Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 917: Chaos (1)

No life, the huge forest did not bring far to the city here, both in terms of safety and economy. Most of the people who stayed here are getting older, and almost all the young people have left. It is also difficult to occasionally see one or two spiritual faces on the street.

Originally thought it would be a temporary resting place for surgeons, but then Cassia learned that there were self-built long-term bases at the edges of the empire's extreme regions to provide a large number of surgeons who enter it every year. The equipment there is very complete, and the dealers who buy and sell are stationed almost all year round-while selling their own high-performance weapons, such as white gold bullets, blue silver bullets, antidote, protective armor, high explosive bombs, etc., they also bought them back in the first time. The materials in the hands of the surgeon, minerals and special organs on the second-class creatures, precious plants, etc.

In the empire's surgical circle, there are still many people who have not joined any groups. The money for tranquilizers and the money used to exchange surgical development project materials all rely on their own strength.

Delya came back shortly afterwards: "The delivery team has been found, and the iron box you requested to make, the leader, has also found the manufacturer. But because of the special materials, they don't have them on hand, so they can only buy them urgently from nearby big cities. It takes three days to get here. I paid half of the cost first, otherwise they would not even be able to pay for the materials with their funds."

"I told them all the shipping requirements? It shouldn't be so easy."

"I thought so at the beginning, but being too old gave them courage. They said they were close to the forest, but they were actually far away. It just so happened that they also had unused trucks in their hands, so you can drive them back. The most important thing is that there is nothing that money cannot solve here. That money is enough for them to buy a new truck. It won’t fail to agree, everything is going well.”

"That's good, help me prepare some potions these days, and when the iron box is finished, I can set off."

The departure was five days later, and it took several days to reach the destination of Cassia from here. After bringing enough steam cans to store, Cassia set off with a bunch of old people with mostly white hair. Delya did not follow. At the same time, she boarded the airship passing by and headed to another prosperous city in the coastal region. There are more important tasks on her body. After Manoma was abandoned, she needed to find a few new footholds as references to prepare basic data for the development after the new year.

Cassia also told her the location of the sub-frontier he chose: "Look at the environment, traffic and atmosphere, and focus on the state of the imperial management institutions there. Just return to the villa base before the new year."

The road is relatively boring, and I can still follow the road for the first two or three days, and the road conditions are considered good. But after leaving the small radiation area of ​​the city, grasses and large tracts of low shrubs occupy the entire land. The climate here is not long before autumn. Compared with the winter that Manoma has entered earlier, Cassia sitting on the roof of the car can experience the feeling of two different worlds.

The empire is so big that it can maintain the established model to run for thousands of years. Thinking about it, it does make people feel a sense of fear rising from the bottom of my heart.

There was a soft sound of music from the cab from time to time, and Cassia could already sing along. A few days passed, and the group of old drivers kept cycling, not feeling bored at all. They can find a different freshness in each repeated song.

"In our period, about thirty years ago, this was a very popular song in a region. At that time, we were not married yet. The singer was the object of our dreams, and we still remember it." Turned out a photo in the utility room piled up in front of the car window, wiped it with his sleeves and handed it to Cassia.

She is indeed a very attractive woman, with a beautiful face and a slender body, as well as an excellent figure and charming temperament. The photographer who took this photo is a good hand. He has completely circled all the characteristics and attractiveness of women into this photo. Cassia thought, he did not know that he was paying attention in the wrong direction.

One of the drivers took the photo handed back by Cassia and sighed: "I'm as old as we are. I haven't seen information about her for more than ten years. I don't know how it is now. After all, I was so enthusiastic about her. ."

In the cab, the topic was suddenly brought up, and Cassia sat on the roof of the car and listened all the way until he reached the destination, then stopped.

Several old drivers unloaded the off-road vehicle for the return trip from the heavy truck and explained a lot of things to Cassia before returning at noon. Seeing the off-road vehicle disappear into the wilderness, Cassia got into the cab. The photo was posted on the side of the rearview mirror. A woman was looking at the camera with a smile, as if she was watching everything in the side of the photo has a signature-Ana Star Velga.

After turning on the map to make sure that there was no offset route, Cassia started a heavy truck on the way. This is more than half of the route to the destination, and then he left alone.

Turning on the player embedded in the truck, the vinyl record was swallowed, familiar music rang again, and Cassia hummed unconsciously. "It sounds really good." He commented that the car was quickly swallowed by the pale yellow weeds and evergreen bushes.

A few days later, a green wall arched slightly towards the middle appeared in the distance. The air is mixed with the astringency of leaves and the decadent taste of dead leaves. The mist over the forest was much thicker than when he came here a few months ago. The map shows that he is very close to the area that was originally designated for Cassie Black, and one day, he will be able to get nearby if he wants to.

The trees on the wasteland have increased a lot, and the driving route has become very few. Seeing the light dimmed, Cassia moved forward for a while, then stopped the truck and got out of the cab to breathe outside.

Stars can be seen on the dark blue sky above the head, and the moonlight is very natural. It's been a long time since I saw the starry sky, Cassia sighed, and the roar from time to time in the southern forest came in her ears.

"I don't know if Cassiehe has learned other things during the time I was away." Cassia returned to the car before thinking about it. As soon as his thoughts started, Cassiehe seemed to be standing next to an old tree in the forest. When he heard the sound, he immediately turned around, with a grinning smile on his face, and moved towards the scene where he awkwardly waved his hands to say hello.

Eyes opened instantly, and Cassia took a few deep breaths, no longer thinking about these irrelevant things. It's not an imagination that makes the mood happy, he said to himself.

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