Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 914: Coming preparations (5)

In the evening, I boarded the airship, and the ten-day voyage officially began.

According to Cassia's request, Manoma's more than a dozen factories have all been sold, and the handling of the machines is nearing completion. In terms of personnel, with the exception of a few principals who are still dealing with the finishing work, if other personnel are willing, they will be packed up one after another today and boarded the vehicles bound for the edge of Manoma.

"The only thing that hasn't been cleaned up is the villa base. When I return from the southern forest, I think I will speed up." After dinner, the two did not leave the restaurant in a hurry, but found a quiet place. Everyone asked for the drinks they wanted, and sat aside to discuss the latest things.

"Waters will receive the medicine you brought us from the leader in one or two weeks. Because he couldn't get in touch with you, he asked me to thank you from the bottom of my heart. And let me tell you so don’t worry about Chil. Regarding the kingdom, everything is steadily proceeding according to the plan because of the local powerful forces on the list."

"That's good, after the New Year, I also have a lot of time to help you deal with some business troubles. Development should be able to speed up at that time." Cassia replied, "Yes, there are a few more things you need to focus on. deal with."

After thinking about it, Cassia said to Delya: "First, you need to get out of the management of the factory as soon as possible, use remote control, and try not to show up again. Second, I remember that Waters had asked a group of People entered while recruiting troops from the Imperial Army. The situation of those people needs to be tracked in time and they have the opportunity to help. Thirdly, after the New Year, the factories in the surrounding areas of Manoma can be kept as they are. Our remaining funds are in To meet Waters’ situation, the rest can choose to build our factories in other regions. Try to avoid the prosperous regions and be close to industrial cities. Except for platinum bullets and ordinary firearms, business on other weapons requires Speed ​​up development. On the artillery, we should have some experience, right?"

Delya nodded: "A little money on artillery and ammunition can solve the current technical and production problems."

After getting the answer, Cassia nodded: "The last question is about the surgical recruitment of recruits. Funds are limited, and tranquilizers are also a huge problem. You need to review and observe here to make sure that you can be trained as a core member, and let the dark world Let the doctors perform operations on them. In the future, ordinary personnel will no longer be competent for many things."

After returning to her room two hours later, Cassia let her head out of the discussion just now, sitting at the table, quietly watching the information in her hand.

The Knight Servant assessment was released yesterday and contains all the information. From the starting time, to the venue of the assessment, to the requirements for the qualification of thirty-six knights of the Round Table, are all listed in it. Of course, the specific assessment tasks are not written out, but the general situation is also explained.

Omitting the previous useless words, the assessment tasks are divided into two, one is theoretical results, accounting for only 20%, and the other is actual combat tasks. The location is set in the endless sea tundra, the real limit area. . A very broad area was drawn to provide a large number of qualified examiners in the empire. The task itself is more inclined to confront the examiners with natural forces and second-class creatures.

The information clearly stated that the qualification for thirty-six places lies at the core of this assessment, killing the ferocious creatures specially prepared by the Imperial Council. During the hunt, personnel will be arranged to follow the whole process. One is to evaluate the performance based on the evaluation team from the major families of the Quartet, but this will only slightly affect the result. The final decision is still the thing in the prepared ferocious creatures, which is not a good idea. According to the following information, tokens are special communicators.

After sorting out the whole process, it is divided into only a few stages. In the first stage, examiners take special vehicles on the tundra to the designated area in batches. The area is circular, the vehicle passes through it with a diameter, and the examiner can freely choose the place and time to get off. A few hours of adaptation time will be given, after which a large number of Class II creatures will be released. They have been injected with biological hormones to promote appetite and mania. It takes three weeks to survive in this environment, after which 36 fierce creatures representing the quota will be randomly released. The rest is looking for 36 creatures, hunting and getting implanted tokens.

Of course, this is not over. After you get the token, you have two options. One is to take it to the rescue center set up at the edge of the assessment area, and the other is to take it with you and pass it every twelve hours. It reports its own assessment number, which needs to be reported eight times in succession, that is, it needs to hide other assessors for four The next information is for those assessors who did not meet the standard during the operation stage. It is stipulated that if they have the ability to obtain tokens and complete one of the final two options, they are also eligible for the qualifications of attendants. And on another point, the imperial assembly also formulated a protection rule for these people.

People in the second stage will send out a distress signal generator and can take the initiative to leave the assessment task. And the people in the third stage cannot actively hunt them, and the people who get the token are not within the protection scope of the rules. If the rules are violated, there will be corresponding deduction items. Correspondingly, the reverse is a bonus item.

The end of the assessment is based on the time when all 36 tokens are valid. Although it will immediately send a team to pick up and pick up the assessors at the end, because the assessment area is huge, the time in different locations is not necessarily.

At the end of the data, a few sentences were written specifically. The meaning is obvious, the protagonist of the assessment is the three-stage surgeon, and I hope you can achieve the final victory. In addition, even if some people in the second stage of surgery are eligible for recommendation, please consider your own strength in deciding whether to participate in this assessment. And all the people in the imperial council welcomed the second-stage surgeons and welcomed them to join the hunt for the third-stage examiners.

Finally, the Imperial Assembly hopes that after the assessment, as many people as possible are still alive.

"There are no opportunities everywhere, this is just the first one."

The inscription was the signature of the members of the Imperial Assembly. Finally, as the institution of the twelve knights of the round table, the holy emperor and the holy fathers of the holy palace also gave their names.

"Thirty-six ferocious creatures?" After closing the information, Cassia had a general plan in mind. Finally, he glanced at the assessment scope map that was drawn out, "It's another long journey."

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