Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 902: Ancient history and the potential of fat people (3)

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The front cover of the car flipped over, and the glass window opened a few cracks, but the distance was completely broken and a more violent attack was needed. The front of the car was blown up, and the captain suddenly stepped on his foot to stabilize the car: "Go!"

A large amount of steam escaped from the ceremonial car. Just as it was about to rush away from the smoke, a sharp sound was made from the side, and a scratch was pulled from the rear of the car to the driver's seat. But in the face of special materials that can defend against artillery, the sharpness of the tactical knife only leaves white marks on it.

The two limousine cars smashed through the iron fence one after the other, ignoring any attacks at all, fleeing towards the villa area frantically. Iyetta and Selmer drove the car in the middle of the road, but were directly driven by the huge power car. The total number of vehicles equipped with a full set of bulletproof devices is more than three or four times that of an ordinary ceremonial car, and the traces of artillery left on it are nothing more than opening its front cover. The group of people who suddenly broke in was obviously well prepared. The power of the modified limo was comparable to large construction machinery, just like a small derailed locomotive.

The dense firepower network was concentrated on the two trains, and all the tires burst, and the steel wheel Yi rubbed a string of towing sparks on the ground, but the speed was not reduced. After turning the corner, the new tires were inflated from the middle of Lun Yi and rushed forward with two ceremonial cars.

"Kassia!" A long limousine rushed to the road where the smoke came from the villa, and Ato Ring shouted at Kassia from the driver's seat. A few steps ran over and got into the ceremonial car. Cassia squeezed between a bunch of communication facilities. The door of the car had not been closed. The Atuo Ring had twisted the main valve to the maximum and rushed out.

"Everyone get in the car and catch up!"

He came to the side of the road. At this time, Iyetta had changed a very simple car and drove over. After he loaded it, he swiftly increased the speed and ran out of the villa with the modified car in Atohuan.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, it's just that the target prey seems to have collided together at a bad time." He took a deep breath and said, "Lyle is in their hands. The communicator on the center console pressed the button.

After a few seconds, the communication was connected, and a mechanical voice came: "Young Master Hack?"

"Immediately activate the signal generator implanted in Lyle's body to allow all people in the central area of ​​Manoma to move and track the signal. People from other areas rush to the highway where the signal may enter. In addition, the emergency action plan is activated. , Contact the people I left in the plan and inform them of my remuneration. If I accept, I will inform them of the signal. In addition, I need someone to report the location of the signal generator for me at any time and plan the best interception route ."

"Yes, Master Hae, do it right away." The voice did not reassure Hae. He pressed a button on the car, which was the built-in signal generator. Only then did I remember to take off the top hat, slammed the seat belt, turned his head and looked back, one after another, there were limo cars coming out of the villa area, following them. But the speed is not impressive. Although there are few vehicles on the road on rainy days, it is considered smooth and there is no huge resistance. But in terms of power and overall performance, the remaining vehicles are far behind the first four limo cars.

The rain rose sharply at this time, and a gray rain curtain was quickly woven in front of the car. This is the sharp whistle of the Manoma Defense Force clearing the road from afar.

The chasing vehicle team pulled out a long line on the road and rushed out of the center of Manoma at full speed. Everyone is in a tacit understanding, perhaps the siren of the defense forces kept them silent for a short time. No one chooses to do it in the city. Once they are surrounded by defense forces due to the delay in the exchange of fire, they will face the firepower and armed forces they cannot solve, and over time, the number and quality of defense forces coming from various branches will be delayed. There will also be a stepped increase.

At least they remember that this is Manoma, and only silent actions under the dark night are acquiesced, but the premise is whether they are caught. The chiefs of the defense forces and special operations agencies don't mind taking this opportunity to reap an extra benefit.

Atuohuan stared at the front, and the extremely fast speed made the raindrops that the body beat passively to make a "crack" sound. A pile of communication equipment and Cassia's weight were pressed down, but at the extremely fast speed of the ceremonial car, the body still vibrated slightly on the flat road. The steam engine was overloaded from the beginning, and the whistling of the giant bee's wings could not be well isolated by the soundproofing device. At this time, it passed into the ears of him and Cassia.

No one spoke, Cassia believed that Ato Ring could keep up with the enemy in front of him, while Ato Ring trusted Cassia's strength. In his cognition, Cassia has not let them down, although Atohuan may guess that this strength will definitely pay a huge price.

They all chose a quiet road, and after ten minutes, the limo drove out of the central area along the road. The enemy's two vehicles separated at the fork in the road ahead, and the vehicle carrying the Bophita disappeared in the eyes of everyone in a few seconds. Except for a few vehicles that were arranged to follow, all the targets were concentrated on them. On vehicles that are faintly visible in the field of view.

"Everyone quickly inject the antidote, the air in the villa is mixed with biological poison. Remember to give the target a shot, he can't die now." The captain was given another shot of the powerful antidote by himself, and he felt slow in his head. The pain that appears is reduced. Turning his head and looking at the car following the rain curtain, his eyes fell on the two people who were unconscious in the back seat of the car. The captain thought about the relationship between Ye Jielin and Bofeta.

"Is it discovered? That's really careless." Thinking of the biological poisonous gas in the villa, the captain didn't think there would be a cooperative relationship between the two. "In this way, we can find clues to pull out the Bofeta behind the scenes. As for the team dispatched for the first time, it will fail. I can probably accept it."

Thinking of this, the captain contacted another team: "Wake up Bofeta, and the people behind you have the ability to make no one from the previous team go back. If we get entangled in this way, we will get deeper and deeper." In a short time, there has been Dozens of limo cars rushed out from the intersection in an attempt to intercept them. I don't know how many people are chasing behind him, but what he sees tells him that it must be more and more. As long as the speed of the limousine is delayed, it will be surrounded.

Half a minute later, Bofeta's gloomy voice came from the unbroken communication: "Who are you?"

"Mr. Bofeta, we meet again." The captain lifted his mask at this time, as if greeted Bofeta via a radio signal. There was a smile on that determined face, as if Bofeta was right in front of his eyes.

"Kusoli!" Sharp with teeth already knew who the owner of this voice was.

"You have broken your teeth but you will lose another escape weapon." Kusori said calmly, "You should thank me for saving you from the villa, otherwise you are now a corpse. Don't blame me. , Your information cost us five people. Although it’s not very important, it’s time for a shortage of manpower. The way you use us is so obvious that the members of the Kirish family won’t buy it. You can only say that you look at us. It’s too simplistic, or you think too much of your status in the Webley family."

"There is one more thing, my superior asked me to relay it to you-the Kiris family is a huge information collection and analysis organization. In our opinion, how can we obtain information better, faster and more accurately? What? Starting from the source, or tracing back to the source a little bit, would be the easiest and fastest way."

Kussori seemed to be endorsing a child, full of serious and careful feeling: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bofeta, your handling of information is too clumsy. Just know that you have the information and information of the characters in the portrait in your hand. The odds are slim, and today’s action will happen at some time."

"You don't have the qualifications and strength to use the Kiris family at will!"

(=Old Iron, please remember 3@3小说网)

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