Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 909: Ancient history and the potential of fat people (10)

Silence fell unknowingly, and why the three of them closed their mouths. Perhaps it is the countless memories in their heads that are impacting their spirits, and they don't have the experience to organize their own language now.

Hilary Riley glanced at Nonoska, and then at Chilman: "If the information and the incomplete paintings are real, then in the era of ancient history, the mainland group does exist. In fact, everyone is early in their hearts. There will be a result. During our return journey, I think the answer will be in our respective hearts. Those discovered will not lie, not to mention that some of the recorded things have already appeared during our voyage. "

"Even if it has appeared, it is something that has been left behind by fluke in time. As we know the second type of creatures on three continents. Several giant countries have the strength and ability to create self-sufficient ocean giants. The ship explores sea areas that have never been touched before, and adds the banner of expedition. It does not cost much, I think there will be a large number of volunteers to participate. Just like us at the time. I want to find the lost in history. The mainland group, in a few hundred years, I don’t think it will be possible again."

"Did it sink to the bottom of the sea?" Hilary Riley took Nonoska's words, "The huge vortex in the sky spread, and the dark clouds brought a long night. After a long time, when the sun fell on the earth again, something happened. Change. As long as I have studied ancient history, I think everyone knows this sentence. Combining with what we have explored, the most supportive result is the result of Nonoska’s conjecture."

Chilman nodded, thought about it, and said with a little embarrassment: "Actually, I know all these things. What I want to ask the most is the things recorded in ancient history. The relationship between the continent group and us is not very big, just I feel that the continent of the left is extremely broad. Even for people like us, it may take a long time to travel the entire religious country. The continent is broad. For me, at best, I just know—oh It turns out that the specific value of the area is this, it is really big enough, in short, it is bigger than my own garden."

"Aren't you interested? Ancient history means a prosperous civilization, a lost world that we have never been in contact with. Although it ended in Hilarylee's words, it recorded a lot of events about gods. I feel that This is what interests people in ancient history. People in ancient history have always believed in the existence of gods, possessing irresistible power, and their life span is almost as long as the entire period of the ancient history. It is also appropriate to think of undead people..."

  Nornoska looked at Chilman at this time, with doubts in her eyes: "Chilman, you don't seem to be a person who pursues eternal life, right?"

   Chilman waved his hand immediately: "If I am interested in it, I will not ask you in this form."

"Chirman is not such a person, but you know, everyone is very sensitive now, this kind of topic is really not very good." Hilary Lily interjected, "I think Chirman should mean that the church is long In history, from its establishment to the present, the ocean exploratory fleet operations headed by Venetus have continued. In addition to exploring unknown mysteries and searching for new resources, is there a certain type of people? , Or someone’s personal purpose?"

  Nornoska did not answer. He looked at the group of young people on the deck for a long time, and only opened his mouth when he finally turned around: "There are some things that we can't discuss, especially about the Senate and the popes."

"Let’s go to the deck too, Chilman, take your things, and find a quiet place. There is a rare opportunity to go to other continents. There will be no relaxing time. This month I I don't want to use it to think about these annoying things." Nonoska turned back at the door, "Just complete the orders and tasks. For other things, let the people who should worry about it worry about it. Does it matter whether there is a god? In our time, they will not disappear forever."

   "Indeed, they are all dead, too." Chilman laughed and said as he put his bag, followed.

  Hila Ruili walked at the end, smiling at the two people in front of her. After hesitating at the door, she turned her head and looked at the boundless sea outside the window, as if the ancient continents they had spent 30 years exploring and exploring were right in front of her.

   "The dark clouds brought a long night, and the only light at that time was the boundless flames burning on the horizon..." muttered to herself, Hilary Li took the opportunity to come home, and her voice was cut off at this moment.


   The death certificate was not officially announced in the end. Seeing Eric back to the office, there was surprise, hidden irritation and fear. The expression is very rich, except for sighing, Eric can no longer express his feelings with other emotions.

   The first thing he did when he returned to the special operations agency, Eric contacted his subordinates. In less than half a month, nearly ten people were fired for various reasons. It took a day to find them one by one in their residences, only a few people were still in Manoma, and the others had already returned to their hometowns.

   In the evening, Eric only drove back to the office building, and there were two people on duty standing at the window smoking cigarettes, chatting without a word.

   "Huh,,," Sitting at his desk, Eric took off his coat, letting out a sigh of resignation and sadness. Everything changed, the trajectory took a huge curve in a short time, leading him elsewhere.

" Eric, you know?" The two on duty leaned against the window at this time, looking at Eric with a little complicated eyes. "The people from the headquarters of the special operations agency are here today. , Took away all of our superiors, this morning."

   The faces of the people in the villa appeared in front of them, and Eric nodded without answering. He felt that he should say: "Expected." But in the end he didn't say it. After drinking a glass of water, Eric looked at his empty office desk, grabbed his coat and drove away from here.

   The next day, the people from the headquarters spent time here again, not only brought the results of the interrogation and judgment of the branch managers here, but also gave the notice of Eric's promotion.

"I hope you can report on time in a week. During this time, you can take a break. The executive department of the headquarters is large, and here is Manoma. The pressure will not be small. I hope you can get used to it as soon as possible." As the people at the headquarters left, he looked at his promotion notice and smiled.

   In the justice he is looking forward to, from now on, he has to add something into it.

   "These are all costs and things are taken for granted." He said, glanced at the office building behind him, and his expression became relaxed.


"Congratulations, you have successfully entered the cleaning mechanism." Opening the door, in addition to smelling the open wine, Gabriel's words also entered his ears, "You should stop now, time is running out. , I suggest you better start preparing for the knight attendant assessment soon. Otherwise, I don’t think you will have a chance to catch up with Cassia in the future."

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