was assigned by the family. It's just that Lahualar is the Bophy who met in the tavern-she seems to have found her only advantage after the operation, becoming more and more beautiful. But Valen met two people outside the tavern, thinking about robbing the person who came out of the tavern in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, Bofeta just came out of the family at that time, and her character has not changed to what she is now. Since then, he has been a subordinate of Bofeta and has continued to this day.

Lahualar felt that he should be grateful, but at this time he finally got completely calm. Recalling what happened in the past few years, she felt for the first time that she had just moved from one captive circle to another many years ago. It's just that the circle is wider now, so wide that you can't see the hidden fence without expending some effort to run in one direction.

"After all, it's just someone else's tool. It's like this in the factory, and it's still the way it is now, but the level has been improved a bit and a lot of decoration has been added.

The sound of opening the door interrupted Lahualar's thoughts. Ye Jielin and He and the others walked in, holding a pile of just copied materials in their hands, smelling of warm ink. It is the photo and the sound recorded in the pub at that time.

Lahualar waved his hand: "No, I can follow your requirements, but I hope that Miss Ye Jielin can fulfill your agreement. I need a certain amount of money. Although I have been following Bofeta for several years, I have all the benefits. The relevant things are in his hands, what I do is just to help calculate the amount."

"You can rest assured, I will let you leave here." Ye Jielin replied, "Then, there is a question, how long has it been since Bofeta came back here?

"It will be four days until dawn. Calling Master Bofeta to come over should not arouse suspicion. Because according to the scheduled time, Varen will return to the villa today and use his own means to interrogate Eric. To get this information."

"Then the next thing will trouble you. Before dawn, you can receive our treatment." Ye Jielin said, turning her head to look at Ha, "Mr. Ha."

"Don't worry, with the medicine and Miss Lahualar's own surgery, I think my legs can restore basic walking ability before dawn. The only drawback is that they are not very flexible."

With a few hours before dawn, Cassia and Hae began to discuss plans to deal with Bofeta. As the ultimate goal, there is no need to consider the destruction of firearms to the villa, and the result is quickly finalized. Ye Jielin and Hai are very good at this aspect.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Lahualar came to the hall with two simple crutches. My legs recovered a bit, and I barely walked after losing the crutches. She sat down at the table, and Lyle helped move the communication machine.

"Master When we talk to the other side, Lahualar reports as usual," Warren returned to the villa at about 4 in the morning. After several hours of interrogation, Eric Said the location where the data in hand is stored. I have sent someone to pick it up, whether the young master needs to come over to make sure, and what to do with Eric. "

The conversation was very short, and Cassia and the others who stood by kept their breath and heartbeat to the lowest level. In the quiet hall, they could also catch the sound in the earpiece.

"Thank you Miss Lahualar." Ye Jielin put a golden bank card and said, "There are a million holy coins in it. I think it will be enough for you to live for a while."

With a sigh of relief, Lahualar's eyes showed gratitude. She stretched out her hand to pick up the card, and was about to say something, her neck numb instantly, and her whole body trembled unconsciously. He could clearly hear the sound of "click" in his ears, and then his eyes turned, Lahualar then realized that his neck was broken and his head fell on the table. His vision began to blur, and tears naturally fell from the corners of his eyes.

In the last glance, Lahualar only saw Ye Jielin shaking her head, as if sighing. At the same time, a man in a white dress walked back from the corner of his sight and stood beside several other people she didn't know.

(=Old Iron, please remember 3@3小说网)

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