Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 912: Coming preparation (3)

The rare calm came, but the military school still maintained a basic excitement. The freshmen's outing missions were released from time to time, much more frequently than they were in this issue. It can not be said that the quality of the freshmen in this period is good. Judging from the survival rate of each mission, it is indeed much better than Cassia. On the premise of getting the desired training effect, the school administrators hope to see more people alive.

  While waiting for the release of the rules of the knight attendant assessment task, they all entered the full training. Cassia himself is more inclined to find a quiet environment to explore the interchangeability of Sukarius and the giant whale method. The focus was on the method of the giant whale. After the second dream, he gained an extra ability. Like the uncontrollable breath in a scaly state, the body can unknowingly use the energy contained in the blood to emit a cold air of very low temperature. And by the way, the physique has also changed silently, and it is more like a cold-blooded animal. But until now, Cassia has not found anything wrong with him.

   During this time, I practiced how to control the drop in body temperature. There is not much time left for herself, and Cassia has no spare capacity to continue the development of surgery for temperature control. With the method of the giant whale, coupled with the keen perception of the body, perhaps under fine control, the effect of surgical development of body temperature control can also be achieved. In the future, after shielding the detection ability of temperature perception, all actions will undergo new changes.

   The body's cold resistance has also been greatly improved. In the training place close to the extreme cold current, Cassia found that he did not need to expend more physical energy to maintain the basic temperature. As if melted into this cold environment, everything became natural.

   It has always been said in textbooks that cetaceans are mammals and need to maintain a constant body temperature, but it does not apply to the giant whales of the second type of organism. Neither strength nor size is appropriate. In terms of data, the description of giant whales is generally "mountains that move freely in the sea." Adult giant whales can have a body length of more than several kilometers. The sea is to them like humans understand the land.

  Be more kind-tempered. At least many ocean expeditions have witnessed this second type of creature. It's just that they rarely actively attack humans. Although Cassia doesn't know whether dragons are very aggressive against other creatures, I have seen one in the Brino area, but it cannot be used as a reference. As for Cassiehei, when Cassia thought about these issues, he never brought him in. It felt unnecessary.

   Now I am more interested in another giant country on the post-phase continent. The structure of the Flame Alliance is different from that of the Far Sea Common Nations and Empire. More inclined to nature, and from Linna, Cassia knew that many people in the Flame Alliance could talk to the second type of creatures in the spiritual world. Although it was only one-sided, it was magical enough.

   "The environment and geography there created the flame alliance and the super-country on the right-phase continent." The book always says so. Moreover, since a long time ago, many geologists in history have guessed that the three continents were once one. It should be due to some reasons.

   Reading in his free time has taught Cassia a lot, and he is actively using the massive knowledge in the military school library to supplement himself.

"Tonight is the last training. Tomorrow I will leave school, and I will come back in about a month or two. Maybe I just rushed to the knight attendant to come back before the assessment. I can't tell the situation. I can't figure out the situation." With a heavy hammer, the handle turned into a bend under countless swings.

   "Going out on a mission?" Cassia put the epee beside him and asked after a few breaths.

"Body memory and past instinctive reactions, as well as perceptual acuity have been restored, and there is no reason to stay in the training ground." Bei Qi nodded and replied, "It's time to verify the results and score myself. Since entering the military school. It’s been a long time since I’ve been exposed to real danger, and this state is fatal to people like us.”

"By the way, after I leave, Simia will take over my job and act as a coach. I used to be the coach of the Second Samsung Academy, but I lost my position because of something. Now I am considered as my subordinate. You are already familiar with each other. Now, you need help just to find her. But maybe you don’t need it, she may also ask you about something.” Biao looked at the hexagonal protective glass on top of his head, “At this time, Cassia, I also think you should face some things. When you get older, in the future, you will know that the persistence in your heart is nothing. There will always be various situations that distort you."

   "Okay, familiarize yourself with it again, I'll go back and prepare first."

  孛锒 said, walking towards the gate of the training ground, twisting his neck, and beckoning to Cassia: "I hope you will be back in a few months and I hope you have the real qualifications to participate in the knight attendant assessment."

   Same as I said, close to noon the next day, Himia went to the training ground to find Cassia.

"The identity card has been handed over to you?" Simia asked directly, "If you need other help, such as the surgical development materials you want, or any position in the empire, military rank, etc. Wait, you can bring it up. You know these are not difficult things, as long as you are willing to speak ~ ~ Kassia shook his head: "Not for the time being. If there is a need, I will speak. "

"That's waiting for you, but it's best before the knight attendant assessment. That is a big selection. In all regions of the empire, various organizations will send people to stare at them and win the people they want. Afterwards, they will be assigned to a position. It seems more troublesome."

"By the way, in the assimilation and fusion of surgery, there are some medicines for you. Although I know that it will not have much effect on you, this is an order I accepted, and I still have to implement it. It has been written into the school for your training. The resources are in, remember to get them back, otherwise our side will be the loser."

   Himia seemed to have a catalog in his head, and when the princess left, he came to Cassia to confirm one by one.

"Then after graduation, is there an interruption to the Chilaandi family? You can go there anytime, you know in your heart that the door will always be open for you. Go to the military department, the empire management agency, etc., as long as it is not the Holy Royal Hall The organizations below have ways to make you have a higher starting point. Time should not be wasted on these."

   After dinner at noon, Cassia went to the logistics department when she returned to the dormitory. The box I brought back was full of potions, at least for the next few months. I took a copy to the biological laboratory building, and the old professors replied, "For you, these are no different from injecting saline into the body."

   So he went out and Cassia gave all these potions to Delya.

   "Remember to send some to Waters, these should be of great help to you." Cassia waited until the joy on Delya's face disappeared, then said.

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